Wednesday, May 15, 2019

I Don’t Care

I Don’t Care

I’m getting back to my cranky roots, because…I don’t care.

I just read about a school that is dropping saying “God bless America” after the Pledge of Allegiance.  Apparently, that is considered a prayer.  Apparently, a prayer or mention of God offends, scares and incenses some people, or in this case one person.  Know what?

I don’t care. 

Don’t say the word “God” in a public place, in the park, at school, on the street…knock yourself out.  I don’t care.  Of course, in other countries people who worship any God anywhere, or the wrong God get their head chopped off.  I really don’t like that, that I care about.

There is a lot of concern about women who feel like men or men who feel like women using their preferred-sex bathroom.  Know what.

I don’t care. 

Anyone wants to pee in the men’s room? Go ahead, I don’t care.  I went to a Melissa Etheridge concert last year.  When it was over many lesbian ladies made a big deal about not waiting on the long lines in the lady’s room and using the men’s room.  They acted like it was a big deal, like they were breaking the rules and challenged anyone to stop them.  Know what?

I didn’t care. 

Knock yourself out, pee in the stall.  Just don’t be creepy.  That is my rule in a restroom, male, female or undecided, I could care less…act creepy and we have a problem.

Sexual identification, I don’t care.  In some countries, if you behave contrary to what is commonly expected based on your plumbing, they toss you off a three-story building.  I don’t like that, that I care about.

The ecology gets people upset.  The world is coming to an end and it is our fault.  Maybe.  I don’t know.  It is way too complicated.  If you want me to drive less, stop using plastic bags and straws, no problem, I don’t care.  If it makes you feel good, OK, I’ll stop.  I quit smoking; I can quit plastic. 

I don’t care. 

I read the news and it is chock full of problems.  Problems that did not exist 100 years ago because they were so minuscule compared to the problem of having food to eat and staying warm and dry. 

Recently twenty-five people came down with measles and there is fear of an epidemic.  I remember bringing my kids over to houses where a child had the measles so we could get it over with.  Now there is panic. 

“It is all the fault of those crazy anti-vaxers!” Well, if you are vaccinated what do you care. 

I don’t care.

I guess as I get older, as the I hear the landing gear drop on this great flight of life, things do not bother me as much as they used to.

I’ve been really lucky.  Lucky to live in this country at a time when some of the greatest problems facing people are deciding where to pee, where you can say “God,” reducing cow farts, recycling plastic, people too stupid to get vaccinated catching that disease, and people being mean to other people on this new social media thing.  Know what.

I don’t care.

I care about hunger, shelter, opportunity.  I care about crime, racism, and people who tailgate me in their BMW’s.  All that other stuff, that is for young people to worry about.

I don’t care.


  1. Agree, 100%. The older I get, the less I give a shit.

  2. By Jove old boy ... something has upset you ... what? Over here, in my part of the UK, we just pour another glass of whisky and forget all the world's problems ... don't you know.

    Stiff upper lip old chap ... over here we are good at procrastinating. Don't leave for tomorrow what you can do the day after that ... or the day after ... or never.

    So if something bothers you, just say you'll worry about it tomorrow ... or never. Pour another scotch or bourbon and forget about it.

    If cows fart so much then why don't we gather all those gases and use them as fuel? Better still, every human should carry a fart bag which they empty in a local fart bank every day. We're full of hot air over here ... don't you know! Jolly good old friend.

    God bless.

    1. And another thing ... I have just read a report in the UK which advises we should eat less red meat, (cows, sheep, pigs), because they produce a lot of green house gases: see -

      Should this apply to the UK only or the whole world? Will the whole world agree to eat less meat? What will we do with the excess cows? Do we breed less of them? How about other farting animals? Buffalos. Gnus? Bisons? And similar imitation cows? Will less cows affect milk production in the UK and world wide? Will we need to milk cats instead like Ben Stiller did in Meet the Parents?

      Like you - I don't care. As long as it does not affect whisky production.

      God bless.

      I think

  3. As long as I get my 44 oz Diet Coke, and my internet is working, I don't care about much else, because it doesn't directly affect my daily life.

  4. I had to laugh about the BMW. I always tell my husband that you have to take an asshole test to buy a BMW.

    Have a fabulous day, Joe. ♪♫♪♫

  5. The older I get, the less I care. Except for the anti-vaxxers. Those people are nuts and it does affect those who can't be vaccinated due to age or immunity issues. And hasn't it been hundreds of people who have come down with measles? Maybe I've seen exaggerated figures.

  6. The anti-vaxxers in my life are annoying, but i try to be a bobble head and keep quiet. There are many, many important things that could be occupying our time, and we aren't on top of them as we should be.

  7. I agree that part of the problem these days is that people care too much about things that don't matter, and don't care enough about the things that do.

  8. As long as people don't get into my face to state their opinion and then disrespect me because of mine, I really don't care either.


  9. I've noticed that I care less about a lot of things as I've got older. I do care about immigrants enforcing their beliefs on the rest of us though. Kids in kindergarten are no longer having Christmas parties and/or birthday parties or Easter Egg hunts, because some of the children don't believe those things. I think that is unfair. To me it doesn't matter if they don't believe, let them still join the fun and have all the kids be happy. Stuff like that and the changing of "fairy tales" and many children's books, they're being rewritten so as not to be racist or whatever. I care enough to say I don't like that, it shouldn't happen. Kids can be told these are old stories and that's how people thought back then. You cannot whitewash every little thing just so someone doesn't get offended or a bit frightened.

    1. .I agree with much of what you say, but then I don't care.

  10. Also, maybe the anti-vaxxers are at fault, maybe not, but here in South Australia, this year alone, up to now, we have over 12,000 cases of influenza with 17 deaths. Nursing homes are in lockdown to protect those living there.

    1. The Flu vaccines are not always 100% effective, sometimes they claim as low as 50%. I do no not get them as often the shot itself gives you mild cases of the Flu. Being retired and out of the workforce and off public transportation, I have not even had a cold in years...(knock on wood.)

  11. I haven't long to exist in this world, perhaps when I go I should take a few idiots with me. As for non-vaccination, I remember young, new mothers refusing the needle for their child/ren on the grounds that they didn't like the thought of a needle being stuck into flesh. I didn't realise that attitude still existed.

  12. I am on the fence with the vaccines, why? because I'm not convinced that they are safe. They are manufactured in China, use mercury as a preservative, and give several diseases to small babies and children at once, what could possibly go wrong. Oh something maybe like the blood pressure meds that were finally revealed to have a component of rocket fuel a known carcinogen in them. Make them in the US with strict laws and regulation and adequate inspections. Spread them out like they did in the past so the babies and children's immune systems aren't overwhelmed, and it's a go.

    1. The MMR has been proven to be pretty safe, although I agree giving it to young babies concerns me. They generally do not give it to infants, waiting one year. Most of the Measles cases these days are in insular communities where the vaccine is avoided for religious or cultural reasons. Still, I don't care.

  13. when we are young and think ourselves as most influential we care almost about everything even for things that don't matter to us

    but as we age we feel not as "eye ball" anymore and in consequences we stop taking care of anything ,even for ourselves
    may be it is overreaction but it is true and proven that
    we don't care anymore because we know it will not make difference ,to us or to them we care

    i loved specially reading lines which mentioned that "you lived in part of time"

    yes this is what i am grateful for

    this is great post dear Joe
    keep posting as this is i CARE ABOUT!

  14. I have been told I am a sex symbol for women who do not care.

  15. If there was something I could actually do to improve a situation I would do it...otherwise...I'm not going to lose sleep over it..whatever it is.

  16. Yeah I pretty much feel the same way. I just don't care enough to get my panties in a bunch.

  17. Nero didn't care when Rome was on fire, either... Just sayin'.
