Sunday, December 31, 2017

Stupid Headlines 123117

Stupid Headlines 123117
It’s time again for

Apparently there is a law against waving your arms and going woooooooh in a cemetary
 This week’s stupid headlines and my stupider, sometimes sophomoric comments.
Daring gang caught stealing from mail trucks traveling at 50 mph – That is so ballsy, I almost feel they deserve to get away.
Restaurant's giant aquarium cracks, gushes water into dining room – Today’s special…SUSHI.
Florida man arrested after punching ATM for 'giving him too much money' – Florida, the stupid headline gift that just keeps giving.
Fruitcake wrapped in suspicious package temporarily halts Seattle ferry – I love fruitcake, but you can’t be too careful with it. 

Future train station at Western Wall could be named after Trump – And it will be Yuuuge, believe me.
Jodie Foster: ‘Every man over 30’ should think 'about their part' in sexual harassment – Hmmm…well Jodie I have thought about it and know what? I’m good; and I’ll bet there are others as well, maybe not many, but there are a few. Unless…does casual ogling count?
Video shows Joy Villa smacking a man on the bottom after filing lawsuit against Corey Lewandowski – I may be sexist, but if it is Corey Lewandowski it is harassment, while Joy Villa can smack my butt any time.
Arrested Connecticut woman snorts cocaine at police station – In her defense, where was she going to hide it?
Indiana lawmaker wants Indianapolis Colts to refund upset fans if players kneel during anthem – So, some snowflakes can be conservative.
'Wheel of Fortune' fans enraged after contestant buys pointless vowel – She probably could have saved $250, but “ENRAGED”? Get a life people, it’s a GAME show!
D.C. restaurant changes dress code after being accused of 'racism' – The restaurant did not allow sneakers...unless you were white...OK, that might be racist.
Oregon man drives truck off pier in failed getaway attempt – No loyal dog saves man this week, but this one gives me a warm glow.
Come back again next week for more
I almost forgot…Happy New Year!!


  1. If that man had been waving his arms and going woooooooh in my basement, I wouldn't know whether to have him arrested, or thank him for giving me an explanation for the weird activity down there.

  2. Strange, stranger and strangest stuff.

  3. Since Trump is so popular in Israel, perhaps they'll sell him that old "wall" they have laying around. Happy New Year.

  4. Shoot, you can't even have fun in a cemetery anymore. There goes my plans for tonight.

  5. Happy New Year to you & She Who Calls You Jerk!!

  6. You comment about Florida is some true. The stupid headlines from Florida are the gift that keep on given. Must be something in the water.

  7. He looks as happy as if he were sensible in the picture.

  8. Happy New Year bubba. Keep on picking.

  9. Happy New Year! Thanks for the smiles, i am looking forward to another year of stupid headlines.

  10. Many years ago my in-laws bought a family plot at our local cemetery. They wanted us to go and check out the site they picked out. So Jack and I and our youngest son, Jordan, took a look see. To make sure it was perfect I laid down (is laid or layed? anyway..) on the grass and asked Jordan if I looked natural and would he come visit me here after I die. He yelled at me to get up because I was embarrassing him! Really? I guess I just should have waved my arms and yelled whooooooh! Ok, my last true story. Years ago when the term "sexual harassment" first came out one of our really old surgeons told us he always sexually harassed his staff. He said it was the only way he could keep help! Ha! May he RIP (thankfully or he might get arrested today!)

  11. The cemetery story... Zoinks! Scoob! I wonder how much the fine was. :)

  12. About those Florida headlines - I just want you to know that we have a water filter.

    Happy New Year to you and Mrs. Cranky!
