Wednesday, April 25, 2018

What makes Women So Special?

What makes Women So Special?

I often hear women claim men are wimps because they could never endure the pains and discomfort of carrying and creating a baby for nine months and then suffer the pain of child birth.
Granted, several months of throwing up must be very uncomfortable.  Having various foods make you ill is inconvenient. Carrying extra weight around, being bloated, having back pain and bladder issues are all things that men would complain about far more than any woman. Passing a head many times larger than the orifice of exit? I’m pretty sure a man would faint a few times during this process.
All these things and more are excellent arguments for women being special and tougher than men, but it misses the most impressive point. 
Once conception takes place the woman has no choice but to go through with the process (yes, I know, abortion is an option, but for sake of this post lets leave that out of the discussion).
I believe that if he had to, a man could and would go through all the pain and discomfort associated with child birth.  When you have no choice, you can endure pain and discomfort, have no choice, so I believe men could undergo childbirth if it was possible.
The truly amazing thing about women that does not get enough attention, is not their ability to endure the morning sickness, tiredness, bloating, back pain, bladder issues of developing a baby and the incredibly pain and endurance during many hours of delivering a baby. 
No, it is something else that makes women so amazing.  There is something that women do that almost no man in the world ever would or could do.
What is this thing that women do?
Within a year, and sometimes even within only a few months of going through nine months of discomfort and several hours of the most intense pain and torture imaginable, women will say,
“Let’s do that again!”
Yes, just think about it; sure it takes guts and stamina and dedication to have a baby, but experiencing how difficult and painful the process is and to then want to do it again?
That is really what makes women special!


  1. I've had a baby and it wasn't easy. It's worth it though. You love them long before they are born. They are worth it, until they are teenagers. Then for a while you wonder why. We were meant to have the babies and that's okay with me.

    Have a fabulous day, Joe. My best to your wonderful wife. ☺

  2. You just made my point that kidney stones are more painful than childbirth. You NEVER hear a man say, "I think I'll have another one."

  3. I remember saying this as I was being wheeled into the delivery room with my 3rd kiddo: "I can't believe I did this on purpose". Not only that, I did it a fourth time. However, there were a few times in the teen years that I understood why some animals eat their young.

  4. Now that's an interesting take on the matter.

    My opinion would be that what makes women special is the same thing that makes men special, that they are created in the image of G-d, their loving Creator.

  5. I could ALMOST be persuaded to believe that a kidney stone is more painful than childbirth. Because I had a gallstone, and that pain was worse than birthing either of my big-headed boys, naturally. I got to the hospital too late for an epidural both times, my driver Hick delaying our departure so HE could have a shower. Or that pain could be because I knew I wasn't getting a little bundle of joy when that gallstone (and gallbladder) came out (surgically).

  6. This is because the pains of labour are over as soon as the baby is born and forgotten the second we hold that tiny little miracle who stares up at us with total dependence and trust that we fall in love with.

  7. Pains are for all the peoples. Labor pain is very difficult to bear. But once when we see the little one all pain goes off. The remaining days we enjoy and do everything for the family where we don't realize the pain...

  8. Reading this had me feeling all maternal and that's not a good idea at my age!! However, were I 60 years younger, I would go through it all again. To hell with pain, it soon disappears.

  9. I didn't think the 24 hours of childbirth were as bad as the actual 9 month pregnancies. I HATED being so huge!

  10. Why, thank you. We are all pretty special, each in our own way.

    1. Especially if we're fishduckies!!

  11. Are you sure that's not just what makes us entirely nuts?

  12. Do you suppose if men gave birth that we would have a world full of only children? Somehow I think you guys would also get that pain amnesia that hits when the baby is put in your arms.

  13. This is very sensitive topic which you brought with such brilliant lightness Joe! and i believe that no women can do it either

    the process of crying baby for nine months and bearing all the suffering and pains till last horrible moment makes women SPECIAL

    because somehow it softens her heart and smoothens her soul and may be this is why in the history of world no women killed numerous people like hitler or many unfortunate like him

    this is why she has SPECIAL power to deal with worst circumstances and motherly touch in all her relationships

  14. I have zero maternal inclinations, so I've never understood this one. I can't imagine going through all of that once, let alone multiple times. I'm told my dad apparently felt that he suffered enough during my birth (he's very squeamish) to immediately announce that he could never go through that again. It's still a sore topic with my mother, and I'm in my 30s!

  15. What lowandslow said made me laugh out loud!
