Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Mo Money

Mo Money
I paid lots of money to be a published author.  For my first book, I received royalties of $57 in one year…nothing since.  My second book brought in $36 the first year it was published.  That was four years ago.  Since then I have received nothing.  I believe the publisher will not cut a check for less than $25.
Yesterday I received this:
Apparently in the last four years I have sold close to ten books.
I am so proud and excited.  If I sell only 925 more books I will break even on my investment.


  1. But, you're a published author and that's pretty cool and some would say, priceless. :)

  2. I agree with Valley Angel, but it's still a little discouraging when so many authors sell millions of books that are basically the same story with different place names and people names with maybe a slight tweak to the original tale.

  3. Many congratulations. At least you got published, I could only manage one publishing in a magazine! In the end I gave up and got my own books printed.

  4. I've never made a cent from the sale of my book - all 2 of them! But it was fun and only cost me about £50 so I'm not complaining.

  5. You hundred-aire authors are always showing off your wealth.

    1. LOL...I apologize, I just can't help myself!

  6. I'm guessing this is indeed a hard place to earn a living.

    Have a fabulous day and don't spend all the money in one place. ☺

  7. I never made enough for them to cut me a check - I refused to take paypal. Oh, well.

  8. Hey, at least a check is coming in which is more than a lot get. Be proud and maybe frame it?

  9. It could happen, and i hope it does.

  10. Good luck on selling another book!!

  11. Ha! At least you can claim to be a published author. I've only been paid for one short story. It was two hundred words and I got paid a buck a word. I made a copy of the check.

  12. Make sure that Uncle Sam gets his cut! At least you've written two books! That's two more than me.

  13. Nice! You'll be raking it in by your second retirement ....

    ... I helped Mom 'self'-publish her poetry. Cost her about $500. Cost me just over $700 because of post-print re-writes ..... . And she decided to give 'em all away ....

  14. Is this it's an honor to be nominated kind of thing? Well, I think it's cool you have 2 books published!

  15. You can't win the lottery if you don't buy a ticket :) I haven't made a lot of money, but I do get a small amount deposited into my account each quarter.

    I self publish through Amazon's CreateSpace. It's easy and I'm out very little money. They will print one book and ship it to someone in TimBuckTwo (????)

  16. Hey Joe, a check coming in for your books is a good thing, gotta start somewhere hopefully the sales and the checks continue to grow.
