Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Kid Stuff

Kid Stuff
My kids drove me crazy around Christmas with their Batman rendition of the Jingle Bell song.  If you don’t know it, I will spare you the ear worm.  I have noticed these days anything related to the Butt and especially farts will start a giggling fit with grade schoolers.
It does not take much to get an 5-11 year-old in a fit of giggles, and they never tire at the same joke or jingle.  We were much more mature in the fifties.
Except for:
Does anyone remember LSMFT?  Anyone?
That was the Lucky Strike cigarette mantra.  LSMFT…Lucky Strikes mean fine tobacco.  As if other cigarettes used tobacco grown in doody.  (Tee Hee, Tee Hee.  Excuse me while I get over that…I said “doody” tee hee, tee hee.)
Anyway, we mature lads of the fifties would say LSMFT, Loose Straps Mean Floppy Tits.  We would giggle about that for hours.  Actually, it still gives me a chuckle.
The other day I saw a discarded Lucky Strike pack.  It was all I could do to not stomp on the red dot, declare “Lucky Strike”, and slug Mrs. C on the arm.  Well, that’s what we did in the fifties.
The Snow-White cartoon had the famous “Whistle while you work” song.  We had our own lyrics.  “Whistle while you work, Hitler was a jerk, Mussolini bit his weinie, now it doesn’t work.”  We sang that all the time and always laughed.  I’m not sure we knew who Hitler or Mussolini were, and we only guessed at weinie, but we still thought it was funny.
Pepsi-cola had a jingle: “Pepsi Cola hits the spot / twelve full ounces, that’s a lot / twice as much for a nickle, too / pepsi cola is the drink for you!”
We sang it, “Pepsi Cola hits the spot, makes you vomit on the dot, looks like water tastes like wine, Oh my God it’s turpentine!”
We weren’t all bad as 10-year-olds, we knew enough to not step on a crack and break our mothers back.
When school ended for the summer, everyone ran out and sang, “No more pencils, no more books, no more teacher’s dirty looks!”  Do they still do that”
We did mature a bit as we got older.  I remember if you were driving with your girl and saw a car with one headlight out, you yelled “Padiddle” and got to give her a kiss.  No, I have no idea what “Padiddle” meant.  Probably a few car accidents came from that one.  We didn’t have texting, we did have “Padiddle.”
That was my childhood.  What mature stuff do you remember from those days when just about anything would make you giggle?


  1. Hmm, maybe we grew up in a parallel universe or it's the fact that I was a girl ... I don't have any memories like that except 'beans, beans, the musical fruit ...

  2. I remember making up other words to songs back in the day, but don't ask me what in the world they were. I can't remember even one of them, so I marvel at your memory. I was a practical joker, but I also remember giggling at something ridiculous at every single place we weren't supposed to be laughing, causing me to get into trouble - often. Then I had to go through it all over again with a son who was heavily involved in sports. All I can say is - thank goodness he grew up, is now 34 and living with his own family. (lol) Great topic! Hugs...RO

  3. I giggled all the way thru this. I've heard (and sung) the Batman jingle and the whistle while you work but not the others. The Lucky Strike jingle is hilarious.

  4. I can remember 'step on a crack and break your mother's back' and that really is all I remember.
    I'm sure there was more going around, I often saw groups of kids bent over giggling until they got a stitch, but I was a loner so didn't learn what they were laughing about.

  5. I vaguely remember a Comet jingle ... 'So drink some Comet and vomit today.'

    Mostly, I enjoyed the Wacky Packages stickers.

  6. We would sing the song about destroying the school to the tune of Glory, Glory Hallelujah. That was our favorite.

  7. I read this and was thinking I had no idea about the Batman jingle, but now, slowly, it is coming back. Thanks a lot!
    Having a ten year old grandson, I can tell you ten year olds are still pretty much the same in their fascination with bodily functions and accompanying noises.

  8. Farts are always funny. If you can't laugh at farts, you're leading a very boring life....

    We had loads of stupid little songs we made up, though I can't remember them. We also had our own versions of nursery rhymes. Do kids still know nursery rhymes?

  9. Oh God, except for the padidle I remember all of those.

  10. It's funny. . . for a kid who really liked school, the ear-worm jingles I remember all have to do with violence against the teacher. . .

    Glory, glory hallelujah!
    Teacher hit me with the ruler
    I met her at the door with a loaded .44
    And she won't hit me no more. . .

    . . .

    Joy to the world! My teacher's dead!
    I barbecued her head!
    And then I took her body,
    And flushed it down the potty
    And round and round it goes. . . (etc)

    1. Well today if she hit you with a ruler she'd do hard time.

      Also, all that violence and there were no gory movies or TV back in the day...the cartoons did have a lot of body part chopping though.

      Funny stuff thanks. I vaguely remember the first one.

  11. I see London, I see France, I see Judy's underpants.

  12. None of that was in my memory banks, then again, I'm pretty old. Things that made me giggle...I'll have to think about that one.

  13. I don't remember any, either, but I bet I'm older than you!!

  14. Shoot, maggieO beat me to it. I even had brothers and most of those were new to me. I can only think of my brother's favorite. He would sing loudly from the bathroom. "Here I sit brokenhearted. Came to Sh*t and only farted"

  15. We had a "fight song" like Notre Dame.

    Cheer, cheer for old Central High
    You bring the whiskey, I'll bring the rye
    Send the freshmen out for gin
    And don’t let a sober sophomore in

    We never stagger, we never fall
    We'll sober up on pure alcohol
    While the loyal faculty
    Lie drunk on the barroom floor

  16. Butter beans, butter beans good for your heart
    The more you eat the more you fart.

  17. To the tune of On Top of Old Smoky

    On top of spaghetti,
    all covered with cheese
    I lost my poor meatball,
    when somebody sneezed...

  18. I remember a joke that made me laugh although it took a while before I understood it: Contrary to public opinion, Moby Dick is not a venereal disease.

  19. I remember wondering why the Christian warriors always went into wars backwards:

    Onward Christian Soldiers,
    Marching ass toward war.

    Maybe that's why I lost my religion fairly early, if I ever had it.

  20. L.oose S.uspenders M.ean F.alling T.rousers

  21. See, there's hope for today's youth! They are just like we were, and we turned out OK.
