Monday, November 20, 2017

So, Pee Already

So, Pee Already

Big doings around the Cranky home this past Sunday.  We do Thanksgiving for family and friends Sunday before the real day.  This means we start cleaning and putting stuff away around Wednesday.  Come Friday, I clean up the bathrooms and save downstairs and kitchen clean-up for after most of the food prep is finished.
On Friday I was almost done with the master bath when Mrs. C came upstairs.
“Are you almost done?”
“Soon, why.”
“I need to pee.”
“Use the down stairs bathroom, I’m saving cleaning that until tomorrow.”
“I’m already upstairs, what is the big deal?”
“I just finished with the toilet.”
“So, what? I can’t use the upstairs toilets until after Sunday?  What about tomorrow when you clean downstairs, do I have to hold it in for a day?”
“No, but I just cleaned this toilet.  I like to let the blue stuff sit for an hour or so before flushing.”
“Well I don’t feel like going downstairs to pee, and then climbing back upstairs again because I have to change to go to the store.”
“OK…So pee already! I’ll clean it again and add more blue stuff!”
“Thank you…JERK!”
Women, they just don’t understand toilet cleanliness.


  1. "Women, they just don’t understand toilet cleanliness."
    Yes we do.
    I'm curious though, why did Mrs C come all the way upstairs to use that toilet, when there is another downstairs closer to where she was? Why??

  2. Never a dull moment, eh? I use green stuff on my toilets, I'm lucky having two, I can please myself which I use and which I clean first but then there's nobody to argue with anymore.

  3. I've been known to close the bathroom door and put a note on it saying DO NOT USE.

  4. Hahaha! That is the funniest thing I ever heard! Like the average man is master of bathroom cleanliness. That is really rich. Mrs. C should realize she has a rare gem in this regard.

  5. Men...they just don't understand the urgency.

  6. What's your problem, Joe? You need to just let her do what she wants to do. I'm just saying. You don't seem to grasp women's logic.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

  7. You get many man points for cleaning! Especially the bathrooms! (My least favorite job) Plus you just reminded me that I left the sign on the back of the main floor powder room door that says "Bewitcha in a minute". Happy Thanksgiving!

  8. Ha ha. In my book, any man who cleans bathrooms can set any rules he wants:)

  9. You clean bathrooms? I guess you're not a complete jerk!!

  10. I usually put a broom in the doorframe, close the door until it's "time" to be used. I understand though, when you clean it and it's all want to keep it that way for awhile.

  11. You are right, you want to leave the blue stuff in for a bit, i always do. When i’m cleaning a house, i leave one bathroom for last, and that’s the one i clean right before i leave the house, so i don’t end up having to reclean a toilet if i need to use the facilities while i’m there. Yes, when Sweetie cleans with me, he only uses that one, too.

  12. YOU clean the bathrooms? What are you, part unicorn?

    As a toilet cleaner, you should understand the rules of The Universe. When you wash a car, it rains...and when you scrub a toilet, somebody needs to use it within five minutes.

  13. Do you really think that blue stuff works?

  14. I do a lot of cleaning, including the shower which needs to be scrubbed and cleaned periodically, but I don't accept any restrictions on peeing.

  15. Why clean before company comes here mine needs it the most after they leave.

  16. I can totally relate to your logic and also Bijoux's comment. There were times when - after an intense, exhausting, whole-housecleaning session - I felt like telling everybody, "Nobody do ANYTHING for a while - just sit there and don't use or dirty anything!"

  17. Joe I can totally relate to what you were going through, I have also been right in the middle of cleaning when we had pretty much the same conversation, a woman who has to pee just doesn't really care how far along into the cleaning process you are.

  18. Interesting conversation ,

    we have four bathrooms in our quite big house,among which 3 are attached with bedrooms and guest room but mostly everyone uses the one in front yard and whole fighting and arguing of my both younger sons is upon this bathroom which is irritating when they are in rush for school and both want to go at same bathroom on same time
