Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Dipping Sauce

Dipping Sauce

It is amazing how handy the internet can be.

Saturday for dinner Mrs. C pulled out some Omaha Steak products she brought for a quiet night at our shore vacation rental; coconut shrimp, and beef spring rolls.  We then realized that this cuisine should have dipping sauce.

Duc Sauce, or that Chinese red gooey stuff would go well, but we were at the shore.  The nearest store that might have those items was 20 minutes away, and Saturday traffic can be bad at the Jersey Shore.

What to do, what to do?

Look up Asian dipping sauces on the internet. 

We did not have all the ingredients suggested for homemade dipping sauces, but we had a few.

With lime juice, teriyaki sauce, Worchester sauce, orange juice, yogurt and honey we made three…THREE different dipping sauces.

Orange juice and honey with a touch of teriyaki, was perfect for coconut shrimp.  Lime juice, yogurt and honey also went well with the shrimp.

Teriyaki, honey, lime juice and a dash or Worchester worked well with the spring rolls.

We are not going to label these sauces and go on Shark Tank for funding to start a new brand; they are not as good as what we could buy at Acme, but for a makeshift effort with limited ingredients they were not bad.

From plain coconut shrimp and spring rolls, we had three dipping sauces like you would get at a restaurant and it only took about five minutes to mix them up.

Ain’t the internet grand?


  1. There are lots of great dipping sauces that you can make and save a lot of money too. We do this all the time.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

  2. Thank goodness for the Internet! As a bonus, your dipping sauces were probably healthier than store bought. It all sounds delicious to me.

  3. Yes, it surely is grand. I hunt stuff up all the time!
    Happy to hear you had such an enjoyable meal!

  4. Yes, the Internet can provide much useful information, as well as a lot of nonsense.

  5. Love the internet. It can diagnose, fix or create with a touch of a key. That meal sounds wonderful.

  6. There are sites where you can type in what you have in the house, and they will come up with dinner recipes. That's as close to magic as it can get!

  7. The internet is like having a doctor/gourmet chef/repairman/etc. at your fingertips!!

  8. What's that old saying, "Necessity is the mother of dipping sauces." or something like that.

  9. Sometimes the things we mix up with limited ingredients come out the best, sounds like you nailed it Joe.

  10. I'm impressed. Now I want some dipping sauces. They would be better if Mrs. C made them for me, though. I used to make homemade honey mustard sauce for Genius's chicken. He said it was as good as the packets at McDonalds. I'm not sure that's a compliment.

  11. Increasingly, I find myself trusting people to do something while they stare at a how-to Youtube clip on how to do it. "Are you sure you know how to do this?" I ask...

    I'll just warn you about webMD diagnosticians. They will always diagnose you with cancer, and it's not always cancer, Mom!

  12. It certainly is grand. My daughter often finds recipes there. She types in the ingredients in her cabinet and voila! up comes a recipe or three. Some work out, some don't, she tells me about the good ones in case I want to try them too.

  13. very ingenious with the dipping sauces! They sounded delicious! I don't know how we ever survived without the Internet. In the old days of my work, there were reference books for every single specialty that you basically needed plus a medical dictionary, plus a medication book that you had to buy yearly with the updates as new meds came on the market. Nowadays I just google something and within 30 seconds or less I have what I need. And I complain if something takes longer than that to come up with a search. We are so spoiled.


  14. Sad, Stephen used the line I was going to use! The next line would have been 'wish I had your inventiveness'.

  15. Omgosh. That all sounds so delicious and now I'm craving coconut shrimp. PS - Teriyaki anything is amazing. :)

  16. Agreed!

    When I first got on the Internet...about 21 years ago or so...I thought of it as a giant cookbook. Heh.
