Tuesday, January 2, 2018

I Think I Need a Life

I Think I Need a Life
I just finished watching “The Wizard of Oz” on TV with Mrs. C.  Well I just finished watching it as I am writing this, but by the time I post it will have been several days since this movie.  I only mention that because some one would have pointed out that the movie was broadcast several days ago…some readers are very picky.
This movie is Mrs. C’s absolute favorites.  She loves “Pretty Woman” and “My Cousin Vinny” but “Oz” is her favorite.  We have a room full of “W of Oz” plates, pictures, and W of Oz Tchotchkes of all kinds throughout the house.  Strangely enough, though I have seen this movie about a million times, I have never seen it from the very beginning to the very end.  I have seen every scene, just never all in order in one showing.
Tonight was no different, as we skipped back and forth to other shows trying to time the commercials.  We did not miss the hanging man scene (never miss that and yes, I know that story has been debunked and it is not a hanging man, but a large bird) …it is a hanging man; and we did see all the black and white sections. 
At the end I was troubled by an unresolved event that was key to the plot.
The mean old lady, Almira Gulch, later the wicked witch of the north, who had a sheriff’s order to take away Toto…what happened to Almira Gulch? If she survived the tornado then she would be back to take away Toto, the very reason Dorothy left the farm and met the snake oil salesman, later to be the wizard, was to get away from Almira Gulch.
Dorothy gets knocked out, dreams all the Land of Oz stuff, comes to and learns a lesson that “There is no place like home.” We assume that she lives happily ever after, except…
What happened to Almira Gulch and the order to take away Toto?
If you are thinking I need a life, you make a very good point.


  1. I will pass no judgment on your need of a life. I am sitting here at 11:11 (YES, as I just looked at my computer clock, it IS), wearing a ratty old sweatshirt and a new striped knit hat with ear flaps, chin-tie tassels, and a pom pom ball on top.

    I'm in no position, really to advise you on getting a life. But I'm hoping that Almira Gulch was tornadoed out of commission, and that Toto is safe from her clutches forever.

  2. I've never seen this movie all the way through simply because I don't like it. You do have a point though: what happened to Almira Gulch?

  3. I hope the house landed on her and the hogs ate her.
    First time I saw that flick, I was about five and it scared the pie out of me, all because of Miss Gulch.

  4. This film was on television yet again and I debated whether to give it another viewing. I searched for something else to watch but it was all rubbish so, and I apologise here, instead of putting the film back on I switched off the television and grabbed a book.

  5. I hate that movie, and yes, it raises a lot of questions, such as WHY anyone would ever let their young children watch this disturbing flick.

  6. It's a lovely old movie.....I watch it over and over again as well....along with a few other favourites. Most of my favourites were meant to be for children. That may explain a lot.

  7. Hmmm. Good question. Have you tried googling it?

  8. I've never seen all of this either. It never holds my interest long enough. I do have a life, not an exciting one, but a life nonetheless.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

  9. Aww crap, there goes my sleep tonight. I never thought of that and now it will bug me. If you find out, please post it.

    1. Dorothy got a restraining order against her; go to sleep!!

  10. Maybe the same tornado that knocked Dorothy on the head took Ms. Gulch's house and she had more important things to worry with for a while than bothering her neighbors. One reason i never wondered is i've read all 14 of the original Oz books, and the movie doesn't do them justice, even though it's a great movie.

  11. Not sure about Almira..but, I'm still afraid of the monkeys!

  12. "What happened to Almira Gulch and the order to take away Toto?" This is a very good question Joe, maybe we should ask the great and powerful...

  13. I love the Wizard Of Oz! Now you have to see the Broadway play: Wicked. It could answer a few questions or maybe confuse you more..not sure but the music is really good! I collect figurines from an artist called Lori Mitchell and got Glenda the good witch from Jack for Sweetest Day. Have Mrs. C google that artist if she doesn't already have the Oz collection. I know you appreciate me telling her about this!

  14. I always thought she was a victim of the twister.

  15. What Skip said. I hope she was blown away, never to return.

  16. Almira Gulch got what she deserved. She was killed in the tornado.

  17. I've never seen the movie... (someone once told me that I had to watch it in order to become a citizen, so I guess it should be on my list).
