Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Almost wordless Wednesday


I have a black and brown thumb when it comes to planting.  This bush was inherited with the townhome.   Mrs. C trims it back every fall, but that is all.  We have none of the problems I often hear with roses; mold, aphids and all.  

Fingers crossed we stay lucky.


  1. These roses looks like your delightful words dear Joe :)

    Mrs C does good job by trimming this shrub every every year

    that what my mom used to do with plants and trees in her garden and that is what my husband does every year

    i love plants but all i can do is water them or sometimes cutting the grass when it grows much longer ,hubby keeps the responsibility to himself as he is too fond of gardening in spare times

    glad you shared your roses to cheer up my day Joe
    our's are not daring to peek out due to extreme heat (45 c)

  2. Beautiful roses and in a perfect place.

  3. You are indeed very lucky. I cannot get the roses to grow without going wild and with tiny flowers.

    God bless.

  4. They're beautiful and in the perfect place too, you can see then every time you enter and exit. Do they have a perfume that might waft into the house?

  5. Sometimes plants do best with minimum care. It looks great!

  6. Our roses are similar, I have not killed them yet, which is a miracle.
    Also, Pepsi is never OK, ok?

  7. beautiful! I have not had luck with roses but apparently Mrs. C sure does. Enjoy 'em!

  8. They are looking good. You're doing something right.

    Have a fabulous almost Wordless Wednesday. ♪♫♪♫

  9. Beautiful plant! Glad it requires such little maintenance!


  10. Your rose bush is perfect for your entrance. I do very well with flowers, except roses. I blame it on our soil which is red clay and so far it has claimed five bushes. I will try no more.

  11. Your roses look great. I know they are supposed to be difficult but I have two bushes that have thrived in spite of me.

  12. You are doing something right, probably, by just leaving it to itself.

  13. Beautiful!

    *Wonders if she should get a rose bush*
    *Kills everything else*
