Friday, June 28, 2019

Vacation Blogging

Vacation Blogging

Man, blogging while on vacation is tough.  What?  Oh, yeah, good point, let’s not call it vacation, my life is a vacation…

Man, blogging is tough while on a change of venue.

I have the time to write, just not the ambition.  Yesterday I posted on waiting for an elevator, how boring and stupid is that.  Anything for a post.  I see my friend an Old Air Force Sargent is going through a similar plight.  The problem is, after eight years of almost daily blogging, I have run out of ideas.

It is like going to dinner with your wife of humpteen years.  The conversation is mostly about the couple in another booth.  I’ve used all my good material with my wife, now I have the same problem on my blog.

I get a good idea, and then just to be sure, search on a key word from previous posts…DAMN! I posted on that three years ago.

So that’s it, I’ve got nothing. 

If you want, just go up to that upper left-hand corner of my post search thingy and put in any damn word you can think of.  It will probably display at least one post on the subject…Otherwise, I got nothing.

Off to the beach for now!


  1. Enjoy the beach! Its so much more better than blogging! That's why I don't blog every day; it would be so mundane and so boring if I did with how routine and structured my life is.


  2. I reduced the time allotted to do a blog post and felt better for it. There is no specific time for blogging, just please yourself. If you do that we can then drool and ponder on the fact that you are enjoying yourself by the sea or somewhere else just as nice.

  3. this is better idea to take break when mind is blank for blogging dear Joe !

    enjoy the beautiful beach sittings and walks ,i bet when you will get back you will return with more fresh mind and ideas

    routine stuck the mind ,change gives it freshness ,wishing you lots of fun and enjoyment with Mrs ,please don't mix her with your blogging

    she will always love your repeated material for sure :)

  4. Blog when you feel like it, Joe! And, if you want to keep it going without too much effort, just revise and re-publish some old posts. In blogging vernacular: "repurpose old posts for a new audience". ☺ That's what I've been doing lately. It is summer, after all. Let's enjoy the weather, yes?

  5. Enjoy the beach Joe and I'll bet you find something funny there to blog about. You just can't help yourself.

  6. I obeyed your instructions and came up with a blog you wrote about diving for a conch shell in Jamaica and then "beating it on the beach" for 20 minutes to get the critter out! Funny!

  7. Enjoy the beach, and know that more ideas will come. They always do.

  8. Enjoy a little break from blogging while you are 'beaching''ll have lots of stories for us later on.

  9. "I got nothing" is why I no longer post daily too. This river has run dry.

  10. Beaching, good word. Sometimes the brain feels drained and needs to be reset.
    Take a journal, hoist some some quality beer, do some reading. Or not.

    Breathe in some ocean air.

  11. I never want to blog during CasinoPalooza. So I get it. If I didn't get them ready to post automatically while I'm away, I'd have nothing. You'll probably have some stories to tell once you get back.

  12. I hope that you are enjoying the beach!! I am unable to write while on vacation and I bet that many of us suffer from that....however, the brain rest is always nice!! I bet you can come up with a million more things to write about. Have an amazing trip!

  13. You're doing much better than me. If I were on the beach I'd have a book in one hand and some fruitty alcoholic beverage in the other. :)

  14. Enjoy the beach! I definitely wouldn't be blogging from the beach.

  15. It's your blog, you can do what you want to...
