Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Road Rage Rant

Road Rage Rant
What is it with people that just do not want to give an inch on the highway?  Merging into a traffic-jammed turnpike and there is always some scuzzbag that refuses to let you in.  These scuzzbags generally have NY plates and or drive a BMW…I guess they ae just better than everyone else. 

What do they expect, I’m not allowed on the highway?  If everyone was a scuzzbag that would be the case.  Not surprisingly when you allow these same scuzzbags into a merging lane, they never give you the thank-you wave.

Here is one that is really the squeaky chalk on my blackboard; waiting at a traffic light to turn left, no one behind me, and there is a line across the way about 18 miles deep.  If I cannot make the left turn, I’ll have to wait in the intersection until the light turns back to red.  You might think the first car across the way would delay enough for me to make my left turn. 

You would think wrong. 

NO!! They stomp on the gas as soon as the light turns, they actually start to creep when it is amber on the other side because GOD forbid I turn in front and his trip is delayed an eighteenth of a second…better I wait four minutes in the intersection than this asshat be delayed an eighteenth of a second.

The other day, same above situation, and I stomped on the gas to beat the asshat that was going straight.  The dude actually leaned on his horn and steered towards me like to ram my car, before turning away at the last second.

He sure taught me a lesson!

Here is another tool-for-a-brain that should be banned from my roads.  Coming home from an errand, this asswipe has to tailgate me all the way to my turn off.  Hell, I was only doing ten MPH above the limit. 

As I slowed down to turn right into my development, he sped up and ran within a foot of my rear end without veering to the left.

Taught me another lesson.

Sometimes when these D-bags tailgate me, I pull to the side of the road and let them pass, when I catch up at the next stoplight, I make sure to beep and wave.

Sometimes I wave with one finger.


  1. I haven't been behind the wheel of a car since March and I don't miss it. People use driving as an excuse to take their frustrations out on strangers!

    Thanks for reminding me of one of the GOOD things about not being able to drive.

  2. Instead of seeing other vehicles as other drivers on a similar journey, most people see other vehicles as obstacles to be overcome. When you view a person as an obstacle, you lose a bit of your own humanity.

  3. Lots of crazy drivers out there. That's why when I see one out there and then they pass me even if they cut me off I just let them go and am thankful they are ahead of me and not behind me to potentially cause an accident. My hubby drives 50 miles to work (I know, its insane) and he has seen it all with all the crazies out there. But by the grace of God he has not had an accident in the 3 years he's been doing this commute other than a minor that did no damage fender bender when the lady behind him starting going before the light officially turned green. They tapped bumpers; couldn't even see any damage. Now, rocks to the wind shield he's been very familiar with and we just replaced the wind shield for the 3rd time (one time we had insurance pay; we paid the other 2 because our rates went up afterward at our next renewal time).


  4. I don't drive on the highway any more, but when I was driving an hour each way into the city for work, I stayed in the right lane, allowing people to merge! I will admit to NOT giving an inch to those who ignored "Lane Closed Ahead" signs, and thought I'd wave them in from the left lane after they'd passed a whole line of cars, to cut in front of me at the barricade. No siree, Bob! With a tailgater, I make sure to go EXACTLY the speed limit.

  5. Scuzzbag! I haven't heard that since I was a teenager.

  6. It is for similar reasons that I gave up driving. It was too much of a headache trying to negotiate my way through traffic.... and that was on a quiet day!

  7. I really did LOL at this. My favorite are the folks who pull out in front of me, so that I have to brake, and then proceed at a crawl. I assume they are like 80% of the others who can't seem to drive without the use of their cell phone.

  8. I am a very defensive driver (or a terrible, timid driver, depending on who you ask). I usually pay strict attention to the speed limit (although I did get a speeding ticket for going 29 in a 2 block long 20 zone). I don't have to do the morning drive to work anymore, but I do remember wondering what kind of fascinating jobs those people who had to roar by me might have had. Frankly, I was never in all that much of a hurry to get to work.

  9. through your description driving sounds like showing skills in circus well dear Joe

    people have lost "patience" and it can be seen very easily and loudly on roads

  10. We live in the Atlanta Metro Area. Ugh. I thought it had to be the worst until I went to Orlando this summer. Am I the only person on the North American Continent who can drive? Asking for a friend. Good post.

  11. Omg. With Idaho making the top 10 of every "Best Places To Live" list we have had such an influx of people and it is ridiculous. From the driving to the crime to the longer waits in traffic to bringing all of their tree hugging ways into our state it is a real challenge for me not to be angry the moment I step out my front door. I always give people time to turn, I let them in, I'm very kind on the road until... That one douche bag decides that they're going to try and run over you and then you both meet at the light at the same time. Idiots. I too wave with one finger. And yeah. Those people who don't do the thank you wave when you let them in. Total assholes.

  12. Oh you make me so happy to be in the Ozarks with two lane roads and people with awesome road manners. Haven't heard an angry or actually any horn in years. Your account reminds me of I 95 in S. Florida. Sure don't miss it at all.

  13. There are so many asshats out there. We let people merge into traffic. We don't have road rage going on, but we do have elevated blood pressure, heart stopping events when someone almost wipes us out. Everyone seems so angry.

    Have a fabulous day, Joe. ♪♫♪♫

  14. I had to have a good long "talk" with my hubby about his attitude behind the wheel. But since then he has been sooo good. I feel much safe now. I do not trust any of those idiots out there and so many of them carry guns. I'm not in that big a hurry.

  15. There are some thoughtless drivers out there for sure.

  16. After waiting through two lights to make a left, I give up and make a right and go around the block. I’ve got the time now. Tailgaters cause me a lot of angst also.

  17. Sadly, driving standards are just as bad over here. But then, bad behaviour is not limited to just driving.

    God bless.

  18. Beep and wave...... with a smile :-)

  19. I love that sarcastic Facebook meme I saw recently:

    Don't use your turn signal. It's no one else's business where you are going.

  20. When road rage escalates to where a violent crime ensues it always slays me... are people just that Angry nowadays that something so insignificant would make them lose their Minds and commit a violent crime and ruin their life and someone else's who is a complete stranger?! That said... I confess to being a rather impatient individual behind the wheel, I attribute it to being hyper, but mebbe it's drawing out of us, while behind the wheel, any and all frustrations that build up elsewhere in our lives, who knows? I mean when I'm behind the wheel of my over sized Truck... careening down the road... I don't feel quite so vulnerable as when two feet standing on the ground. *Winks*
