Tuesday, March 5, 2019


The other night I was watching old re-runs from a TV game show, “Cash Cab” with Mrs. C. 

Passengers are quizzed in a cab while on their destination.  They win money or if they miss three questions they get kicked out of the cab.  One of their answer options is “Phone a friend” where they call for help on an answer.

Anyway, I had to ask Mrs. C,

“What year was this show?”

“I don’t know why.”

“Because they just made a phone a friend with Ben’s (the driver) phone and their friend answered it.  No one today answers a call from a strange phone.”

“Yeah, it must be before 2010 when all those robo calls really started up.”

“They didn’t say, ‘Guess where I’m calling from’ when did people stop saying that on their cell phone?”

“Probably sometime before 2005, I think pretty much everyone had cell phones by then, calling from all over was not a big deal by then.”

“That last question mentioned a date of 2006.”

“Well I guess it must have been taped between 2007 and 2010.

“We could tell the date by the cars they pass, except cars have all looked alike ever since 2007.”

“Or, just check information on the show and find out what season it was, then Google when ‘Cash Cab’ first aired.”

“Know what?  I don’t care that much.”

“In that cast it must be from 2008.”

“Works for me.”

“What’s on next?”

“Family Feud.”

“We really need a life!”

“Works for me.”


  1. Some game, eh! To hell with the cost, let's phone a friend hahaha. You are right about people not answering phones if the number is unknown. I'm one of them.

  2. I remember that program. Why don't they make a cooking program on the same model? The taxi driver asks you to cook something and you're at the back seat with all your pots and pans and ingredients preparing it for him. Great fun especially when he swerves violently and all the ingredients fly in the air!

    God bless.

  3. You really gave this some thought! And yes, cars haven't changed that much!

  4. That was a fun show to watch. My son took a cab in Philly where the driver did a cash cab. No TV, but he had the lights and questions. If I could remember which one of his wives he was with, I might know the year.

  5. Some pretty decent detective work there. I agree about answering a call from an unknown caller. Never do it.

  6. We do that a lot, google to find out "interesting" tidbits like this. I may or may not do a blog post about answering phones of unknown numbers and the variety of calls that come in. Our phone service does have where it detects robo calls but you have to be patient and not answer the phone for 2-3 rings. I usually forget and answer on the first ring. Slower learner here I guess.


  7. That's how I determine the year when thinking about certain students or teachers, when chatting with my best old ex-teaching buddy Mabel. Did the kids have cell phones then? Or beepers? Were there VCRs? If so, was there Betamax? Or were we using mimeograph machines instead of copiers? Apple IIe instead of PCs? MC Hammer pants and slap bracelets all the rage? Chili bowl haircuts for the boys? We go way back.

  8. Bwahahahahahaha. Your life sounds the same as our but without the television part. It's all good.

    Have a fabulous day and take it easy on all that partying. 😎

  9. When the conversation about the show is more interesing than the show.

  10. I used to determine dates by where and what my children were doing. Now, I think about the people who had died. The clothing styles and cars are also a good way to place time and date.

  11. The Almighty Google said 2005 to 2012 but with new episodes in 2017 and 2018. Hope that confuses the issue.

  12. I don't know about the show dates but I will say this: "I would be kicked out of the cab."

  13. I've never heard of that show, but don't think I missed out on anything. It isn't something I would watch more than half an episode. My late nights involve a lot of movies, previously on dvd, now transferred to a flash drive so I don't have to get up and change discs every couple of hours.

  14. You have a great life, you actually talk about the shows!

  15. similar show i used to watch some years ago and it was fun to watch

    winner got 10 million dollar at the end

    i was so thrilled by people's emotion who won ,their happiness made me happier always

    i am one of them who NEVR EVER pick the unknown number

  16. Cell phones really changed a lot of aspects in our lives. For example, many episodes of Seinfeld wouldn't work today because we have cell phones now. Remember the parking garage episode? Totally impossible now, because of cell phones.
