Tuesday, August 15, 2017

RIP-OFF…maybe not

RIP-OFF…maybe not
 Last year I bought three solar accent lights for my backyard.  I have several small lights in the front.  The front ones are small and were pretty cheap, maybe $6 per light.  The ones I bought for the back were much bigger and brighter, and cost about $15 each.
Of the three lights in the back, only one worked.  Two did nothing from day one.  I was a bit pissed about this and was determined to take them back.  Of course, I kept putting it off as I hate returning stuff, and with being away several weeks in the summer it also slipped my mind.
Mrs. C had to ask a question which tested my intelligence. 
“Did you pull the tab?” 
These lights have a tab that blocks the battery from the contacts.
“Yes, of course I pulled the tabs, how do you think the one works?  That is the first thing I did.”
Anyway, today I was planning on taking the lights back to Lowes where I bought them, and was ready to do battle because I don’t have any receipts.  Before leaving though, I thought maybe the batteries were just no good, so I decided to first test them with batteries from lights that worked.
I took out several working batteries and changed out the batteries in the non-working lights.  It was then I noticed a little switch by the battery contacts that was set to OFF.  I’m guessing the switch should be set to ON in order to work.  Why anyone would want to switch off solar accent lights that only go on in the dark I’ll never understand.
My dilemma now is, do I tell Mrs. C that the batteries just needed changing, tell her I exchanged the lights at the store, or fess up that I’m an idiot?
I think I need to make a fake visit to Lowes tomorrow.  Don’t tell Mrs. C.


  1. In cases like this I think it is always good to tell the truth, even though you may get some grief about it. Mrs. C. is smart; she'll figure this out if you don't tell her the truth; just saying!


  2. So who turned on the one that worked? If that was you why did you forget to turn on the others? I promise not to breathe a word to Mrs C.

    1. Not me. I suspect the switch is set to on or off willy nilly at the factory.

    2. Of course. How could I forget that? The random testing.

  3. I sympathise with you. I have two lights, they both work now but with no help from me. At first only one worked, the other was reluctant but eventually it decided it would have a go. It took a couple of months. All I had to do was wait... grrrr!

  4. Lol! We have electrical lights that line our driveway. Two years after we installed them, only half of work. I want to get solar, but hubby claims they don't work either . . . .hmmmmmmm

  5. Tis is too funny! If you 'fess up you will have another blog topic -- just saying.

  6. There is an OFF switch so you can put them away for the winter and that first day you put them out again they will already be charged and readdy to work. That's my story and I'm sticking to it. You better fess up.

  7. I would just keep quite unless she mentions it and then I would say oh they started to work, ha.

  8. We did the same thing but Jim figured out within a couple of days. He always has to find out why when something doesn't work.

  9. "Don’t tell Mrs. C." Umm....I think you just did. And don't tell me she doesn't read your blog. Surely she knows you need adult supervision at all times. ;)

  10. 'Fess up man, it may fulfill one of your minimum weekly admonishments ....

  11. Just tell her the truth. I think it's funny and how would you know this? Seriously. I think it's an honest mistake.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

  12. OK Joe, I got it and you get to tell the truth too..sort of...you simply tell Mrs. C that you checked the battery connections and now they are working. Easy as that my friend.

  13. Yeah, no problem; you figured it out, no big deal, right? If you play it right, you could even get some knight-in-shining-armor points. . .


  14. Never complain, never explain. Hahaha

  15. I'd just be quiet and hope she doesn't notice. I have a yard full of solar lights--free power--and some do have an on and off switch. Not sure why either.

  16. Put them out there and say nothing. That's what my Sweetie would do.

  17. Just tell her. "You'll never believe how stupid I was! Those lights had a switch, and when I turned them on, they actually worked! So I don't have to go back to Lowe's. Now I have more time to watch Say Yes to the Dress with you!"

    There. Win/win. You tell her the truth, and she gets to feel superior.

  18. She's a woman..trust me, she already knows.

  19. That's hilarious.

    Don't tell her. She'll punish you by hiding food again.

    I once called IT at work because "Only page 1 of this document is printing." The IT guy spent a couple minutes fussing with my computer and informed me, without expression, "It's a one-page document."

    It happens.

  20. Oh my goodness, that is so funny. Funny because that's the kind of thing we do now. Never used to, must be to do with maturing. lol

  21. Confession is good for the soul I heard. Switches, batteries, on/off switches? I thot with solar you just stuck them in the ground and the sun did all the work. I bought a bunch at my 99 cents store so 99 cents each, and did just that -- no switches, batteries - they're doing fine -- not quite as fancy looking as yours, I will admit, but I don't want to mess with them once I "plant" them.

  22. No self respecting man would tell her. Don't lie just use subterfuge.

  23. We're planning to get some solar lights. I'm guessing that a few might not work. Just think how smart I'll look in front of my husband, having read this post.

    Thank you!!!
