Sunday, March 25, 2018

Stupid Headlines 032518

Stupid Headlines 032518
it is time again for
Evansville cops or Keystone cops?
This week’s stupid headlines and my stupider, sometimes sophomoric comments.
Politician walks back 'unqualified lesbian' slam of actress/gubernatorial candidate Cynthia Nixon – I would think that the requirements for being a lesbian are pretty simple…wouldn’t an “unqualified” lesbian just be a straight woman?
Ringo Starr receives knighthood for services to music I love the Beatles, and though he was a last-minute addition, I even like Ringo, but I just don’t think I could bring myself to say “Sir Ringo.”
How to lose $5B in two days? Just ask Mark Zuckerberg – Losing $5 billion is easy, the hard part is first making $500 billion.
MA Lawmaker: Rename 'General Hooker' Entrance at State House – Lawmaker suggests calling it the “Whore Door.”
Women's college instructs professors not to call students 'women' – College instead suggest “people who get really angry once a month.”
Serial toilet clogger on the loose in Wisconsin – Maybe it’s just the cheese.
Ruth Bader Ginsburg ranks the best cities to buy scrunchies – And this woman is deciding the law? Has she even watched “Sex and the City”?
Biden says he would 'beat the hell' out of Trump if in high school – Joe, what are you, twelve?
Trump fires back at Biden: He's 'mentally and physically' weak – Fight, fight, fight…Don King is shopping this one around.
Austin bomber's chilling 'confession': 'I wish I were sorry but I am not' – That’s ok, we will consider your blowing your ass up as an apology…thank you.
Ruth Bader Ginsburg rules that hot dogs are sandwiches – End of controversy, a wise decision indeed, love me some RBG!*

*An extremely rare double Ruth Bader Ginsberg headline week. 
Surgeon Walks 3 Hours In The Snow To Perform Surgery On Cancer Patient – Talk about your house calls!
Come back next week for more


  1. The news can be strange at times. I do love your feel good stories though.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

  2. College instead suggest “people who get really angry once a month.” ~ hahahaha...good one.

  3. "Austin bomber's chilling 'confession': 'I wish I were sorry but I am not' – That’s ok, we will consider your blowing your ass up as an apology…thank you."

    This was the most bizarre thing. Did you see his photo? Nice looking guy...young...23...well eyes. One blew this way, one blew that way... *sorry*

  4. That surgeon was a throw back to the old old old days lol.

  5. I happen to know a lot of "unqualified” lesbians, although some will argue otherwise...Silly things in the news for sure Joe, Thank you for keeping us up on the good ones.

  6. My 13-year-old self is snickering at the whore door and the toilet clogger, and putting five bucks on Trump in the fight, because he has the weight advantage.

  7. Instead of calling them 'women', perhaps they'd prefer 'persons with uteri'? . . .

    And my deepest appreciation to Madame Justice Ginsberg for finally, once-and-for-all settling the 'is a hot dog a sandwich' question. I take back all the nasty things I said about her. . .

  8. I might pay to see Trump and Biden square off.

  9. You would actually refer to him as "Sir Richard Starkey." That surgeon is one great doctor.

  10. Sir Ringo Starkey...hey, my last name is Starkey so maybe I can join him at the round table? That's a sweet story about a surgeon who went the extra foot no less! The toilet clogger has moved to Ohio and I think he or she has set up operation in our nurses lounge.

  11. Being a cancer survivor myself I agree. That dr. is Superwoman.

  12. the best cities to buy scrunchies <-- Next, we need to know the best cities to buy hot dogs!
