Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Alarming Situation

Alarming Situation

Coming home from shopping and chores with Mrs. C, I entered the house deftly unlocking the door while propping open the storm door with my butt and holding packages in one hand and a heavy plastic bag of groceries in my teeth. 

Beep, beep, beep

Crap, the damn alarm, I hate that thing, but Mrs. C insists on setting it even if we are away for just a minute.  Granted the house was once broken into. The burglars ignored the alarm-warning sign out front and the alarm siren when they broke in.  They only scurried away through the back door without any loot when Mrs. C startled them when she started to enter the home. 

Not sure how good the damn thing is in deterring professionals, but still the alarm must be used.


Beep, beep, beep.

I entered the code.  Oops, punched the wrong number.  I reentered the correct code and the beep, beep, beep stopped.  Thirty seconds later all hell broke loose!

Lights flashed, alarm rang out
Mrs. C was following me in the door,

“Get the phone, the company will be calling soon, the password is Brick-a-brack,  I’ll shut down the alarm.”


The phone rang,

“Yes, I accidently hit the wrong code and the alarm went off…What? Hagy…H A G Y.  Yes, I know the owner’s name is Barboe, that’s my wife…Because she didn’t want to go through the hassle of changing her name…no, I don’t mind, and”
could you just shut the thing off?”... “What? You have to send me to customer service? But you called because of the alarm, why can’t you shut it down?”

“Ok, ok transfer me.”


“Hello, yes, my alarm went off accidentally and we can’t shut it down” … “Hagy” … “Yes, I know, she won’t change her name” … “no I don’t really mind, I do mind this alarm!”


“What, I can’t hear you with this alarm, please talk to my wife.”

“Joe, go upstairs and get the fob out of the drawer, we have to hit a reset.”

“You know I’ll never find that thing, I can’t find a water glass on my night table.”


“I’ll get it! Talk to the service lady.”


“Yes, my wife is getting it now” … “Barboe” … “Hagy”… “I KNOW!! She doesn’t want to change it.  OK she reset the system” … 

“Karen, she says punch in the code again.”


“Finally,” … “Yes, it stopped, thank you”… “I know, maybe I should change my name!”

I hate the damn alarm!


  1. Bwahahahahahahahaha. I'm worn out just reading this.

    We set our alarm no matter how long we are going to be gone. I live in a high crime area.

    Have a fabulous day and rest of the week. 😎

  2. I felt your pain, and your wife's pain as she fought the alarm battle. Having an alarm is a good idea, esp. if you have been invaded already. Getting a dog, a big dog, might be a good idea.

  3. We don't have an alarm..don't tell anyone. Anyway, we do have Arnie the slowest dog in the world. The only thing that makes him worthwhile as a crime stopper is his little "problem"...he pees on people if they pet him when they walk in the door. We've figured out how to avoid this "problem". But I won't tell it here since it's my only defense against being robbed. Happy New Year to you and Mrs. B!

  4. Ha Ha. And it doesn't help to have the code stuck beside the alarm either. Very handy for criminals that is.
    We installed an alarm one year in a house where my son wasn't living, but he would visit often. One day he visited while we were out and entered through his old bedroom window, because he'd misplaced his door key. He didn't know about the alarm, which was new, the alarm went off of course, so he let himself out the front door and just sat there waiting for the police and us to show up.

  5. No alarm here, i had enough of that growing up. If i lived in a worse area, i might rethink that.

  6. Dang! It would be easier to be a burglar than to reset that alarm.

  7. Other readers have said it all - and made me laugh. I felt your pain, though, as well as admiring your wife's rational thinking. I'm thankful I don't have an alarm. Didn't need one when the dogs were here but now there's only a cat and I dare anyone to cross him!

  8. Have you had the alarm go off during power outages? That is fun also.

  9. We had one of those once....and then we got rid of it.

  10. I didn't know you have to get the alarm company to switch off the alarm. Ours is normally switched off by the intruders as they leave.

    God bless.

  11. Boy have you talked me out of an alarm system. I do have Callie who would never attack a stranger but will friendly---annoy them into leaving. I have a hard time getting friends to stay.

  12. Security alarms: Keeping homes safe from, um, their owners since inception ..... ;-)

    We live in an insanely low crime area. At least we have been, but times are a-changing. I figure we'll need an alarm soon, probably about the time we are a hair too senile to handle one ....

  13. I wonder if a cat would work, instead of that BIG dog...?

  14. We’ve had alarm fun too. The caller couldn’t understand our southern accents.
