Thursday, August 24, 2017

This is where we are going

This is where we are going

I just read this. 

There is an ESPN football announcer, I’ve never heard of him I guess he mostly does college games, name of Robert Lee.  He was to do a game this week in Virginia, but his name was deemed too controversial due to the recent hoo-ha over Confederate Statues.  He is being moved to announce at a game in a less controversial location.

All because his name is Robert Lee. 

I think he is Asian or at least part Asian, and Lee is a fairly common Asian name.  Apparently the football listening audience is deemed too stupid to listen to a person named Robert Lee and not assume he is a descendant from the confederate General, Robert E. Lee.

I don’t blame ESPN for this decision, it is probably a correct decision given the wack-a-doodles these days that find offense under every rock they turn over.

You know what; lets censure anyone or anything with a name that might remind us of a sorry time in history.  I won’t buy “Arnolds” bread, I will not definitely not use Adolph’s to tenderize my meat.

We need to take down all the statues that anyone finds offensive, eventually that will be every statue.  I have no idea why, but I’m quite sure eventually the Statue of Liberty will be pissing people off. 

I don’t care, take them all down. 

Change the name of any street that offends you.  We have Elm, and Sycamore, and Pine, there must be enough trees to name all the streets we need named, unless you are offended by trees.  There is no need to name streets after anyone who it may be found offensive to some people.  

There are quite a few towns we will need to rename, Washington comes to mind as wasn’t he a slave owner?  Lynchburg?  You have got to be kidding me…change that right now. I live in Sayreville N.J. I have to look into Mr. Sayre, I’ll bet he was a bit of a prick 220 years ago, if so I am offended.

We need to change our money.  Quite a few bills have pictures of slave owners and nasty people.  Maybe we could put Mr. Rodgers on the $100 bill, and Bob Hope on a twenty…oh wait, was Bob Hope a misogynist? I’m not sure, he did ogle women a lot in his act, maybe not a good choice.  Oh well, it doesn’t matter, I’m sure we could have a committee to decide which names are appropriate to name all our streets and states and towns, and what face can be shown on our money or statues. 

We can change our history text books, most of them don’t tell the real story. 

History has left out a lot of bad stuff.  I think it needs to be rewritten.

Who should rewrite it?

I don’t care; I’m old, not my problem.

 I sure as hell do not want to listen to a football game announced by someone named Robert Lee.



  1. Isn't it all ridiculous??? People are just stupid now days.

  2. Hey Joe, This is all getting out of hand, Robert Lee for Gods sake shouldn't be an offensive name, you are right there are a lot of wack-a-doodles out there basically erasing our history, yes things done a couple hundred years ago are offensive to us but we are judging what our ancestors did on today's standards, with that said everything is offensive to someone so like you said is the answer to remove all statues and rewrite our history, I think not... be offended if you like but learn about what offends you and help change the world we live in now rather than erase the world that got us here.

    I like what you have said here Joe, you are spot on because we are getting really stupid in protesting and destroying everything about our past.

  3. This was a perfect example of political correctness run amok.

  4. Things are getting just a tad out of hand aren't they? Here on the North side of your border a group wants any school named after our first Prime Minister John A. MacDonald to be renamed because he had a hand in sending our native youth to residential schools. He may have done some good things but that is all forgotten because he made a mistake. I think it is important to remember these people for what they did both right and wrong .... we learn from past mistakes right? It doesn't help to whitewash history.

  5. I am just so tired these days.

  6. Actually, Mr. Lee's bosses at ESPN were concerned that, it being Charlottesville and all, that he, Mr. Lee, might potentially be subjected to some personal mockery, and so they sat down with him, and asked him what he wanted to do. He, Mr. Lee, made the call that perhaps it was best if he did a different game, so that folks watching the broadcast could just focus on the game. That is to say, Robert Lee made the call to take himself off the game. But ESPN catches hell for asking their employee what he wanted to do. . .

    In my hometown UpNorth, during the time of WWI, there was a (somewhat) main street named Kaiser Street, as there was a large German population in the town (still is, altho by now, it's mainly the great-grandchildren of the folks that named the street, and they've mostly intermarried with the Polish and French Canadians), and there were a number of Kaiser families in town. Passions being what they were at the time, the town fathers decided to rename the street Liberty Street, which is its name to this day. . .

    1. Craig, thanks for voicing ESPN's position, I should have included it in my post.

      Yes, I understand that is ESPN's story and they are sticking to it. It may be correct but sounds like spin to me. It is not as if Mr. Lee expressed concern, they brought it up and Mr. Lee then "agreed." It may have been the correct decision, still I have the same issue:

      Either ESPN is way over concerned and opted to be rediculously Politically correct, or their concern is well founded. Regardless it is a very sad commentary for this country which is being reduced to walking on egg shells 24/7.

  7. Yep, that is where we are going. No telling where it's going or how it will end.

  8. And this is why no one puts me in charge. Virtually anywhere. As an exec I would have put Mr Lee as the head-liner or every gig from now until the current stupid wears off and give him a nice fat contract to lock him up for the foreseeable future. Fight stupid with mockery!

  9. That is just insane! But don't try using Mr. Rogers on money because he was a Christian and that is extremely offensive these days!

  10. Unless history is swept under the rug, so as not to trigger the special snowflakes, they'll melt, and the world will end as the population drops.

  11. That really was a case of over kill. Sigh.

  12. Liberal or conservative, we should all be tired of the extremes of foolishness. Many on both sides are.

  13. We're where we are because the fringes on both wings are dictating the dialog. It's insane.

  14. I do blame ESPN. I somehow doubt there was a great groundswell of outrage about this particular sports announcer. It seems like a certifiably laughable unilateral decision. If it was Mr. Lee's decision, then maybe that's something else. But to the extent it seems like they were somehow protecting our ears from the name, it's... like I said, a certifiably laughable decision.

    And I'm not just saying that because my real name is Benito Mussolini. (Actually, if that were true, it probably wouldn't offend anyone outside of Italy anyway...)

  15. Isn't there anyone out there that has the guts to say "Stop all this crap!!!" No? Well then I think we should just shoot everyone who's last name is Lee. My Gyn was named "Dr. Lee" and believe me there were times when I wanted to shoot him. Like every time I had to step on the scale in his office! I was offended when he asked me if I ate pizza all time because my last kid weighed 10lbs 8oz. And he did all that with an Asian accent! I could go on and on but I'm blocking most of my memories so I'm not offended anymore. Besides, Dr. Lee is retired.

  16. I think we should take all those people who get offended without good reason and ship them off to another planet far far away.

  17. You don't think the Statue of Liberty might have some problematic associations for Native Americans?

    Yes, some people will always take offense at something. You yourself are provoking offense about people taking offense. It misses the point . . . as does removing an announcer whose name happens to be Lee. So where and when does it stop?

    1. I don't really see how the S-O-L is offensive to Native Americans, but then I am not Native American. Actually I think the term Native American could be offensive.

      I do apologize if I have offended people who are easily offended by making light of offensive offending symbols, and names, however, I must say I find their being offended just a little bit offensive.

    2. Omg, I'm dying here 😂😂😂

  18. Well, I work for the City of Lynchburg. The name comes from the founding father, John Lynch. He never "lynched" anyone either. I do think this Confederate distaste that's happening in our country today is way out of line. For goodness sake, I think I'll be offended by chocolate today!

  19. LuAnn has a nice post that addresses this topic, read it over here

  20. Why do you not blame ESPN for this decision?

    1. I don't blame them because I understand they are trying to avoid controversy. I think it is a dumb decision, but I understand it. Also I don't really care, it is all just so silly. Were these same statues and symbols around 8 years ago? Don't understand why they have suddenly become so important. I think there is more to it than the stated complaints.

  21. LOL. I originally thought the story was stupid, but when I saw the ESPN memo just being like "hey, we didn't want to have a bunch of memes created about this poor guy who is just starting his career," i saw the point.

    If people had actually demanded that he be removed from the game though, I would have been 110% against that.
