Tuesday, July 17, 2018

E-Z Pass

E-Z Pass

Mrs. C and I both have an E-Z Pass, that thing on your windshield that lets you rip through highway tolls and the toll is charged to your account.  It is convenient, and it is a little bit cheaper than paying at the toll booth.  We don’t use toll roads that often, but on some bridges, they now only take E-Z Pass, or take a picture of your license plate and send you a bill.  Getting and paying a bill that way is annoying so we got the E-Z Pass contraptions.

I keep my E-Z Pass on the windshield so it is always there when I need it.  Mrs. C keeps hers in the house.

The other day we were using a toll road.

“Crap, I forgot the E-Z Pass.”

“This is not the first time, why don’t you keep it on the windshield like the other 2 kajillion people that use E-Z Pass?”


“Because why?”

“You will make fun of me if I tell.”

“No I won’t.”

“I don’t want anyone to break in to the car and steal it.”

“What? Who is going to break into a car and steal the E-Z Pass thing?  Why not just take the car? And what are they going to do, get free tolls?  The E-Z pass will track where they go?”  In the humpty-diddle years that E-Z Pass has been around I have never heard of anyone breaking into a car and stealing the E-Z Pass thing. That is just stupid!”

“See, that is why I didn’t want to tell you.”

“Why not just keep it in the glove box so no one knows you have it, but it is there if you need it.”


“Because why?”

“You will make fun of me if I tell.”

“No I won’t.”

“If it is in the glove box I might drive close to a toll booth and be accidently charged a toll I didn’t use.

“What?”  In the humpty-diddle years that E-Z Pass has been around I have never heard of anyone ever being accidentally charged a toll like that.”

“People don’t know, they don’t always check their statement.”

“That is ridiculous.”

“You’re a jerk.”

“I’m a jerk?”

“If the E-Z Jerk fits, stick it on the windshield.”

“That doesn’t even make any sense.”

“Maybe not, but you’re still a jerk.”


  1. We have one, too.
    We should have two.
    It has only been in the vehicle we were using once in the past two years.

  2. I'm tempted to file a nuisance lawsuit over the municipalities that now essentially force you to use them stinking things OR be charged extra months later via mail and don't have toll booths leaving them as your only choice. We don't live around anything that would cause need of it so when we travel it's a pain when we hit a half dozen roads with no toll booths followed by a half dozen random toll bills months later. So far only one has been bogus but we only realized it accidentally. It's very possible we've paid a couple over the years not realizing they were bad charges simply because we don't always mark it down when we hit such a road.

  3. We only encounter toll roads when we visit The Pony in Oklahoma. Hick does not like taking the turnpike, which costs about $20 one-way if you pay at all the toll booths. I know they have an E-Z Pass, because we have to make sure we avoid certain lanes. I'm sure there would be a discount with E-Z Pass. We take the back roads, which adds maybe 45 minutes to an otherwise 8-hour drive. We pay $4.50 at one toll booth, and get $2.25 back a couple miles later when we turn off that road.

    Of course, I am always digging for the cash last-minute, because Hick forgets to tell me it's coming up, and being just a passenger, I don't pay much attention.

  4. I've never heard of those EZI-pass things, they seem like a great idea and I'd be inclined to leave it stuck on the window. That way I'd never forget to put it on when I needed it. We don't have any toll roads here, none that I know about anyway. Being a non-driver it's not the sort of thing I worry about.

  5. Sticking it on the window makes sense. Thank goodness we don't have toll roads. Not that I need them now, but I am still thankful on behalf of others.

  6. The company that handles the one going over the Golden Gate Bridge is a fraud. I spent months trying to correct a mistake they made and finally let my credit card company handle it.

  7. I don't have one of those. Somehow the bar code gets read as you go through the toll booth? I wish they would use that technology for parking meters in Burlington. I would find it a lot easier to have a barcode tag on my key chain rather than feeding ten quarters into the meter or trying to get it to read my credit card. There is a phone app but my phone is not attached to my body so half the time it stays home when I go out.

    Amusing post. If I suggested Mrs. C is a teensy bit paranoid, would you call me a jerk?

  8. Your wife's logic makes me smile. You're not a jerk.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

  9. Her logic has holes but makes sense to her. Just go with it Joe. When I worked for the Florida turnpike, we would often get NJ toll collectors through who would brag about how much they made. They made more than our supervisors made. Bet they aren't happy about the E-Z pass.

  10. I can relate to Mrs.C , but then again, I have never had to encounter any toll roads or bridges.
    You two crack me up.

  11. Keeping a watch on the blue and white light is the tricky part.

  12. Surprisingly, this time I agree with you!!

  13. Those are arguments you will never win mister. I don’t care how much sense you make. But I would have been a jerk about it too.

  14. If the E-Z jerk fits... Hahahahahaha. Omgosh. Mrs. C makes me laugh.

  15. The company that is handling the tolls in Florida now is the same company Bijoux mentions...we are having major issues throughout Florida right now with them. The issues regarding this company were known, yet they still got the contract. Grr.

    But that's not what your post is about. Luckily, our version of E-Z pass is sort of glued to the windshield (can't be easily removed), so we can't get into any arguments about it.
