Saturday, December 21, 2019

Facebook Diss

Facebook Diss

The other day I made a comment on Facebook to Charley, a longtime friend from high school.   One of his Facebook friends responded to me.

Brenda Olson: Joe HagyYour name is familiar; do I know you from Civics class at Edison?”

Now, Edison was my Junior High school.  I attended in ninth grade.  I must say I was a bit miffed that this person would only remember me from Civics class in ninth grade.  I mean I was not your big man on campus, but in high school I got around a little bit.  I was even co-captain of the football team; why would this person remember me from civics class in ninth grade?

Of course, I checked her out on Facebook and dang she is still pretty cute.  Why didn’t I remember her from high school?

So I responded perhaps a bit snarky,

“I was class of ’64 at Westfield High and did go to Edison so we may have been in the same class.”

I was still a bit miffed to be remembered for attending civics class in ninth grade and nothing else.  I was about to search her out in the yearbook to see what kind of a big shot she was, when she responded to me;

“Well it must be, I taught Civics at Edison from ’59 to ’62.  I was about ten year older than most of my students.”

Holy crap, Brenda Olson was a teacher!  Now I was feeling pretty proud that a teacher would remember my name from 58 years ago.  I must have made quite an impression on her.

Thinking further on this, I wondered why was this teacher a Facebook friend with my old longtime friend. 

Hmmm…wait a minute, Charley lived in a garden apartment and I remember his next-door neighbor was one of our teachers; I think it was Civics.  They were Facebook friends as old neighbors.  She would remember me because I was at Charley’s several times a week all through High School and summers during college.  She would have seen me a lot.  If not for that connection I doubt she would have recognized my name from Adam.

In about ten minutes, I went from being miffed at only being recognized from an obscure time in ninth grade, to thinking I must have been a special student to be remembered by a teacher, to realizing it was not my prowess as a student that she remembered, just that she saw me a lot at Charley’s.

Oh well, emotions are a funny thing.

I kind of remember that in ninth grade my civics teacher was an older lady; 58 years later I checked her on Facebook, and she looks pretty cute!


  1. I mad an inpression on a few teachetrs as well when I was in Jr.High always had the perfect comeback to any student.I remarked to him about the choclate coverd ant's he liked saying 'you like weird stuff,his reply"Well I Like You"

  2. What a brilliant analysis of a lesson learned. I wonder how many times this happens to all of us in various ways.

  3. Great story, Joe! (I liked Mike Gotch's comment too.) I still think it's cool this teacher reached out to you, even if you were friends with her other student/neighbor. I ran into an old English teacher from 10th grade a couple years ago (when I was back home visiting family for Christmas) and when I asked if she remembered me, she said "I remember ALL my students" but I knew she didn't remember me. (I didn’t expect her to, I hadn’t seen her since 1977…)
    But when I mentioned my big brother being one of her favorites and she asked who that was & I said his name was Don but he went by 'The Duke’, her eyes immediately lit up and she said "YOU'RE DON MORRIS' BROTHER!??"

  4. I'm fb friends with my high school French teacher. She came to our 30th reunion, so reconnected with a lot of us there. I've run into a few teachers over the years and they either remember me as a good student (yeah!) or just say they recognize the name (unusual last name, so boo).

  5. I find FB rather confusing. I once did not like something I said there and I un-friended myself. I could not log in again into my account. So I re-joined under another name. The previous me on FB got into an argument with me and told me I was impersonating him. I did not know whether I was coming or going. Somehow, I had cloned myself on FB. I moved to another social network and the same thing happened. There are now 4 of me on social media. Excluding me who is writing this right now!

    Who said that?

    God bless you, JoeH. Merry Christmas to you and your readers.

  6. Heh, heh. Sometimes it's best not to dwell too deeply.

  7. If there is a conclusion, I'm jumping to it :)

  8. Facebook seems to bring out some interesting connections.

  9. Think it was a current picture of her on Facebook? I commented to hubby one time (the time has passed) that we should take pictures of ourselves at that time of our lives when we looked relatively good to be used as an obituary picture. If it is a current picture of your teacher, that's great because I'm figuring she has to be late 70s, early 80s?


  10. I would be hugely surprised if anyone from school remembered me at all, especially a teacher.

  11. I don't think anyone from school would remember me..... but then, I don't remember much about them.

  12. I think our teachers remember us the way we remembered them, either the really bad or the really good. Thankfully your frequent visits with Charlie keep you from having to ponder which one you were.

  13. oh how this was a fun giggle. I had some creepy male teachers who were always staring and being creepy staring at my boobs. God I hate them. Boobs in a Twiggy world was dreadful for a young woman of 16.
