Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Why Post?

Why Post?
Gotta post, gotta post, gotta nothing…DAMN!
Why do I feel I need to post something?  Do I have to post every day? No…and yet I must, it is a compulsive thing.  I must post something, but I do have some standards. I don’t want to just post crap, or at least worse crap than my usual crap, however, I have nothing.
Hmmm…Politics?  No, I’m not ready for that yet.
Sports?  I could go on about golf.  My game is slowly improving, one step forward, three quarters of a step back.  I could tell how my pull hook has improved to straight and then I added a slight fade to follow the contours of my course, and how that fade is now an out of control slice…no, most people hate golf.
Football?  It looks like my Giants are going to disappoint “big league” this year (see, the phrase is “Big League” meaning big time, it is not bigly and Trump has never said bigly…OK, I snuck a little politics in there, please no comments) and my Jets as usual will break their fans hearts.  Besides people hate football more and more these days.
Baseball?  How about those Yankees? I can’t get excited, I see them as a wild card and losing the one playoff game.
I could post on TV.  I watch a lot of TV.  No; done that, and many people think TV is for cretins. I don’t even watch it any more, I now only read Biographies, the New York Times and listen to Public Radio.  I am also selling a very popular bridge in Brooklyn.
I could make fun of Mrs. C, but most of my readers always side with her and turn on me.
You know what?  Screw it! I’m going to be the “Blog Nazi” today.

No post for you!


  1. I haven't posted in a month because I have basically nothing to say that I can say. Sometimes its good just to take a break.


  2. Heh, that's a lot of words for someone with nothing to say :)

  3. It's 2:43 am & I couldn't sleep. If you had I post today I could have read it!!

  4. It took me a long time to decide on cutting down from daily posting to once or twice a week. It's okay, honest, your friends will still be there if there are gaps in posting times.

  5. If you cut back, i will still read what you post. You might also enjoy it more if you do it less, it happens that way sometimes that it ceases to be a chore and becomes a pleasure again.

  6. But I stood in line for so long!! It's not fair!!

  7. I get really irritable if I can't come up with something interesting to post. I end up stomping around aimlessly until i come up with something.

    I don't post as often as you do, by any means, but I can relate with this a lot.

  8. I can identify with the 'nothing to talk about' state of mind. I'm thinking of forming my own government lol.

  9. I'm cutting back, why post if you have nothing to say, except that you have nothing to say.

  10. Well, darn. I'd enjoy a TV post. Did you watch the Big Brother finale last night?

  11. If I come up blank, I wait another day. No one really misses you for a week or two. Be easy on yourself.

  12. Hum, what did I just read? Oh yes a post. Sneaky one Joe. I think Seinfeld made a fortune talking about nothing.

  13. Nice job on posting nothing Joe. I couldn't handle posting every day, two to three times a week is plenty for me, like you said I'm afraid if I posted more than that it would turn to crap.

    I enjoy your blog Joe, you simply gotta post, gotta post, I mean just keep doing what you do.

  14. I know that feeling Joe! I want to post but I really don't have time to post right now and when I try to post something on the fly it just feels wrong. You, however, always have wonderful posts, and you're right. We will always side with Mrs. C but that doesn't mean we don't love you too! :D - Keep those posts coming!

  15. I can't imagine what it must have been like to commute daily by plane, train, boat, bus, and subway, or whatever it was, during your working years. You must have seen some crazy stuff. So there, the next time you hit a wall, regale us with your experiences as an urban vagabond. :)

  16. I'd read it if all you did was post Mrs. C's shopping list. Oh, wait...

  17. Why don't I get free bread with your blog?

  18. Good one, you managed to not post in your post. I do not have that compulsion to post every day, more like once a week. Whatever works.

  19. Once my husband starts working days, I will be able to post more since the mornings I seem to be more creative.
