Monday, January 21, 2019



Mrs. Cranky and I married in December 2010.  12-11-10. Mrs. Cranky is a numbers nut. The resort where we honeymooned put a sash over our door saying “Honeymooners.” When we returned home we put the sash over our bedroom door.  It has been there ever since.  It may be coming down soon because it seems I cannot adjust.

I have no problem adjusting to married life.  I am quite happy.  Mrs. Cranky is unhappy because I cannot adjust. 

When I cook a steak I let it rest so the juice does not run out.  Mrs. Cranky wants her steak sizzling hot.

I cannot adjust.

When I drive her car from time to time because mine is blocked in, apparently I never get the seat back to the “Mrs. Cranky position.”

I cannot adjust.

When I shower and change the flow pattern on the shower head Mrs. Cranky claims I never return it to the “Mrs. Cranky spray position.”

I cannot adjust.

Mrs. Cranky complains that I shower with the door closed and this fogs up the mirrors. Recently Mrs. C called me into the bathroom to hand her something while she was showering.  When I left, I did not close the door.  Apparently this was a major faux pas as she was trying to steam wrinkles out of a dress.

I cannot adjust.

While getting my wrist slapped over this latest error, I threatened to remove the sash. 

I am not allowed to drive her car.  I am not allowed to change the shower head spray.  Mrs. Cranky has to let the steak rest and if I see a dress hanging in the bathroom while she is in the shower, I have to “figure it the Hell out!”

We are both trying to adjust.

The sash is still on the door.   
re-run from 2011...yeah, the sash is still on the door.  


  1. That's like putting the toilet seat back down. I have my way and hubby has his. We just change things back like we like them and move on. No sash on our door though. If we put one on our bedroom door will we start acting like you two?

    Have a fabulous day, Joe. 😎

  2. A successful marriage is when one partner is always right and the other is the husband.

    God bless.

  3. This seems perfectly fair to me. Mrs. C has to adjust to one thing, and you have to adjust to three. Of course, the situation could improve if you'd just give Mrs. C her steak the way she likes it...

  4. I don't care what the problem is; it's your fault!!

  5. Cooking one's steak is very important. The other issues are on-going, no help there. Keep the sash up.

    Just nod your head and say "Uh huh (yes)".

  6. Hey, at least she lets you know. My exes have all seemed to store up all their complaints for when they leaving.

  7. We adjust here by just zipping our mouths shut.

  8. I think you meant to say that YOU want the steak to rest. And do like Susan Kane says above. Just don't say "yes, dear". They're wise to that one.

  9. We spend our whole lives trying to adjust, and there's always "one more thing".

  10. What? You let the steak rest so the juice doesn't run out? when I take a steak from the pan and place it on a plate to rest while I stir the pan juices into gravy, the juice from the steak runs out onto the plate. When my gravy is ready, I pour those juices into the gravy and stir it up.
    OR: do you mean you rest the steak so that when it goes onto your dinner plate there are no more juices left in it to run onto your dinner plate when you cut into the steak?
    The rest of those things require adjustment on both sides. You adjust the shower to suit yourself, Mrs C should do the same and so on.

  11. I remember those days. It was a toss up who got to say YES the most!

  12. I think Victor may have nailed it, especially in your case. Keep the sash up.

  13. We're still adjusting and it will be 39 years in October. I do like the date you got married though; I like numbers that run like that. Keep adjusting, its better than the alternative.


  14. We will have been married 45 years in May and I’m still adjusting:)

  15. Yeah...but it's easier to adjust to married life than to having to do everything yourself and having nobody to complain to!
