Wednesday, January 17, 2018


This fall we had someone checkout our heating system.  The technician knows Mrs. C from years of her dealing off and on with the same company, a company she trusts and also where her cousin is employed.  The system checked out ok, but we were told that the furnace was about 5 years past its “Best Used by Date.” 
A new system would be pretty expensive.
We decided we would wait one more heating season.
This Winter has been damn cold, tough on a system 5 years past it’s “Best Used by Date.”
The other day we awoke to a very cold town house.  We called in the problem and the same technician showed up that afternoon.   Apparently, some part overheated due to age and working hard in the last cold snap.  After it cooled off, the system was working again, but this was a wake-up call.  Five years past the “Best Used by Date” is too long.
We saw a salesman from the same company the next day.  He recommended a system and also recommended upgrading our air conditioner as it was also five years past it’s “Best Used by Date” and there was a combined system sale offered for the next month.
This new system would be damn expensive.
He offered a one-year interest free payment plan.  I liked the guy, he was left-handed, played guitar and was from North Carolina…nuff said.
So next week we will be having a new HVAC system installed.  It ain’t cheap.  Now I don’t mind tightening the belt for something that is needed (I’m lying, I mind a lot, but what are you going to do) but what I hate is a new HVAC system is just no fun.
When you get a new TV, it is more fun to watch.  When you get a new guitar, it is more fun to play.  When you take a trip, it is a nice get-a-way.  If you buy a new car, your neighbors come over to admire it. Most new stuff you can brag to friends, you can show off your new goods or pictures of your trip.  You get a bang for your buck.
A new HVAC system is expensive, but they are not fun.  There is no bang for your buck.  You don’t invite friends over to your basement and show off your new furnace, you don’t have a party and brag about how warm it is.  A new system is expensive, but somehow, I am just not excited about it.
Mrs. C wants to take a cruise next year to Hawaii.  We may just spend time in the basement admiring the new HVAC system instead.


  1. ...or you could fly to Hawaii and take the inter-island cruise.

  2. The new system may not be fun, but you will definitely enjoy the comfort, probably for years. Which gives you plenty of time to save up for the next one, ha ha.

  3. Maybe you could take pictures during the installation. Then pictures during the various seasons. Use it for a blog topic! Maybe Mrs. C will grow frustrated with your obsession with the new HVAC, and call you a jerk. The installation guy might be a weirdo (unless he's related to Mrs. C, of course). I think this new HVAC has more stories possible than $1000 shoe inserts from The Good Feet Store.

  4. Since my system is about to break down completely I think I'd rather take a cruise.

  5. Well you could fix up the basement and then invite the neighbours over for a housewarming (get it) party with a difference, just a suggestion...........

  6. I felt the same way about a new roof this past fall. So many much more fun ways to spend money but you have to take care of a home.

  7. Oh I don't is kind of exciting the first winter morning you get up and there's no frost on the top blanket lol.

  8. You are not the first on my little blog group. This has been a tough winter so far and it's testing our units. Yeah, hard to show off new heat.

  9. Ours went out last week in a snow storm and we had to have a new unit put in on Monday. Pricey, but it beats freezing. Thank goodness we have 2 units and 2 propane fireplaces.

  10. You'll gladly pay if it ends up not working anymore because it died. I've been there and it's not fun.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

  11. I hear you! As much fun as a new roof or driveway.

  12. For myself....Hawaii, or summer without air conditioning....hmmm, what to do? AIR CONDITIONING!!!!

  13. Somehow i think you will end up in Hawaii anyway. You are right, some purchases are much needed but just not glamorous at all.

  14. I was pretty excited about ours when we got it a few years ago. Our old was probably about the same age as us, though, so it was terrible. It was actually a lot of fun not to listen to it run constantly.

    Glad to know you like left-handed, guitar playing southerners. I'm two out of the three!

  15. I know your pain.Although our HVAC is now paid off, we had to do the same thing a few years ago. We sit in the backyard, looking UP to our new HVAC on the new roof that is not yet 2 years old. Yep, all that necessary stuff is expensive and doesn't last forever.

    So right when you have it installed, it will warm up. It's just the way it is.

  16. You know what's worse than having to get a new heating/cooling system? Getting a new septic tank. You can't even look at it.

    Enjoy the warmth!
