Thursday, September 27, 2018

Tech Savvy

Tech Savvy
I just saw a video of a grandpa videoing his grandson’s marriage proposal.  Very sweet, even sweeter somehow, because he had his phone on selfie mode and filmed his reaction, not the proposal.  Funny, but I realized, “That would be me!”

Yes, I have lost my tech savvy.  “Lost” you ask? “Were you ever tech savvy?”

Well yes, kind-of. 

I knew how to whack the TV if it was doing that picture flip thing.  I could adjust those rabbit ears and knew how to use aluminum foil for improved reception.

I could start a lawnmower with a pull cord when careful adjustment of the “choke” was essential.  I knew to add a few drops to the carburetor to restart a car that had run out of gas.  I could drive a stick shift and knew how to start a car by popping the clutch when the battery was toast.  I could change a flat tire.

In my later years I could fix a TV tuner with WD-40.  I knew how to split cable and wire it through out the house and not pay the cable company for extra hook-ups.  Hell, I even used to program my VCR to tape one show while I was watching another and even tape shows overnight while I was sleeping!

When computers first made the scene at work, I quickly learned how to double click and use a search engine.  I was proficient at several functions of Excel.   I figured out email, and even used instant messaging.  Then suddenly technology revved up and there was something new every day.

Young people pick up the new stuff, because they need it at work and all their friends use new tech, so they have to learn it. 

I did not need new tech in retirement and most of my friends were equally clueless.  I now learn new technology only under duress, like if I don’t figure it out, I can’t operate my car, use the radio or find my way home.

I know how to use my own TV cable system, but I am lost at my son’s house…I can’t even turn the damn thing on.

I sometimes feel pretty stupid about my lack of tech knowledge, but then I saw this video of several teenagers trying to use a rotary phone.

Apparently even the simplest things are not so simple if you have never seen them and have no instructions on their use.


  1. Well the kid couldn't figure out how to pull his pants up so I'm not surprised he couldn't figure out the rotary phone.

  2. I struggle to maintain too. It moves fast doesn’t it.
    I’ll Snapchat you later.

  3. Lol, I asked to borrow my daughter's crock pot for a party and she looked at me and told me it runs on an app. I was like, OH Crap, forget it!

  4. You are still way more advanced than I am. If I didn't have Genius to do my technology bidding, I'd be living in a cave, watching shadows on the wall from the flickering fire. I DO know how to build a fire.

  5. We must be from the same generation. I used to be able to do all that stuff, too. Now? Pfffffttt.

  6. It helps that i still have twenty-somethings hanging around all of the time. If i don’t know how to do something, i just ask them.

  7. One man's technology is another man's what-the hell?!!

  8. It all comes down to whether or not you need or want something. If you do need or want, then you learn the processes necessary. I'm lucky enough to have a daughter who talks me through stuff and doesn't mind waiting while I write out the step-by-step process so I can follow it at home until I know what I am doing.

  9. I just watched the little video and not one of them knows to pick up the handset before trying to dial.

  10. I used to relish in the fact that I could do things hubby couldn't but that applies no longer. Now I relish in the fact that I can use a modern phone to get the services of experts.

  11. OMGosh I love the video! You Too? Shoot I'll never forget the day my then 5 y/o grandson connected my wifi when I was still trying to figure it out! I was reading the little booklet and before I finished the first page BAM he had it connected. I think that is the moment that I realized I wasn't that good, technology wise and if it weren't for those child labor laws his butt would be in the workforce, dang it! :) Just kidding of course!

  12. I can do a few blog..but I have 2 remotes to run our TV and neither Jack nor I have the desire to try and figure out how to make it only 1 remote. Last night he accidentally hit a button and the screen went blank. We looked like deer in the headlights as we panicked trying to figure out how to fix it. Did you know randomly pushing buttons can fix stuff? Me neither! Thankfully that worked.

  13. I'm OK but smart phones leave me cold. I refuse to go there but then I don't have cell service so I guess that is a good excuse.

  14. I haven't had a TV in my home since a watcher had to actually get off the couch & walk to the machine & select a channel, and so have never mastered the multiple remote conundrum. My 4-yo g'kid could work their double remotes fluently, without error; I got only snowy screens when I tried. ...and they all gave up on me & quit asking me to do it. And that was ok by me. ;-)

    But. I CAN drive a stick shift, so I'll be king if they ever start manufacturing those again. (I can also sew on buttons, and darn socks. For whatever that's worth....)
