Sunday, March 11, 2018

Stupid Headlines 031118

Stupid Headlines 031118

it is time again for
Is diarrhea a good mix with anything?


This week’s stupid headlines and my stupider, sometimes sophomoric comments.


Brain surgeons perform procedure on wrong patient – Clearly these brain surgeons were not rocket scientists.

Woman who thought she had kidney infection was in labor – Baby was named “Stone.”

College Warns Saying “God Bless You” is Islamophobic – If they stop saying “Allah Akbar” when they blow shit up, I’ll not say “God bless you” if they sneeze.  Actually, I firmly believe that 99.999% of Muslims would not be the least bit offended…maybe people in College think too much.

Terrifying laughter from Amazon's Alexa creeps out its users – Only if users are having funny but creepy thoughts.

Interior Dept. spending $139G to fix doors in Zinke’s office – Apparently the doors are attached to a Ferrari.

Man drives stolen car to court for stolen car charge – He pled not guilty by reason of stupidity.

Man arrested for calling 911 four times to complain about clam chowder – Apparently Connecticut has a three-call maximum to complain about clam chowder.

Pizza Hut’s new Pie Tops II shoes let you order pizza and pause live TV – I was hoping that this was just a joke, but no…it seems some people actually believe this is a good idea.

Drug charges dropped after suspect refuses to poop for 47 days in custody – What did he swallow, cocaine or cement?

Family accidentally eats 21-year-old Quaker Oats cereal they got from Walmart – This might explain the 47-day non-pooping suspect.

'Bachelor' Arie Luyendyk Jr. 'Banned' From Minnesota as Becca Kufrin's Home State Stands Behind Her – He needs to move to California for sanctuary.


Desperate Mother Duck Quacks For Attention After Her Ducklings Fall Into A Storm Drain – Who doesn’t like a good duck story?

Come Back Next Week

for more



  1. Great uplifting post, thankyou

  2. You've outdone yourself this time. Another joyous start to my week.

  3. So many interesting/oddball things this week. 21 year old Quaker Oats. Did we have best before dates 21 years agao? Lovely story about the duck rescue.

  4. Your sophomoric comments are exceptional. You have a diarrhea headline for my 13-year-old self, and a duck headline for our buddy Fishducky. But it's hard to believe that nothing stupid happened in Florida this week!

    1. Florida has had such bad news recently, I'm giving them a pass.

  5. I loved the stolen car one the best. What an idiot.

    Have a fabulous day, Joe. ☺

  6. I have seen older expiration dates at

    Sorry for my long absence, and I hope you are having a good weekend!

  7. Brain surgeons working on the wrong patient!! Wow add in Alexa with the creepy laughter and you have...yeah that really doesn't make it any worse though.

    You have to love a good duck story, thanks for the grins this morning Joe.

  8. I have to keep reminding DH about checking the SB dates at Wally World. Think they about the worst!

  9. Grandpa could tell a few of those “didn’t know she was in labor” stories. They are always very odd to me.

  10. Pizza Hut’s new Pie Tops II shoes let you order pizza and pause live TV <-- Yeah, but can they do laundry and wash windows?
