Friday, April 6, 2018

No Flipping Way!

No Flipping Way!
I wonder how many times in my life I have said “No flipping way!”  You know, like when someone shows you something completely new and you can’t believe it is even possible.
Several hundred years ago and eons before, very few opportunities came to say “No flipping way!” Maybe a bow and arrow elicited such a response.  An ax may have excited the first hunters and gatherers.  The first wheel certainly changed lives, and for sure, fire got a whole lot of “No flipping way’s!”.  I’ll bet gun powder and firearms got a lot of wondrous exclamations as well.
From fire, wheels, tools and gun powder it was a lot of no change until someone figured out an internal combustion engine.  
For a hundred or more years after that, an airplane got a “No flipping way!”, radio was huge, TV certainly got a big “No flipping way!” and atomic energy surprised everyone except Einstein.  I left out the telephone.  That allowed you to declare “No flipping way!” from coast to coast.
In my life time there have been so many “No flipping way’s!” that nothing surprises me anymore.  The cell phone was cool, and internet is great, but by the time they came around I was numb to fantastic, science-fiction-come-true stuff. 
I think the last innovation that freaked me out and had me declare “No flipping way!” was the fax machine. 
I remember at work we needed a daily report from Chicago.  I asked someone how they got this report so fast. 
“Oh, they just fax it.”
“They what?”
“They put the report in a machine in Chicago, and that transmits the report to our machine over the phone lines and it prints out here.”
“Get the fuck out!”
“I’m serious, this little machine here.  Watch, they are sending the report now.”
“Ekk ek eek eke k eke k eek whir eke k bringa ding eke ek….”
And the report came printed out of a small machine.
“No flipping way!”
Since then almost nothing surprises me.
Does anyone even use a fax machine today?
What was your last “No flipping way!”?


  1. A fax machine? No flipping way.

    Loved this.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend. ☺

  2. When I was told yesterday my non-communicating wife's daughter DOES communicate. By texting. I have yet to learn how to text. People ask me if I text. I say NO FLIPPING WAY!

  3. Well, the driverless cars excited me until I found out it was more fiction than fact,

  4. I'm pretty sure our financial adviser received some paperwork on Hick's 401K on his fax machine. He requested it on a conference call with a gal from New Zealand who was working in Arizona. Yeah. I was thinking, "No flippin' way!"

  5. I think I'm numb...or dumb....nothing fazes me.

  6. There is so much technology, and it changes so fast, it's hard to find impressive things any more. As for the fax machine, yes, you can send faxes, some people still do.

  7. It was probably when I got my Bachelor of Arts degree. (I still think they probably just felt sorry for me.)

  8. My last "No Flipping Way" was just this morning when I discovered I'd lost something important.

  9. I remember feeling enthralled by the new gadget in the office, a fax machine. Look at us now, up to our ears with new inventions.

  10. Things they are learning about the body...not technology, but maybe many breakthroughs.

  11. Like Bijoux said, the driverless cars amaze me, but if I ever need to call for an Uber and a driverless one shows up I will be forced to say "No flipping way!"

  12. I think 'smart phones' that access the internet in the middle of nowhere are a 'no flippin way' moment for me. Or running a credit card via satellite from the middle of Africa. . .

    The amazing thing to me about fax machines is how quickly they came and went. When they first came out, they were so cool, and enabled all sorts of things, and within 10-15 years, they're hardly even used anymore. . . Sort of like cassette tapes and CDs. . .

  13. I think cell phones. How did my land line know when I dialed the number that my brother's cell phone was in some obscure town in Florida and found him instantly? No flipping way.

  14. I have reached the point where I see something new and just wonder WHY? Who needs it? Refrigerators you can call on your cell phone and find out what you need to buy at the grocery store? No flippin' way will I ever feel the need for that. I just went on a search for a refrigerator that doesn't even have an ice maker because I just think of them as a mold making machine. Good grief, I sound cranky, don't I?

  15. When a coworker said ODOT was testing driverless snow plows on I71.

  16. I watched some drone footage from a roof inspection that was done by my bosses at work. That came pretty close to "no flipping way."
