Saturday, July 27, 2019

Stupid Headline Sunday 072819

Stupid Headline Sunday 072819

This week’s stupid headlines and my stupider sometimes sophomoric comments.


Rescued turtle manages to return to the group that saved the animal nearly 2 decades ago – Well it was at least 200 yards from where they set him free.

Two Southwest Airlines planes collide while backing away from the gate – Couldn’t at least one pilot hear the “Beep Beep?”

Forever 21 blasted for sending Atkins diet bars with plus-size clothing orders – Not very nice, probably a poor marketing strategy. They might as well say, “Here is your order Fatso!” And yet I find this to be funny as Heck.  Sorry.

New Mexico woman orders food, tells server 'this one's on God' before fleeing – Surprisingly enough, God is not a good tipper.

Indiana woman steals dentures, wears them to meeting with probation officer - #caughtwithoutmyteethin #takingabiteoutofcrime #gumdecision #illhavejailsoup #shesnotthetoothfairy" Hashtags are courtesy of the Sherriff’s Office.

Police pull over Colorado driver who fixed tail light with red sports drink bottle – You have to give him credit for ingenuity.

Colorado father and son 3D printing their own Lamborghini – But you have to wear those crappy cardboard glasses with the red and green lenses to drive it.

Jenna Bush Hager Blames Sunglasses For Prince Harry Not Being Her Brother-In-Law – And if not for binoculars she could have been queen.

Climate change protesters arrested after super-gluing themselves to US Capitol – Quite a sticky situation…no, that’s too easy, how about, they were unglued when released?...still too easy, I’ll just go with Really stupid idea!

Power outage in Washington D.C. – Congress is going on vacation, so I guess that is a power outage, but not sure anyone will notice.

Idaho firefighters respond to fire alarm at animal shelter, discover cat triggered it – It was a false alarm, and the cat tried to blame the dog.

Feel- Good Story of the Week

A Missouri man's secret search for his wife's lost wedding ring - Love it when a plan comes together.


  1. The driver with the sports drink bottle was ingenious, it's a shame he didn't know there's red tape you can use to cover the bulb area until you can buy a new assembly. Hope the police weren't too hard on him, he tried.

    Great ring story, and i hope you are having a blessed Sunday.

  2. woman steals dentures, wears them to meeting with probation officer

    She bit more than she could chew.

    God bless.

  3. Didn't know airline planes had a reverse? Always love your responses. The cat blaming the dog was perfect.

  4. You can't make this stuff up. Love them all.

    Have a fabulous day and week, Joe. ♪♫♪♫

  5. Heh, heh! The returning turtle! I hope they didn't leave the light on for him.

  6. Your Sunday posts always make me smile and also make me remember that you can't cure stupid. The tail light guy also reminds me of surgery...why? Well, we get patients with bottles in places they don't belong. They always say the same thing: "I accidentally sat on it."

  7. Hahahahaha. The Atkins bar with the plus size orders. Hahahaha. Genius! I think it's funny too. - Loved the "feel good" story. That's a dedicated husband, well, for the moment anyway... Hahaha - AND, Idaho made your list. Woo hoo. This time of year we hear a lot of fire trucks out n' about. I totally missed this story! Thanks for sharing. :)

  8. Power outage in DC. Hmm. did anyone notice? Were the lights in the capital bldg on?

  9. An entire post of stupid headlines and no mention of Florida...
