Sunday, April 22, 2018


It is Time Again For

This week’s stupid headlines and my stupider, sometimes sophomoric comments.
Boston Marathon says trans women can compete as women, raising questions about possible advantages – Because who wouldn’t change their genitals in order to gain an advantage in a race?
Snake sex party discovered after Florida python implanted with tracking device – Snake sex party?  Was this a party of snakes or was a snake used in a sex party…I don’t want to know!
Man, 80, accidentally records himself admitting to killing Missouri lawyer who sued him – Dag nab fancy new gizmos!
Delta flight makes emergency landing: 'We left a tire in NYC – Plane headed for Richmond landed in Washington.  Why couldn’t it make an emergency landing 120 miles away in Richmond?  Do planes that are missing a tire land better in Washington than in Richmond?
New upright airplane 'seats' would allow for 'ultra-high density' flights – Why not just put in those subway poles for multiple people to grab on to, “Attention passengers, we are experiencing turbulence, please fasten your seat belt, or hold on real tight to the pole.”
Cat adopted after walking 12 miles back to family who then tried to have him euthanized – I am not a cat person, but these people are really cold!
Christie's official portrait to cost taxpayers $85K: report – In the ex-governor’s defense, it took a LOT of paint!
After calling Barbara Bush an ‘amazing racist,’ a professor taunts critics: ‘I will never be fired’ – Perhaps, but you will also always be fat and ugly…and stupid!
Kim Kardashian's bikini pic body-shamed by users mocking her toe – I’m not a fan of the K’s, but I have to ask, who the hell is looking at her toes?
4 Things You Should Never Ask While Being Interviewed – I know from experience that asking, “Do you allow booze in the office?” should not be asked on the first interview.
Majority of Americans utter curse words when stressed out, study finds – Number one I think this is complete bull shit, number two, what dumb ass would give a fuck about such stupid issue.
One Armed Three-Year-Old Plays Golf – I don’t care if you like golf or not, if this doesn’t give you a warm glow, you have no heart.
Come Back Next Week For More



  1. What a great little guy...thanks for sharing this one Joeh.

  2. Randa Jarrar is a foul mouthed sorry excuse for a human being. What an awful thing she said about Barbara Bush. You are also right that she will also always be fat and ugly…and stupid! Nasty woman.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

  3. Tracking device? That snake was trying to just do its thing and couldn't get any privacy.

  4. Thanks for the story on Tommy. What a kid but also, what great parents he has.

  5. "Delta flight makes emergency landing: 'We left a tire in NYC " It probably landed in Washington instead of Richmond because Washington is a bigger media market. "If it bleeds, it leads."

  6. Looks like the Show-Me State is now the Tell-You State!

    Screwed prostitutes, snake sex party, and stress-cursing? My 13-year-old self is going to need oxygen from all the giggle-snorting.

  7. I had a good chuckle over these.

  8. Ha Ha, I can't think of crazier ones if I try.

  9. It's really very complicated in this busy life to
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  10. Some of this stuff is so nutty is has to be true. Great story about the golfer, he is going to be a champ at whatever he choses to do in life.

  11. Ultra-high density flights...why does that sound ominous?
