Wednesday, April 11, 2018



Years ago on the very first episode of the first Bill Cosby sit-com, the one where he played a gym teacher, not a Doctor.  Cosby, in full gym teacher attire (Damn he was funny, I wish he had not turned out to be such a dick) was searching all over his office for something.  I was watching with my old high school friend Widmer, and we both hollered out at the same time, NEEDLE VALVE!
Two seconds later Cosby started mumbling NEEDLE VALVE…NEEDLE VALVE.
Widmer and I were in stiches.  Anyone who has ever owned a basketball or football that was deflated knows that a NEEDLE VALVE is one of those things that you see all the time, but when you finally need it, it is nowhere to be found.
The other night after finishing a tax stuff for my college son, I needed a paper clip.  I see paper clips all the time.  I don’t think I have ever looked for anything in this house without seeing a paper clip.  I see them and think,
“When I need a paper clip I know where to find one.”
Except apparently paper clip is to stationary as NEEDLE VALVE is to sports equipment.
I checked every drawer in the house and could not find a paper clip.  I could have called Mrs. C at work and she would know immediately where I could find one, but she would also make fun of me for being clueless as I’m sure I must have looked in a drawer where there was a paper clip and just missed it.
As I ripped apart drawers looking for a paper clip, which yes, I did finally locate one, I was reminded of that old Cosby show.  I was muttering out loud, “NEEDLE VALVE…NEEDLE VALVE!”
Fortunately, I was home alone.
I’m not sure how I would have explained that strange muttering to Mrs. C.


  1. I have paper clips and I know exactly where they are. Assorted colours and sizes, in a small plastic container with a yellow lid in the top drawer of the chest behind me where I sit at the table. I never need to search the house for stuff like that.

  2. Great post. Thing to do is put a paper clip in a box, mark it PAPER CLIPS, then put it away somewhere safe. If you do this be prepared to forget where you put the damn thing.

  3. I will of course refrain from yet again pointing out that it a genetic fault of the human male that prevents you all from being able to see any random household item no matter how obvious the location. Oh, I guess there should have been a not in that sentence.

  4. I did not know he played a gym teacher in the first episode. We loved that show. It's sad that it's now tainted.

    1. He had a show from 69 to 71 where he played gym teacher Chet Kincade. Well before the show where he was a doctor.

  5. How many times have I purchased a pack of paper clips or bull dog clips and then came home and found some right where they should have been but weren't when I was looking for them.

  6. I've used a needle valve more than once back in the day.

    I'm sure glad you were home alone. Just saying.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

  7. FUNNY (& utterly believable)!!

  8. Don't remember that episode but I was a fan of that man since I Spy. Killed me that he turned out to be such a creep. Sigh.
    I too am glad you were alone. Now she can read and wonder.

  9. There was a sci-fi short story in which you could find too many paper clips, followed by none, then too many clothes hangers, then none, then the police would find abandoned bicycles everywhere. The alien species had paper clip eggs, clothes hanger pupa, and then grew into bicycles. It was rather amusing.

  10. I could never find a needle valve when I needed one. Same way now with rubber bands. Paper clips are plentiful, but you can't save a rubber band, because it gets all brittle and rotten when you go five or ten years between using one.

  11. Man, if I had a needle valve for every item I'm always looking for but never finding...well, since I'm not sure what to do with a needle valve unless it involves an IV bag I guess I would just have a big box of valves...huh?

  12. it was impossible to find such tiny stuff in past when mom was in extremely in hurry and asked to bring one
    though place was fixed for everything but then my mind was not

  13. The trouble with paperclips is that when you need one, you need it right then and there!
