Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Just a Little Creepy

Just a Little Creepy
Mrs. C’s sister, the owner operator of the famed “The Hair Shop” of South Amboy, cuts and color a specialty, came down to our Shore House lair for two days.  Apparently, S-I-L, unbeknownst to me, uses eye lash augmentators…These.
 She kept them on a tissue in the only bathroom in the small apartment.
I first noticed them while standing and doing my business. 
It was a little creepy.
I think one winked at me.


  1. If one really did wink at you, that would definitely be creepy. Wasn't she afraid they might blow away?

  2. Beats me how they put them on. Glued? ... aaaah!

  3. I thought they were bugs when I first saw them.

  4. I would have drawn the rest of a face on that tissue.

  5. Seems like a lot of trouble to me. In fact, just being a woman today, with all the lotions and potions and other goop they're told they must use, sounds like a lot of trouble to me.

  6. They have magnetic ones now too

  7. I used to wear those in my younger years. You know, back when I could see. That would be a bit disconcerting to see in your bathroom. Okay, creepy works too.

    Have a fabulous day, Joe. ☺

  8. I think you just wanted to use the word "unbeknowst" in a sentence, correctly?

  9. I had a sister-in-law who wore them and would leave them on the kitchen counter occasionally. My Mother-in-law saw one and thought it was a bug and hit it with a fly swatter.

  10. Used to be popular when I was younger. Guess they are now coming back. Good thing no one beat them to death with a shoe.

  11. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Hilarious!!!! Does she know you took this pic???

  12. And all those Q-tips.What's that all about?

  13. We had someone living here once, Miss Lizzy, who used those. They don't bother me any more.

  14. I'm with Olga, you should draw a face there Ha Ha

  15. They might even look scary if you don't wear your glasses and had several glasses of beer or wine!
