Friday, February 1, 2019

Cranky’s Super Bowl Prediction

Cranky’s Super Bowl Prediction
It is that time of the year again, Super Bowl and Cranky’s Super Bowl pick.  My prognostication is an annual event and so far I am seven for eight in picking the winning team and three for eight in getting the score exactly correct.  Don’t believe me?  Look it up, Google “Cranky’s Super Bowl picks.”

OK, don’t waste your time, I have no idea if any predictions have been accurate or not and I am too lazy to go back and check.  Anyway, my predictions are as good as any.

The first step in my prediction is always which team do I want to win.  Otherwise I would be rooting for two contrary events, picking the winner and rooting to be wrong.

This year the Patriots are playing Los Angeles.  As a long time New York tri-state resident, clearly, I must root against New England…right?  Well I am also a contrarian and EVERYONE that does not live in New England hates the Patriots, so I have decided to root for NE this year.  Besides that they are just the better team.

The next step in my prediction is based on my extensive football knowledge.

I don’t have much football knowledge.  I do know NE has a good offence, they have Tom Brady as quarterback and they have a coach named Belichick. 

Brady is an old man, but if you do not pressure him, he will win.  Simple as that, if you don’t get in Brady’s face, if you give him time to throw, he will win.  So far in the play-offs no one has pressured Brady.  Why?  Because if you have a QB that is so good he cannot be beaten if he does not get pressured, and a coach named Belichick, then you will structure your team with a line that can protect Brady. 

This brings me to Belichick.

Brady is the best QB (if not pressured) EVER, Belichick is the best head coach EVER.  Both facts explain why everyone hates the Pats, people love a winner, unless that winner NEVER loses, and NE with Brady and Belichick almost NEVER lose.

So, there it is, Cranky’s Super Bowl pick this year is The New England Patriots, who I hate, but am tired of having them beat my team.

Another prediction:

At half time both coaches will say “We have to eliminate mistakes, be more physical and avoid turnovers.”

Oh yeah, the score:

After much consideration

NE 31 – Rams 17.


  1. Let the record show that Val and 90% of the city of St. Louis have your back!

  2. I don't know anything about Super Bowl. It is on UK TV. I have watched it for a while and I have a question for you:

    Why do they paint dark lines under their eyes?

    God bless.

    1. It's supposed to keep the glare from their sweat from shining in their eyes. Studies show it doesn't work!!

  3. And the New Orleans team, i think, might have given NE a run for the money, which is why everyone down here is so upset about it. We will never know.

  4. I preduct that some folks will watch the game and some folks won't, that some people will eat too much and some will drink to much but most importantly, I predict that one team will lose and another team will lose and the sun will still come up the next day.

  5. Good chance you are right. I really know nothing about the Rams and what I feel about the Pats is unprintable. Still holding a grudge from 1982 snow plow game and a few shady dealings since. Anyway I will root against the Pats as I did last year and that paid off. Maybe this year too?

  6. I guess I’ll be for the pats too because the refs cheated the Saints during the playoffs:(

  7. Somehow I missed your previous posts so I have to have a combinepostcomment moment. No you're not are married. I think we all made it through the cold, snow, and ice of the last week of January. The groundhog had his say but I'm not listening to any rodents on the weather forecast. I leave that up to the weather channel. I'm the only person on the planet not watching the Super Bowl or it's commercials. I'll be watching Hallmark's puppy bowl most likely. If you watch that you just might be gay.

  8. The Superbowl...that's today, isn't it?
