Wednesday, June 5, 2019


I have a troll. 

Does anyone else have one of these? 

I guess I should be honored that someone would take a few minutes out of his life to occasionally read my posts and take even a few more additional minutes to poke me with attacks on his perception of my values, or tell me how boring and predictable my posts are. 

I thought I shook him by using comment moderation so his annoying comments would not see the light of blog. 

No sooner did I take off moderation then he had another ridiculous opinion and this one I made the mistake of reading before deleting.  I thought maybe he was offering up an almost apology as he had once years before.

I’m not sure why his comments get to me.  Perhaps I have thin skin.  He thinks my posts are boring and predictable.  Maybe.  I don’t post to change the world.  I post for family, friends and a few other bloggers.  I enjoy it, it is a hobby.  You sort of have to go out of your way to even find my posts, I am pretty easy to ignore.

I try and be eclectic.  I post on relationships, nostalgia, dogs, fishing, music, tomato growing, children and grandchildren, TV, or any stuff that happens to effect my life.  I used to post on politics, but that is a pit with sharp stakes waiting on the bottom.

I used to follow the troll’s posts.  He posts everything from very partisan political opinions where he mostly preaches to his own personal choir, to cold weather in Montana to…well that is pretty much it, politics and weather.

Anyway, if my troll is  reading this I really wish you would stop.  Yes your comments when I read them do bother me, does that bring you pleasure? 

Maybe I do have thin skin. 
Maybe it is because I feel sad for someone who bothers to take the time to tell someone they know nothing about, that they do not like them or like their posts.  Maybe it is both.

Kind of pitiful.  Just as pitiful I guess as me responding, so this will be my last response.  Knock yourself out and comment.  Not sure what you expect to accomplish, but go on.  Perhaps if some comments get through, some of my almost 65 readers will agree with you and my powerful voice will be less effective.

Way to joust at my tiny windmill you brave rebel you!


  1. I just don't understand why people have to be like that. I'm sorry you ha e to go through that.

  2. Most trolls seem to have a superiority complex.

  3. I'm sorry he gets to you, especially if hes a Montanan and I apologize. The world is so full of negative people and they just really feel the need to make others lives miserable. So ignore him and stick with us.

  4. Maybe he will take this post to heart. I don't get being a troll. So I have no clue what motivates the behavior. I suspect it could be one of many things. But you are definitely funny. Just the title cracks me up usually.

    Take care, Ann

  5. I hope he reads your comments too because ya' know what I say??? Fuck that troll. Your posts are GREAT and we all love them and we love you! He's just jealous. He can't be you so he'll be your shadow. Perfect place for him. In the dark. - What a total douche bag. - Sry.. And this would be the Italian in me... Hahahahaha

  6. I feel sorry for trolls. I think they are so unhappy with themselves or their life situations that they have to attack others who are obviously enjoying life like you do and write about it. All of our posts are not brilliant or meant to be (or perhaps I'm just relating to my writing) but sharing them with people who enjoy reading them and keeping up with us is a good thing to do and a fun thing to do. Why trolls would interfere with that I don't know. Maybe the cold of Montana (which is brutal having lived there myself for 8 years) got to him. He's jealous of you I am sure. Don't let it get to you and try to move on. Don't allow him the pleasure of thinking this is upsetting you in any way.


  7. Trolls are the chicken pox of life, intensely irritating. They like being disagreeable and making others feel uncomfortable.

  8. I read your posts and only occasionally comment.
    Like now.
    That's mostly so you're aware I read your posts.

  9. It's a pity you and others are hounded by idiots. I had my share but it stopped when I decided to read comments before publishing them. I know we shouldn't have to do this but it did bring me peace of mind not to mention the pleasure it gave in getting one over on stupidity.

  10. I will never understand why some choose to be mean. I do hope he reads this and thinks about what a small person he is to deliberately berate someone he does not know and who writes funny posts that many enjoy.

  11. There's one other blog I follow that has had trouble with a troll who is a nasty woman from England. It's funny because a message board I was on 10 years ago had someone who trolled me there and she was also a woman from England.

    Just looking to my right, I see 326 followers. You're doing something right, so I wouldn't give it any more thought.

  12. I have a couple too. They are just losers in a dark room bitching about weather and politics. I delete their comments and go on with my life. Nothing is more pathetic than a troll. Pity him, but don't let his stupid words get to you. He's a troll !! And you dear Joe are not boring. Please. It's the troll and his boring life that is boring. Ignore, delete. :-)

  13. My blog seems never to have been worth anyone's while to come by and leave turds in my comments. But if they did, I'd just delete 'em and move on to the next thing. It's really not worth troubling yourself about what some a$$hole says to you. . .

    Honestly, Joe, I can only think that it's a case of jealousy - some people just can't stand to see others getting the positive strokes that they think ought to be coming to them, and so they take it as their mission to 'take them down a peg'. My wife has a RL person who treats her like that - just can't stand that others think of my wife as a pleasant sweetheart (which she is), so takes it as her mission to 'balance the karma' or something. . . Kinda pathetic, actually. . .

  14. Don't understand it. If he doesn't like your posts, no one is making him read them. So far I have been spared outside of the guy who hates American women and the Dubai pimp. But so far nothing personal. Haters are the ones with the problem. Just keep deleting him.

  15. Some people are so miserable they want everyone else to be as miserable. You have a fun blog. It's a blog that pokes fun about many things. I see your sense of humor in your posts and take them for what they are. Humor.

    Have a fabulous day, Joe. ♪♫♪♫

  16. My trolls are all mechanical, I mean they are bots. They post stupid stuff that accomplishes nothing and I keep deleting it as spam. But to have a real angry old troll makes you somewhat of a unicorn in the field of bloggers. Just ignore and move on. When they get no response, they get bored.

  17. I am sorry, JoeH, if I seem to be preaching.

    One way to deal with such people is to pray for them. And tell the individual you are praying for him. He can do nothing to stop you praying for him.

    God bless.

  18. Yes, we too experience trolls

    Just keep deleting …

    All the best Jan

  19. He really needs to get a life. If Blogger could make it so you could block one person's comments, that would be cool.

  20. What Betty said and I love your blog. I love the glimpses I get into a life different from mine. I love reading about life as you experience it. I love reading a man’s point of view. Your blog entertains me. Who cares what Troggy thinks, he’s tiny of mind. And wow! He’s spending his precious time on YOU! That makes you important. Thank you for your posts - they are much appreciated.

  21. Your troll must be an immature, insecure, narcissistic asshole, who, having a miserable life himself, can only derive pleasure by making others miserable, as well. The best way to shut him up is to ignore him, otherwise, you're giving him exactly what he wants. Nobody has ever trolled my blog, but I have a lot of experience with such lowlifes from online forums (not to mention, real-life childhood bullies). I love your blog and your sense of humour! Please don't let this shit-disturber live rent-free in your head (to paraphrase a popular meme). Smile and carry on! ☺

  22. I have a few robo trolls every so often. That's what the delete key is for. I don't need penis enhancement or an escort in Mumbai.
