Wednesday, October 24, 2018

The Bachelor

The Bachelor

No, this is not a reality TV show critique, the bachelor is me…for a week anyway.

Mrs. C left me. 

Twice a year she leaves town to work at her bosses Ballroom Dance Competition.  It is a big deal, takes a lot of preparation and lasts for four days.  She will be busy working almost 12 plus hours a day.  I know she works a lot because when she comes home she is very tired and sometimes a bit crankier than I am.

While she is gone, I will be a bachelor. 

Yesterday I enjoyed a cigar with a glass of port, and a grilled steak for dinner. After desert, I watched the first game of the World Series guilt free.

This bachelor thing is great!

Today, I did a few chores as requested on a Mrs. Cranky list that I could actually read, practiced guitar and tonight I will watch game two of the World Series.

Still pretty good.

Tomorrow I will be cleaning bathrooms, going to the gym and…I don’t know.  Watching TV is not so good as there is no one to tell me what just happened, and no one to listen to me complain about what just happened after it is explained to me.

From past experience, this bachelor thing gets tired pretty fast.

I may be missing Mrs. Cranky…don’t be a jerk and tell her.


  1. I guess you will at times wander round like a lost child, feeling thankful that it doesn't happen often.

  2. I won’t tell her, but if you’re smart, you will!

  3. It's only a week, you'll be fine. Just remember to pamper her through the resulting tiredness after she gets home.

  4. Being a bachelor for a while is good ... no need to mow the loan, take the trash out, wash the dishes and do the million and one jobs in the house.

    God bless.

  5. Your secret is safe with me. It's nice to have a day or two to yourself once in a while, but after that, it loses its luster.

  6. At least you have her list. I know it must be really hard, without somebody to tell you what to do... Likewise, I'm sure Mrs. C is missing you, too. Don't throw out any of her stuff while she's gone!

  7. Yeah, I had a couple weeks of bach-ing at the end of September, boy I miss those days ... ;-)

  8. We don't need to tell her, she already knows. She probably reads your blog and doesn't tell you.

    Have a fabulous day being a bachelor. It will be over soon. 😎

  9. Great time for the world series huh? Enjoy and I agree with Joared, think you would be smart to tell her if she doesn't read your blog. Or you know she does read it and you just let her know.

  10. I know whereof you speak. Steaks are great but silence definitely ain't golden.

  11. Send me $13.72 in cash & I won't say a word to her!!

  12. Having the house to yourself is great for about two or three days. Then it gets lonely. I won't say a word to Mrs. C.
