Thursday, December 5, 2019

Is The Internet Watching?

Is The Internet Watching?
Have you ever made a comment about something, a car, a restaurant, a TV, or whatever and minutes later an ad appears on your PC for that very item?

Of course, you have.  It happens all the time.  How does Google, Facebook or whatever know what ad to prod you with, how do they know what you are interested in?

Spooky isn’t it.  Mrs. C thinks they are tapped into our PC’s.  They see us through the camera and hear through the PC mike.  I thought she was crazy, now I am not so sure.

Just the other day while I was playing solitaire on the PC, out of the blue came an ad that was just uncanny.

How do they know, how did any weird algorithm figure out this item that I have been coveting for some time?  The ad did not pop up just once, it appears every time I start up a new game.  They know something I’m telling you!

A brand-new Volvo,  it looks like a beauty, and just what I need.  This ad is so tempting I want to go and buy it tomorrow.  Problem is the price.  Well they didn’t specify the cost, but this beauty could not come cheap.

I guess I could apply for a loan and pay it off over time, but Mrs. C thinks the HOA might not allow a brand-new Volvo High Power Excavator parked in front of our unit.

Just what I've always wanted.  How did the internet know?
Damn…it sure looks great in the advertisement. With it I could plant my tomatoes next year in style!


  1. They are listening, and maybe you could just rent one next year when it's time to plant. Much cheaper than finding a place to store it, and who'd want to pay for the oil change and other maintenance?

  2. LOL; it is a little scary though how quickly the ads pop up when you google something. I did hear a report that some of the new Smart TVs have microphones/cameras in them to catch what people are talking about to gear ads towards them. I did also hear that you can disable them so that was good. Nothing is private any more. Nothing.


  3. I went to a friends office and he had a post it over the camera on his PC's monitor. I made fun of him for being paranoid. Now I am reading all this stuff about what people are doing with these cameras and on The Today Show they showed how they should be covered. Yikes. Scary world.

  4. Heh, heh! I'm glad my husband doesn't play solitaire on the PC, or he'd have to have one. And he doesn't even plant tomatoes!

  5. I broke wind whilst working on the Internet the other day and I got an advert on the screen to cure flatulence.

    God bless.

  6. I can't tell if you are joking about the excavator ad or not? There can't be much of a demand for

  7. Yep they're watching us. This happens to me all the time. A while back I had a guy come by to give me an estimate on cutting down a pine tree. He told me it would cost $1100.00, me, that's a little high isn't it, him, we have just purchased some new equipment. Me, I'll just let it fall across the street and the city will have to cut it up, for free. I wasn't paying for his new equipment.

  8. Looked up at my computer and noticed I had covered the camera long ago. Never used it so why not? I also turn off my Echo until I need an answer. She kept responding to the TV and kept wanting to order me a pizza. Not sure I'm paranoid but just don't like hassle. That excavator really is pretty flashy though. Be strong Joe.

  9. Yes they are listening. I just discussed something with wifey (just discussed, nothing in writing, no Google search etc) and lo behold that advt started appearing all over my screen whenever I open a new site.

  10. There is no such thing as privacy anymore. I've had those same experiences, feel like our house is bugged. I've just about convinced my husband that Okay Google is evil.

  11. Of course the internet is watching and all those google "home appliances" that let you say "play XXX music" and the stereo turns on, they are all listening and gathering information. Don't let anyone tell you that Big Brother is a myth. They ARE watching and listening.

  12. I remember the time when ads invaded my PC but that was a long time ago. Someone told me how to get rid of them and I did, only now I can't remember what I did. Oh yes, I remember, I had to go into Settings to adjust them to the way I wanted. Well, it works for me!

  13. I know Alexa is listening and the news reported the other day that our smart TVs are watching us.

  14. My wife recently went to lunch with a friend. The friend paid, my wife did nothing to leave any kind of 'electronic trail', or anything like that. Next day, she had an email waiting, asking her to review her experience at the restaurant. Only thing we can figure is that the GPS in her smart phone ratted her out. . .

  15. i believe that through technology we use companies already assign agreement with agencies that are interested to watch through people (for good or bad)

    they see and hear us ,our texts and calls everything is front of them dear Joe
    we stay in hotel in Karachi or islamabad and they ask for rating or review ,my younger son showed me few days back that many people had visited his ratting spot
    new world is scary palace
