Monday, November 5, 2018

Things On Which Liberals and Conservatives can Agree

Things On Which Liberals and Conservatives can Agree

Elections are upon us, and the airwaves are full of controversy, accusations and hate.  This time of year you may be led to believe that politicians are at complete polar opposites on everything.  That is not true.  There are some things where both Liberals and Conservatives can find agreement.  Below are 15 examples, there may be more…probably not.

1.    Grammar or not, this post’s title would 
      just sound better if it read “Things Which Liberals 
      and Conservatives can Agree upon.”

2.    Justin Beiber is an idiot.

3.    Chris Rock is funnier than hell.

4.    The Earth is round.

5.    Ebola is bad.

6.    Sara Palin is hot.

7.    Barack Obama was born somewhere.

8.    Red light cameras are evil.

9.    The Bible does not say Adam and Steve.

10.   The Bible does not say Beevis and Butthead either, 
       what’s your point?

11.   Pollution in your backyard is bad.

12.   Children should not be allowed to bring assault 
       weapons to gym class.

13.   The climate changes almost every day.

14.   OJ Simpson was a great running back.

15.   Clean air is better than smog.

Whatever your political bent, get out and vote, unless you can’t even agree with any of the above, then maybe you should just stay home.
This re-run is from November 2014.


  1. You make some significant points on which many with other opposing views can agree .... but .... don’t some of the conservatives still believe the earth is flat? Just askin’!

    1. My research fails to find a determinable political affiliation with the Flat Earth Society, while it may be true that some Conservative who believe the theory do exist, there are also some liberals that believe it is possible to get something from nothing which is not so different from belief in a flat Earth. Anyone who believes in either probably should not vote.

  2. No 12 is definitely something to abolish here in the UK. Knives in the hands of youths hell bent on killing every one they meet is a no-no for us. I'll worry about politics when these louts are made to suffer.

  3. Miss Grammar totally cannot agree with #1. Justin Beiber is merely misguided. I don't know anything about football, not even what a running back does, so I'll cede to you on that one. Also, I will give you Sara Palin, but only if I can add in my own head, "until she opens her mouth." I am going to vote anyway.

    1. Actually there is no rule regarding ending a sentence with a preposition, perhaps in old Latin, but not in English.

  4. Lol, I especially liked #14. But I don't know about conservative Republicans thinking Chris Rock is funny or Liberals admitting Palin is hot.

  5. This is spot on, Joe. Very well done.

    I also have a puppy post coming for Awww Mondays. I think it's around mid-month. I even mentioned you in the post.

    Going to go vote tomorrow.

    Have a fabulous day. 😎

  6. Well the earth is round, Ebola is bad, no children with assault weapons and yea clean air. Hey, it's a start. Going to vote tomorrow.

  7. Why are you trying to find things we agree about? I'm not outraged by this post at all and I don't dislike the other side more for having read it. That in itself makes me feel a bit outraged.

    Don't make me like my uncle who sends me unsourced memes by email every day.

  8. No elections here in the UK but I hope things turn out for the best in the USA. I have friends of all political persuasions and they can get a bit rabid at election time!

  9. I voted by mail but I wanna vote again!!

  10. You can bet you guitar that I will vote tomorrow.

  11. I'm making a cheat sheet to put in my pocket. I'll remember the two candidates I want to vote for, and the one I will definitely vote against...but the other local races and referendums sometimes bog me down at the ballot booth. I'll think, "Did I want that one, or do I just recognize the name from seeing so many signs in yards?"

  12. I remember reading once that the political spectrum is actually a circle so as conservatives and liberals move further apart they eventually will get closer together until they join hands. But maybe not on Beevis and Butthead.

  13. I knew some older folks that believed until the day they passed on that the earth wasn't round. Tell them it was and the people that went out of space proved it was. They would say they didn't go to the moon. Ha.I'm thinking about voting if my knee quits hurting long enough.

  14. Yes, i will vote, and yes, i agree with these things. We can all also agree that being able to cast a ballot in a free and fair election is a good thing.

  15. #12:: so bringing assault weapons to every other class is OK? (*~*)

  16. Barbed wire, used properly, can be a beautiful sight.

  17. believe it or not when they have to play "opposite opposite" they can argue even over the shape of earth

  18. I actually know someone who believes the earth is flat.
