Monday, November 12, 2018

When Did You Hit Your Peak?

When Did You Hit Your Peak?

A question on a game show the other night was, “At what age were you at your sexiest?”

Mrs. C said 25 which turned out to be the number one answer.  My answer? “Thirteen.”


That’s right, 13.  I was one hot teen dude.  I had a steady girlfriend, I was getting phone calls from younger girls, and some other girls who would just call, giggle and hang up.

Damn I was hot stuff at thirteen!

Then we moved across the river from New York to New Jersey.  I became the new kid at school, I didn’t know the Jersey ropes or the Jersey culture and it was different from New York.  Oh yeah, I had pimples at 14 that I did not have at 13.

I had zero-point-zero girlfriends until college.  No younger girls calling, no giggling hang ups, I went from hot to not in one year. 

Sometime in college, the pimples cleared up, but I went to an all-male school.  I was border line hot, not my 13 year-old hot mind you, but I had it going on, but going on for who…nothing but dudes. 

For about three years between pimples and losing my hair I was stuck in an all-male environment…then I got married. 

It was all downhill from there.  What with kids, balding, and putting on more than a few pounds, I could only dream about those good old days when at thirteen I had it all going on.

Sometime after two wives left me for greener and better-looking pastures, I met Mrs. C. 

At sixty-five, missing hair was no big deal.  I had lost a few pounds and toned up a bit, and for an old man I was looking OK.  Maybe not my thirteen-year-old hot, but OK enough to hook Mrs. C.  

I may have peaked out in looks at 13, but I hit the jackpot with Mrs. C at 65.


  1. Yeah, but the experience is what counts. You wouldn't have had that at 13.

  2. A man's only as old as the woman he feels. (Groucho Marx).

    God bless.

  3. Twenty-five may be the average age at which we "peak," but i think that's giving way too much credit to both looks and stamina over experience and confidence.

  4. I was a late bloomer. It took me 50 years to get confidence and damn, I felt like one sexy bitch no matter what anyone else thought. It’s all about attitude.

  5. I did have some "peak years" during my 20's but I think I peaked at 31 when I met and married SWMBO. It's hard to believe (most of the time) that that was 47 years ago!

  6. Like you I peaked at 12. I was going steady with a boy from the Catholic school but in my public school I kept a list of 7 boys that had to be updated daily. Each day the guys on the list would ask me what position they occupied. Number one was always responsible to buy my lunch and after school snacks. Steady boyfriend was responsible for the weekend including a 10 cent Saturday movie. Yes I definitely enjoyed the power and was a user. Never quite ever regained that power after we moved and all the other girls started developing and I didn't. Sigh.
    BTW, that last sentence of yours is a guarantee that you are not going to hear "Jerk" for a looooong time.

  7. I'm going to say 20, but I wasn't bad in my 40's either.

  8. I think it was 40 for me. I was most effective at work and was well into my career. I will say the best thing that ever happened to me was hubby. We did the second time around thing and it's the best ever. So I guess we are about the same on that score.

    Have a fabulous day, Joe. 😎

  9. Ha ha, That was cute.

    I peaked after my first divorce. Had been married for 24 years to my HS sweetheart. The stress of it all, knocked off a lot of weight and I was happier than I had been in years. I was dating and at one time I had 5 men interested in me at the same time. I couldn't believe it.

    Then my husband came into the picture and he won me over with his patience and persistence. I've never regretted it and we'll be married 17 years in Feb 2019.

  10. I'm 84 & still waiting!!

  11. I think I reached my peak at 21, and rode that wave for a couple decades.

  12. I'm not sure I'd call it a peak, but 17 to 18 was a great year for me. I just felt good all year. first job, money of my own, a lot of freedom. No boyfriend in the picture, but that didn't bother me one bit. There was a crowd of us who went swimming in the river, going to the drive-in etc, just having fun.

  13. I'm sure Mrs C thinks you're at your peak right now! My peak was definitely at the age of 17 when my boyfriend, who was a year older, left school and we broke up. In the following couple of weeks six boys asked me to be their girlfriend. Sadly, it's all been downhill every since but I am lucky that my husband still thinks I'm OK after more than 30 years together!

  14. I liked myself at 32 years old. I was at a good weight and I had a bit of experience with life. Just adopted a newborn and things were going pretty darn well. Afterward, it pretty much went downhill quickly and never returned to that peak.

