Saturday, May 18, 2019

I Hate fill in the blank

I Hate fill in the blank
OK, Back to my cranky roots.  Those readers not on Facebook, you are missing out on a lot of good stuff, a lot of fun stuff.  Here is the stuff you are not missing out on. 

Please do not feel the need to tell me how or why you are not on Facebook, I get it, it is OK. I don’t do the pinter-thing or the snap-stuff or link-up.

As much as I like Facebook for keeping up with friends and family, and for connecting with friends from days past, I go bonkers over the memes designed to create clicks and hits for someone’s (I don’t know who or how) enhanced pocketbook.

“I Hate fill in the blank, like and share if you agree!”

If I don’t like and share does it mean I like fill in the blank ?  I hate fill in the blank, but why do I have to profess that to the world on Facebook?  Does it make fill in the blank go away? I have lost loved ones to fill in the blank like almost everyone, of course I hate fill in the blank!  I hate old men in raincoats that show their privates in public!  I hate bratty kids in restaurants! I hate stepping in dog shit!  I hate the bubonic plague!

I don’t need to express and share my hatred for stuff on Facebook!

“I love this country, 90% of my friends will not post and share, I know the 10% that will!”

If I don’t post and share, if I am one of the 90%, please don’t infer that I don’t love this country, or that I am ashamed to admit I love this country, please know that it is ridiculous to have to announce it on Facebook!  I love pizza.  I love TV.  I love my family.  I love my friends (well a few of them) I love lots of stuff and things and concepts…I love not having to announce it on Facebook!

“I love my Grand-kids!  Share if you love yours.”

Who doesn’t live their grand-kids, or their kids, or their parents?  Why post it on Facebook?  Send them a card, call them on the phone, say it to their face, it is not something you need to announce on Facebook.

Here’s the thing, Facebook is great for posting pictures of family and friends, it is great for announcing stuff of interest, it is terrific for funny videos of cats and people falling on their ass.  If you want to post what, when and where you are eating dinner go ahead, Burglars love to know when you are not at home.

Facebook is not so great for stirring crap with your opinions and stupid “I hate” and “I love” memes.

If you vote for a politician based on a Facebook opinion, you should never be allowed to vote again.  If you don’t hate fill in the blank, there is something wrong with you, if you don’t love your grand-kids, you did a crappy job raising your grand-kid's parents.

Stop posting the obvious and then acting like you are special and did something great.

“I hate farts in an elevator.” Share if you agree.

“I hate head lice.” I know which friends will share.

“I hate athletes’ foot.” Comment with a frowny face or you will have bad luck for a week.

“I hate Paris in the Winter, especially when it drizzles!” Like or you’re a jerk

Most of all I hate Facebook memes that state the obvious and expect me to confirm I am a compassionate human being by sharing!

Like and share is you agree.


  1. I hate falling in the river in Paris. It's in Seine.

    Share if you agree.

    God bless.

  2. I agree with you about facebook I don't say much when I go on. Maybe wish a friend a Happy Birthday are like a few things some family or friend's post, and read how
    religious some people are and when you around them they say a curse word every sentence. Hope you have a great day.

  3. I have not seen the I hate memes, but I do see the 90% won't post & share ones, which are just ridiculous. It's like a modern day chain letter.

  4. They are just trying to form a community -- the wrong way.

  5. I have a feeling you never planked, or dumped a bucket of ice water over your head, either.

  6. I love a good cranky rant.

  7. My 'friends' are my family members. Those are the ones whose lives and thoughts really matter.

  8. Hahahaha. This is so true, Cranky and rarely will I respond to those "fill in the blank" type memes. I don't participate when someone sends me one in Messenger either. I'd hate to think any of my friendships rest on whether or not I send a photo of a rose back. Ugh. - I've been on vacation. New post up. :)

  9. I scroll on by for almost all of Facebook unless it's cute pics of family or of friends or members of my family who take fabulous vacation photos that make me wish I were taking fabulous vacation photos!

  10. I made the mistake of sharing ONCE. Never again. I just scroll right on by those dumb "I bet I won't get one like or share!" posts. Ugh. We are rowing the same boat, Cranky.....

  11. I just share corgi things with my husband and no one else. I usually just scroll through Facebook and may or may not like things posted by others. I haven't posted anything myself on Facebook in a long time and probably won't in the very near or very far future.


  12. I quit Facebook years ago.... it doesn't seem to have changed any!

  13. Pffft! Share this, share that. What's wrong with a bit of selfish keep-it-to-yourself?

  14. I hate the "share if you love Jesus" meme. I have never been one to follow the crowd. Just plane silly and the ones do the sharing are our contemporaries. The young, know better.

  15. haha, truth. Share if you agree.

  16. why is sentence missing i love my wife ?

    ok now i gone tell this Mrs C :)

    i like to post questions or fill in the blanks when they abruptly come to my head and i post it without giving it much thought for the sake of fun of sharing hearts
    hope you don't mind it !

  17. If a Facebook thing contains the words "I bet I won't get one share..." and the picture of a dog, cat, flag, kid, soldier, Jesus, etc. you can bet I won't share. I'm contrary like that!
