Saturday, December 9, 2017

I Don’t Think So

I Don’t Think So
I am generally a wildlife friendly person.  I like the rabbits and squirrels that are in my yard.  I have been a bird lover for years, the Animal Planet is a favorite TV station, and I won’t squish a bug that is outside, or swat a fly that is not bothering me. 
I don’t mind basement spiders too much as long as they keep to their webs.  I don’t like ants and do spray inside and outside regularly to keep them away, but they don’t really creep me out.
These guys, however give me the heebie jeebies!
I see one of these guys in my basement from time to time and I can’t rest until I negate him.  They are not easy to dispose of.  They are fast and they head for cover.  Recently I read that you should not kill these insects.  Apparently, they eat smaller insects, are not disease carriers and in general are a homeowner’s friend.
I don’t think so!
For those saying to leave them alone; would you bring them into your home because they are so dang useful? 
I don’t think so.
I realized that if I see one of these creepy crawlers every now and then, many more are in hiding.  That makes me shudder.  I had to do something.
I bought some sticky traps and placed them in various places in the basement.  After a few weeks, most of the traps were empty.  Two were deadly.  One in the storage area caught five of the buggers, and one in the sump pump area caught four.  I tossed those traps and replaced them with new sticky traps.
After two weeks both new traps are empty.
Centipedes in the house?
I don’t think so!


  1. I don't like creepy crawlies in my house either. I get millipedes, earwigs and slaters, not all year round though. It seems to be seasonal. I don't get ants inside, but the yards here are heavily infested and pot plants quickly become home to ant nests. And daddy-long-legs spiders are rife too. They do get inside, but I leave them alone unless they get into my shower or on my bed. Then they get the death penalty.

  2. We had centipedes in Hawaii. When I asked my big, brave husband to kill them, he said "I don't think so." I found that when you don't have bug spray, hairspray works wonders!!

  3. I wouldn't want one in my house!

  4. They seem to like damp places. I don't like them either. Any critter is free to roam outside but inside, not so much.

  5. My ex used to have spiders and scorpions in the house. Lots of them. They were in cages, of course, and I kind of got used to them, after a while. The ceintipede in the picture, though? That seems a little nightmare-y.

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  7. I couldn't have them in my house, either. I don't mind them, but my wife would nag me unmercifully until I whacked 'em all.

  8. You have to be careful with those sticky traps on how you pick them up and if you drop one just let it fall, because your natural reaction to catch it won't end well...

    It sounds like your sticky trap solution has worked well, I wouldn't want those critters in my house either.

  9. This sounds like the same people who say to be careful which fire ant mounds to treat, and i'm on your side. My children did not care if it was invader fire ants or natives biting them, and i don't care who thinks these critters are useful.

  10. O.M.G.......centipedes are my worst nightmare and we get them in every room in our house. Mind you, I have a very clean home and rather empty basement, so I'm not sure what's up. I will have to mention the traps to my husband. I usually spray them with Lysol to slow them down, then get out the vacuum. They totally creep me out like no other.

  11. I can honesty say I don't ever recall seeing such a many legged cutie. If I do, it is good to know the sticky traps work.

  12. My wife would run screaming if she saw one of these in our house!

  13. Ooh! Whack them all!!! I'm so glad we don't have centipedes. The millipedes are bad enough, but I haven't seen one in a while. That doesn't mean we don't have one in the basement. They blend in with the braided rug, and are only noticed when moving across the pattern.

  14. I try no to kill bugs, so I still try to catch and release outside, but they are near impossible to trap without taking off half their legs. Ugh.

  15. Yeah I wouldn't like centipedes in my house, either. Andants - I don't like ants in my house. Outside they are fascinating to watch.

  16. i don't kill any bug until it hurts though we use soray for ants and sometimes for flies around kitchen specially .

    i have seen these ones you mentioned though but never found it around here .
    yes nothing is waste here ,they all are useful too and in mild winters when mosquitoes increase we intentionally leave spiders web so they can eat up them .
    i don't like lizards either and try to keep them away

  17. Yeah...I might kill those, too. Also, by now I have learned to check the inside of my shoes before putting them on (we keep our shoes in the garage). Don't ask, long story.
