Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Webroot- WTF!

Webroot- WTF!
Recently I tried to open up a post from Catylist “Oddball Observations.”  
I received the message below from Webroot and was unable to access the post. 

Warning: This is a High Risk Site

Webroot has blocked the website you are trying to access for your protection:


Detected Malicious Site

This site might contain links to viruses or other malicious software programs that can capture personal information or corrupt files on your computer.

Request a review of the security rating for this website.

Unblock page and continue (This is not advised based on our security information.)

Very strange as I have never subscribed to Webroot security.  I clicked nothing as it looked very scam-ish, and I had to subscribed to an email notification of this blog.

Very strange.

Then I later received the same message when attempting to open a post from Tabor at https://taborsyard.blogspot.com/ .  Weird!

I attempted to log on from my basement backup computer and there was no issue.   Hmm.

I searched my computer and found a Webroot App was installed on 9/19/18 without my knowledge.  I uninstalled the app and no longer have any issues.
While I am as pleased as punch that I figured out how to find this unwanted app and then to uninstall it, I am a bit disturbed that it was installed without my knowledge.

I understand a virus maliciously infecting a computer, which is why these Anti-virus programs exist, but to be infected by an anti-virus infecting program is concerning to say the least.

Also, I have Googled Webroot, and the general consensus seems to be that even those that pay for the service say it SUCKS!!  I agree.


  1. It is astonishing how much goes onto our computers without our knowledge or permission. I am having an email problem from an unknown body that I keep deleting.

    1. mark that particular email as spam, delete it, then go into your 'deleted items' folder and delete all items. that should put a stop to it.

  2. Yikes that is scary. So glad you were able to get rid of it.

  3. Glad you can get back to my site, of course. Unfortunately I do have Webroot which was what the Geek Squad recommended on install in my new computer a few years ago. There was a Kaspersky...made in Russia...that they said was NOT recommended. Well.

    1. Interesting...if you have Webroot as your security, i doubt very much that a real Webroot would find your site unsafe, so the app on my computer was probably a malicious fake.

  4. I don't know. Have you tried turning it off and turning it back on again? That always works for me. Until it doesn't.

  5. What are you, some kind of freaky brainiac, finding that app on your own? AND UNINSTALLING IT!!! I am quite impressed. You are your own Geek Squad.

    I had trouble today getting my new HP laptop to log on. Just the scenery page came up. Normally, I click on it and get my log-in box for my password. Couldn't get ANYTHING except that picture. Not even a spinning circle to let me know something was loading. Not even a cursor.

    I DID turn it off and back on. THREE times. At which point I got a black screen, and a spinning circle, and it must have updated and did its thing as normal. I hate updates. I don't trust Windows 10. I really miss my ten-year-old Toshiba laptop with Windows VISTA.

  6. I have Webroot installed on my computer by Geek Squad. I received the same warning yesterday. It was the first time I had ever seen a warning from them. Webroot has been on my computer 2 years. Very strange.

  7. It has happened to us, too. An anti-virus whatever it is ends up on your computer without you putting it there. Then they almost hold you hostage.

    We go with Vipre. No nonsense.

  8. Strange things are happening in the ether...apparently someone in the states was trying to hack into my google account. I had to change my password. I didn't appreiciate it.

  9. I've never heard of webroot. However, Norton warns me everyday that I'm not fully protected because I don't have automatic renewal. Every single day.

  10. I sometimes get those "malicious website" comments appearing and just click away from wherever I am and never go back. I noticed something called "Hitman Pro" in my downloads page recently and I don't remember ever downloading it, probably I should delete it using the "add/remove programs" app.

  11. I just bought SWMBO a new laptop. God help me if Webroots finds it.

  12. Well I'll pass this right on by then.

    Have a fabulous day, Joe. 😎

  13. I have Apple computers and while they can be hacked, I think it must be a little harder.
    Maybe I’m fooling myself.

  14. I found when we put apps on our devices that when we allow those permissions anything can happen. My tablet is the worst for crazy things that appear like other apps that I don't know what they are or how they got there.
