Friday, October 11, 2019

A Slippery Slope

A Slippery Slope
There are several “old saws”, words of wisdom that are used to make a point while wrapping up a discussion, that make me wince.

My dad used to call them “wet blanket” comments, as they extinguished the fire of any thought.

“Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.” 

This is true when talking about jumping off a cliff, flapping your arms and trying to fly; or trying to walk on water; or trying to argue with your wife; but is a toddler trying to stand and walk after falling on his butt insanity?  Is trying over and over again to hit a golf ball straight insanity? (OK, the last one might be a bad example.)

Maybe insanity is trying to do something twice, failing and giving up. 

“If at first you don’t succeed…”

Here is one that always chaps my lips.

“If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.”

Hmmm…the model T ran pretty well, why change it?  Propeller driven planes work great, why mess with jets?  The land line phone is a miracle, who needs a cell phone?

“If it ain’t broke don’t fix it” made many a boss where I used to work sound brilliant while they shut down any creative thought.  I always wanted to shout back, “Shut the f*ck up you wet blanket!” However, I liked having a job.

This one is the aluminum foil on my fillings,

“It is a slippery slope!”

Anytime a rule or law is slightly encroached, I hear It is a slippery slope to not enforce the rule to the nth degree", as an explanation for not being allowed to use common sense.

A school has a rule against guns, even toy guns in school.  Good rule, but when a six-year-old makes a pointy finger gun while playing at recess, does he need to be suspended?  “It is a slippery slope” “a rule is a rule.”

No, it is not, and you are a moron!

The NFL has a rule against slogans on players equipment, for instance “Vote Swartz for President” on your helmet is not allowed.  Understandable; but why is “Man of God” on a headband under a helmet an issue?  The NFL has ruled it is. 

“It is a slippery slope, if we allow one slogan, all slogans will become acceptable.”

No, it is not, and you are a moron!

It is called common sense.  The ability to recognize something that could be a problem, and something that might skirt the rule but is in no way an issue.  It is common sense; using your brain; the ability to understand nuances and make intelligent decisions.

Are there people around that will want to argue that any incursion of a rule must be enforced?  Why yes, yes there are.  These people need to be told,

“Shut the f*ck up.”

Enforcing every rule or law without regard to circumstance or nuance is a slippery slope to ignorance. 

Steel that is too ridged will snap under stress.  Rules or ideas that will not bend lead to a society of automatons.

“A slippery slope”, can be a slippery slope.   


  1. I honestly never heard the term, 'slippery slope' until about 10 years ago, on a social media/discussion board. It seems like just a way for someone to disagree when they really don't have any other way to argue their point. Another one is 'straw man.'

  2. I can wrap my head around that.

  3. "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result" I've heard that with slightly different wording that I can't quite remember right now.
    But this is what I do.
    Every week I buy a lottery ticket (or two), expecting to win instead of the usual losing. But I don't think it's insanity. I say "you have to be in it to win it".

  4. Wonder if Man of Allah would have been allowed or if it would have been a slippery slope. I truly haven't heard that term before tonight though I have heard of the other ones you listed here.


  5. i loved the definition you shred
    yes unwanted step is dangerous thing indeed

    i think each saying has meaning for specific circumstances and could not be applied for everything in general

    i agree that each of us has right to choose how he or she want to act regarding situation before
    this is the only way TO LEARN

  6. I can see where "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" applies to manufacturers who just want you to junk your perfectly good product and buy a new one slightly different one. The demise of Windows XP is my favorite example or any of the new smart phone models.

  7. Although I dislike it when someone throws one of those at me, I am convinced that "common sense" is quite uncommon these days. One only has to watch the news or scroll through social media to discover that.

  8. I always support common sense. Any rule can be looked into (or broken) if one applies common sense.
    But that is where the problem starts - all don't have common sense.

  9. Excellent points! I guess we're all insane, then. Ha!Common sense is ceasing to exist, apparently.

  10. Working in surgery has made me a rule follower..sort of. I mean, sterile is sterile. No black and white here. However, when I was in school I was taught certain techniques on being a scrub nurse. But when I started working I heard the oldies say: "Well, this is the "real world" and this is how we do it"..I use the same line to students today. Rules can be bent as long as sterile stays sterile I guess. Anyway, life is a slippery slope. Especially in my yard. I hit the ground this week..literally. After I realized I hadn't broke anything I got up and said: "Crap, I'm now officially old". Now I know how folks break hips.

  11. My uncle used to say, "always fight fire with fire!" That's why he lost his job in the fire-brigade.

    He also liked to say, "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me!" Then one day a printing press fell on him.

    God bless.

  12. You brought up a lot I had never really thought about. I agree that a slippery slope can be a slippery slope. Enjoyable read!
