Thursday, October 11, 2018


 An Oldie from March 2013

If you are a long time follower of this blog you know I have a thing about my cuckoo clock. If you are really interested (and maybe a tad weird) here are the previous cuckoo clock posts:

For the Readers Digest version:

Forty-two years ago I gave my mom a cuckoo clock for Christmas.  It was a $20 clock but might have been the best present I ever gave her.  When she passed away I inherited the clock.  The clock is special to me.  One of the hands on the clock is broken so if the time is off you can’t just move the hands to adjust it, you have to speed up or slow down the clocks pendulum.  The clock needs to be wound twice a day.  You wind it by pulling down on a chain which lifts a weight which keeps the pendulum moving.  If you forget to wind it, it usually takes about two days to get it in synch with the rest of the world.

OK, now you are up to speed.

Every week I drive an hour and a half to my son’s house to babysit my toddler grandchildren.  I leave Wednesday night and return Thursday evening.  Whenever I return the clock is never rewound.  By the time I get it running and up to speed, I am due to toddler-sit again.  My clock is almost never cuckooing at the right time.  I tease Mrs. Cranky that if she really loved me she would keep the clock running when I am away doing grandpa duty.

This week was an especially difficult babysitting chore.  My son and daughter-in-law had to attend a funeral and I was alone with my toddlers for over 24 hours, plus I had to sit for my DIL’s parent’s dog.  I survived, and when I returned home Thursday evening the clock was still running and it was right on time.  Mrs. Cranky kept the clock running. 

She loves me, she really loves me!

On Sunday at church the Priest’s sermon was on “Being Grateful.”  He finished the sermon asking, “What are you grateful for this week?”

When we got home after church Mrs. C asked me, “What did you say to Father?”


“Well on the way out he said ‘Bless you my child’ and gave me a big wink.”

“Gee I don’t know, I just said to him that I was grateful that my wife showed me she loved me.  He asked, 'And how was that?'  I told him, For the first time in our marriage she pulled my chain and wound my clock.”

“If he doesn’t read your blog, we are going to have to find a different church!”


  1. Ha Ha! Better start looking for a different church.
    Or explain to the Father what you meant.

  2. Lovely post. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this post. It reminded me of a cuckoo clock somewhere in the family but one which I tried hard to break by yanking the chains as hard as I could. Well, you know what kids are like!

  3. Bwahahahahahahahaha. You're going to have to find a different church.

    Have a fabulous day and thanks for the belly laugh. 😎

  4. I"m impressed that you babysit toddlers that often!

    So glad Mrs. Cranky finally wound your clock. Cuckoo clocks are awesome. My grandparents had one that someone brought them from Germany, and I loved that thing.

  5. Be careful what you say to your priest!!

  6. oh my goodness, no you didn't. Did you? say that? Ha!! funny stuff.
    Dang, I've missed this blog. Fell out of the blogging world and I've missed it.

  7. I'm more impressed with your babysitting!

  8. She must REALLY love you. Hick's chain will go unpulled, and his clock remain unwound when he goes on a trip. I despise the intrusive sound of his cuckoo, even though it belonged to my grandma. Hick pulls his own chain every day.

  9. Never explain .... now you have an awesome weekly wink and nod for as long as you like.

  10. I bet he's thinking you are one lucky guy! (and he'd be right!) Don't let him up each week with a big smile on your face!

  11. What a descriptive testimony to love!

  12. Hilarious! I'm not showing this to my husband - I don't want him getting ideas!

  13. Sharing your sympathy for such clocks, I once wrote a short story on a similar time machine. I think it's too long to publish it here (622 words). If you would like to read it, I propose to send it to you by e-mail. My e-mail address is:
    federico1931 at
    Best regards, Federico.-
