Tuesday, December 19, 2017


Mrs. C and I watch TV in bed.  Sometimes we don’t really watch it, but it is background noise while we are on our computers…ok, we watch it and are on our computers.

It has gotten to the point where we cannot fall asleep without that background noise.  No problem, the TV has a sleep timer function designed for just such TV wack-a-doodles as we are.  The responsibility for setting this control is on Mrs. C.  I have learned and have actually set the controls myself and it is quite simple, but it is Mrs.  C’s job.
Last night, Mrs. C crashed early.  When the time came to turn in myself and let the TV drone lull me to sleep, it was up to me to set the sleep timer.  Easy enough, except there are two remotes which must be set.  The cable remote, and the TV remote.
Yes, I know you can set either one to be a universal remote, except for the sleep timer…well we don’t know how to do that, so the only thing we don’t do with a universal remote is set the sleep timer on the TV and the cable box. 
It is still easy enough except the TV remote is all black with space age controls which are difficult to feel.  In the dark you need to be very familiar with this remote, and it must be done in the dark or else Mrs. C will wake up.
Any light, and the sensitive sleeping Mrs. C is up and awake.  If I failed to set this timer, Mrs. C would know and I would hear about my incompetency for days.
I set the cable to turn off in 60 minutes, and then fumbled with the TV remote.  I changed the channel, changed the picture size, and probably bought a new electric mop over the internet, but I could not figure out the sleep timer.
I gave up and figured I could just say I forgot and only take teasing for a day or so, but then I noticed I had turned on the “caption” function where all dialog was printed across the screen…really annoying and it would ruin my “I forgot” excuse. 
I tinkered around for 10 minutes and finally found the caption control, but…it did nothing.  It took me another 10 minutes before I realized the caption control that was on was from the cable remote.  Now wide awake I found a flash light to help set the TV remote sleep control and in only a few minutes was successful and miraculously enough with all my fussing and muttering did not wake up Mrs. C.
This morning Mrs. C said to me,
“You forgot to set the sleep control, you don’t know how do you?”
“WHAT! I set them both.”
“Then why was the TV on at 5 o’clock this morning?”
CRAP! I am remotely incompetent!


  1. I am now remotely incompetent, too.
    My excuse is that I’m totally unfamiliar with any of the electronics in my new, to me, home.
    I have also figured that it doesn’t matter because I only watch basketball and baseball, which are both on the same channel most of the time.
    If I ever get Alexa figured out, she can changed channels for me.

  2. What are you, some kind of genius? You could work as an electronics salesman, demonstrating all those functions--as long as you left out the sleep control.

  3. This is just one of the reasons I will never have a TV in the bedroom.

  4. I admire you. I couldn't get it right either. That's why I don't have TV in the bedroom. It's bad enough in the lounge but at least I know how to switch that one on and off.

  5. Busted. With all that time and effort put in, the tv must have turned itself back on. Greetings!

  6. We were forced to add a Roku into the mix (thanks, Spectrum!) and I can't even begin to describe my aggravation. Every TV in our house has a different set up, so it's a challenge for me to just turn on a TV, let alone try to do something like you're describing.

  7. Much easier to learn to do everything, even watch TV, on the computer. Then there's only one gadget to figure out. Now if only i could do that...

  8. When my granddaughter was two or three we were trying to watch tv together but I was having great difficulty with the remote. She finally tired of my fumbling and said, "Grandma, you really don't do TV so good."

  9. Yeah I can relate to your dilemma, I'm in that same boat with you, if Cindy forgets to turn the tv off and falls asleep I have to very slowly remove it from her hand to not wake her...I have simply hit the power button and let her sleep with the remote.

  10. Life was so much easier when you got up off your butt and turned the dang thing off.

  11. Laughed out loud at "probably bought a new electric mop over the internet." I have that fear about Echo Dot a lot. I read my Kindle at night and sometimes find in my border line asleep state that I have forgotten how to turn it off.

  12. We ask for technology & this is what we end up with!!

  13. Don't feel bad, I'm just as incompetent as you are. Great story though.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

  14. You folks are too dependent on your electronics.

  15. My Mrs. C. loves falling asleep with the TV on, but I prefer it quiet when I doze off.

  16. I hate our remotes...all 500 of them. There's that "Alexa" thingie that will do anything you tell it to do. I don't have one because it scares me to think of a "thingie" doing what I tell it to do, (something I couldn't teach my 4 kiddos to do) but couldn't it be set to turn the tv to the sleep mode? But what do I know..I still haven't figured out the car remote.

  17. I'm technology challenged; no matter if it is a remote, a smart phone, etc. Almost 2 year old grandson can take his mom's cell phone, get into Netflix and find his program he wants to watch. Give him a few years and he'll be taking care of all my technology needs.


  18. I'm the remote dude here. Jilda tends to throw them if they don't do what she wants:)

  19. Mr. Pixel and I are the same kind of TV wack-a-doodles. All TV responsibilities lie with him - I don't even know how to TURN ON the TV. Once he was gone for a week and I ended up not watching TV for a week. When he came back, I told him I would never, ever divorce him.

  20. thank God we don't have t.v in our bedroom ;

    no matter how hard you try you cannot top Mrs C for her CONTROL over REMOTE lol
