Friday, May 4, 2018

No Offense

No Offense

A cranky opinion for


The following is the opinion of a cranky old man with no particular expertise in anything.  Opposing opinions are welcome but wrong.  As always, please, no name calling, and that means you, you big stupid-head.

This week I decided to offer an opinion on a subject that could not possibly be offensive to anyone regardless of race, religion, age, body type, gender or national origin.

Dieting? #me too? Freedom of religion? Abortion? Washington DC? Trump? Clinton? Comey? Russians? Climate? Education? Sex? Lego’s? Snowflakes? KKK? Liberals? Conservatives? Comedians? Betsy Ross? America? Refugees? ISIS? Hitler? Balloons? Sports? Pills? Airlines? Exercise? Transgender? Politics? Bubble gum? TV? Toads? Farts? Ozone? Pluto?

Crap…I got nothing.


  1. i will chose "dieting" which is really great thing (when other do ) not for me

  2. "Crap...I got nothing" there's something I never thought I'd see here.

  3. Nothing? Doesn't Pluto inspire you to write a funny? Actually I didn't mean Pluto, but I was too scared to mention anything or anyone

  4. Pretty hard to be politicaly correct isn't it? It makes for a pretty boring blog post.

  5. Resist, resist, resist. That's what all that is.

    Have a fabulous weekend, Cranky. ☺

  6. You make a good point. Even a post on bran muffins could stir up some controversy. Sides would form on the sides of the devotees vs the haters. Tough to stay neutral these days.

    1. I don't know what to write, either. Maybe my next post will be on bran muffins!!

  7. Pluto? How dare you! People like you are what is wrong with the country.

  8. After looking over the choices, I think that if you HAD to give an opinion, Legos might be the safest topic to build upon, likely to offend only the most tender-footed, night-time house-roamers. Bubble gum, a close second, could get you into a sticky wicket with your teacher readership.

  9. Lego's?? How could those little things ever offend anyone? Oh wait. There's my husband who is a toy racist and has no tolerance for Lego's. He swears that Lego's are out to get him. I think it might be true, because I never step on Lego's. I think they burrow deep into our carpeting and hide until they see my husband's big old harry feet coming....and then they come out of hiding, and my husband steps on them, and he screams and swears and whines like a big baby. And I can hear the Lego's laughing. Yeah, don't do a post about Lego's or my husband will surely have a problem with that.

  10. This would be funnier if it weren't so true. Still i have to laugh so i don't cry.

  11. I am offended by your attempts at un-offensiveness.

  12. All you people who think that Pluto is not a real planet, yeah, that's what's wrong with the world.
