Thursday, August 29, 2019

I Need Teef Relief!

I Need Teef Relief!

At 73 I’m doing pretty well.  Blood pressure normal, cholesterol below border line high, arthritis…big toe, left hip, but not that bad yet.  Yes, I am still kicking and able to do stuff like guitar, bowling, golf and yeah, that too.

However, eating and whistling, not so good.  I need teeth relief!

The #10 had to be extracted.  When your teeth are bad you learn their numbers.  Number ten is right up front.  I’ve had a fake #10 for years by means of a post glued into the remains of the original.  Now the original remains are no longer  stable enough to hold the fake.

I can do just fine without this tooth, but the gap makes me look like a banjo player, and I do not play banjo.  The old remains had to be dug out and in a few weeks a suitable replacement by way of a bridge will be introduced.

So, the other day I had the extraction.  At the same time, my #4 started acting up.  I took a few leftover antibiotics from a previous issue and the acting up eased a bit, but I knew I would need more antibiotics.

Now I had an extracted tooth that was sore and sometimes even angry on one side and a cranky tooth on the other side.  Eating was not any fun at all.

RTWhy do you never lose any weight when a short-term ailment keeps you from eating?

I had to visit my dentist for the third time in the last week to get an ex-ray to confirm I needed the antibiotics. 

The dentist had a new assistant.  I knew she was a new assistant by the way she took the ex-ray.

She covered me with lead.  Stuck the ex-ray thing with the circle target into my mouth, stepped outside and pressed the button that makes that zapping sound.  When she came back inside the office, she and the dentist could not understand why the picture of the tooth did not seem right.

“Hey Doc, do you have some new technology.”


“Well you used to have to bring that boom thing around and point it at the circle target before zapping.”

New nurse, “Oops, I think I forgot that part!”

Oh well, no harm no foul, but in the future, I’m going to keep my eye on this assistant.

Anyway, I got the new prescription.  The extraction is healing, but anything hot or crunchy makes the other tooth angry.  Unable to drink coffee gave me a withdrawal headache, and the antibiotics leave you feeling a bit flu like.

All this is putting a crimp in my golf game where I am sure I have figured out a swing flaw that will allow me to break 90.  It is the seven-hundred and eighty-third time I have figured out my swing flaw; this time I am sure I have it.  I won’t know for sure until my teeth stop acting up.

I need teef relief! 


  1. Nothing worse than having teeth issues. I hate it and I love to eat what I want to eat. I hope you feel better soon.

    Have a great day in spite of your teeth, Joe. ♪♫♪♫

  2. I am in your age bracket and certainly sympathize with teef problems, the pain can be so fierce. I hope you are all fixed up soon. That dental assistant sounds dangerous, where did the radiation go when she didn't point it in the right direction?

  3. I'd rather have knee replacement surgery than to have to have dental work. I hate the dentist.

    Dental work is expensive. We need to figure out a dental plan after husband retires in Dec. My teeth are good - but honestly, if it gets to a point where I cannot afford dental work, I'll get dentures!

  4. Omg on that assistant . . . .
    I've never even had a cavity, so I can't really relate, but you have my sympathies!!!

  5. Oh what a hoot - that assistant that is. Not your poor aching teeth.
    If you find the answer as to why you don't lose a few lbs when you have a short term illness that makes you not eat, please pass it on!!

  6. Praying for a speedy recovery and good health.

    God bless.

  7. Must be the season. I'm heading to the dentist next week and I'm dreading it. Not the work, the bill! I'm glad you didn't get wigged out about the poor tech. Sometimes things happen and if she's new it's a it makes me smile when young folk forget crap too! Have a great Labor day weekend!

  8. Yikes, you were in the hands of an amateur. That was funny from here and since it wasn't pointed at your brain, I guess it was funny there too.
    Tooth pain is not funny however. Sure hope you get some relief soon and can tie on the feed bag comfortably.

  9. You've been missed, and i will be praying for relief for you. Also that you are right about your golf swing this time.

  10. I have an appointment to go to the toofdoc next week. I’m excited.

  11. NO! I hate the dentist. I have to get the laughing gas, which does not make me laugh, but does make me not dwell on being trapped in that chair, and unable to swallow. I hope your teefs get relief soon!

  12. Baby teeth are lettered. Just in case you didn't know that, LOL. It makes sense they have to have some rhyme and order to describe teeth that is consistent. Sorry about #10 but it seems like you are heading in the right direction to get things taken care of and you're smile will be good to go in the very near future I would imagine!


  13. Oh poor you... I know that pain and I think it's one of the top 3 pains of all pains. I hope you're feeling better soon.

  14. I had a similar incident last year when two crowns and a bridge (front and center)just fell out of my mouth because the original roots had rotted away across the gum line. They had to be drilled out and now I have a nice plastic denture instead :( I don't think it's worth trying to get another crown & bridge set for such a large gap. I'm beginning to get twinges again in the same teeth that always give me twinges of pain and every time the dentist can't find any cause for it, so she takes an x-ray and still can't see any reason for the teeth to be troublesome. So this time, I'm not going to the dentist. I'll eat carefully until they settle down again.

  15. Teeth should never have been invented ... they're nothing but trouble. Anyway, I hope all is now going well inside your mouth.


    Are you familiar with implants, if the crowns go, I might try this, they are affordable in our area and I pay cash.

  17. Tooth pain is the worst! I hope you get relief, soon.

  18. i am sorry for the toothache dear Joe
    i had it for sometime and i know it is overwhelming and really disturbing

    this is good that in spite of bad assistance you got your tooth extraction done successfully

    i hope and pray that ache leaves within few days and you will feel perfectly fine by the grace of lord!
    i will surely fix it immediately as you got your swing flaw so quickly :)

  19. Toothaches are the worst. It's amazing how one tiny little tooth can make your entire self so miserable.
