Friday, October 20, 2017

Tee Shirt Tag

Tee Shirt Tag
A cranky opinion for
The following is the opinion of a cranky old man who is an expert on a subject which virtually no one else will give a crap.   Opposing opinions are welcome but they are wrong.  As always, please, no name calling, that means you, you big stupid head…and for crap sake this opinion is about tee shirts, any asshole who can manage a negative President Trump comment on this post will have said comment deleted and will be banned from commenting for one week…no, make that two weeks.
I miss those tags that used to be in tee shirts.   I know, “they’re itchy” (read that as a whine) …Yeah, there itchy, if you’re three years old.  They never bothered me.  They are important because they tell you which way to put on the shirt. 
As I was told in no uncertain terms by my friend Frog’s two-year-old Andrew many years ago when I put on a shirt and it just didn’t feel right,
“Tag goes in the back!”
“Why thank you two-year-old Andrew.”
Yes, the tag goes in the back, but these days there is no tag because some group of wimps complained,
“It’s itchy!” (read that as a whine)
So now tee shirts have a label stamped on them to let you know which side goes in the back.
The friggin stamp is unreadable after two times in the wash.  Every friggin tee shirt in my drawer has an invisible stamp on it.  Oh, if you squint real hard and put it under a light you might see the label, but that is such a pain that I just guess.
When you just guess you are subject to the 50/50/90 rule.
“If you have to make a decision where you have a 50% chance of being right, you will be wrong 90% of the time.”
And, the 10% when you are right, the shirt may feel a little off so you switch it around only to find you guessed correctly the first time.
I am begging you tee shirt makers who ever you are, PUT THE TAG BACK.
Please, as two-year-old Andrew said a bunch of years ago, “The tag goes in the back!”
The preceding was the opinion of a cranky old man and not necessarily that of management…Mrs. Cranky, who I’m pretty sure could not give a rat’s backside about this stupid opinion.


  1. Don't know how possible this would be, but hubby has black pants and blue pants and sometimes its really hard to discern between the 2 colors. He's been known to get a sharpie and put a B in the label somewhere to distinguish "blue" and then he knows the others are black. Maybe find a discrete spot to "tag" with B for back?


  2. If you only need the tag to tell front from back, what difference does it make if you can read it or not?
    I'd prefer a stamped tag anyway. The regular ones these days are sewn with nylon thread, which does scratch, so of course they're itchy. Once they've been through the washer and dryer, the snipped off edges of the nylon threads they're sewn on with become even sharper. I've taken to cutting all tags off all shirts the minute I get them home.
    Some shirts even have a thin strip of plastic sewn along the shoulder seam to hold it in place so the fabric doesn't stretch under the machine needles and that especially irritates once it gets brittle after several washings and dryings. Some can be snipped and removed, but some can't, so those t-shirts get thrown out once the shoulder seams scratch and itch me.

  3. Noooo.... I am SO glad they got rid of those tags. And hello.. You're a grown up. You don't need a tag to tell you where the back of your shirt is. If you do, have Mrs. C pin a sticky note back there to help you out. Hahahaha :)

  4. It takes a long time for permanent marker to wash out. Yes, I have the same itchy problem with labels, hence the marker.

  5. Because the stamp is cheaper than sewing in a separate tag, they will probably stick with the stamp. You are correct, in the dark, it's hard to tell and the shirt gets put on wrong most of the time.

    Betty's idea is a good one, a laundry marker used to put even a short line on the inside back of the collar would make it easier to tell, and not be visible to others once the shirt is on.

  6. "I would agree with you, but then we'd both be wrong." IMHO the no tag tee was one of the most brilliant ideas of the modern era. Right up there with sliced bread and perforated toilet paper. Tags are itchy. Good grief, man, how hard is it to look at the shirt and see that the front dips down lower than the back?? Tags are itchy and that make me cranky!

  7. People who want tags back are what's wrong with this country!

    Sorry. I wanted to feel strongly about this post so I feigned outrage.

    I actually had the same problem. Then an ex showed me that if I pick up the shirt by the shoulder seams, it falls the same way it would on me while wearing it, and I can see which is the front.

    This doesn't mean I don't mess up a good portion of the time.

  8. I can't say that I miss those tags because they really bothered me and I ended up ripping them out, I do however buy pocket tees now so it's pretty easy just to make sure the pocket is in the front...even though it has ended up in the back a couple of times.

    1. Even two year old Andrew knows the pocket goes in the front!!

  9. See? Now you have several great ways to determine the front ~ hold the shoulder seams which will show you the front, or buy pocket tees. Personally I hate tags. They forever bug until I get my scissors our and snip it.

  10. Both my boys had an issue with the tags, and then with the tag stumps once I cut them out. Yet they refused to run around shirtless in the summer. I don't have a solution, so I guess I'm part of the problem. When I bought tagless shirts, on more than one occasion I had to tell The Pony to turn his shirt around before he left the house. Every now and then, a classmate would have to tell him. I guess we needed 2-year-old Andrew to come up with a reminder.

  11. I hated the tags also--yep, itchy. But I also know what you mean about the stamp fading away. I do the grabbing by the shoulder seams like It's a crazy world, to figure out which is which.

  12. I've noticed a few shirts where the tag is on the side near the seam. I cut those off, too.

  13. The tags didn't itch...but they would stick UP instead of DOWN and make me look like a dork.
