Thursday, June 22, 2017

My Problem With Dicks

My Problem With Dicks

Dick's the sporting goods store that is; I figure the title will get this blog some new visitors.

Last year I purchased a golf GPS gadget.  This gadget tells you how far you are from any hole on any golf course in the country.  It also allows you to measure the distance of any shot.  This information is very helpful when playing a round of golf.

I used it twice, and then somehow, I lost it.  I turned the house upside down but I could not find it.  I reluctantly bought a new one at Dick’s last August.  I bought one in a weird ugly green instead of black so it would be harder to lose. 

It worked fine the few times I played at the end of last year.  In the winter, I found the old GPS gadget.  It was outside, apparently it fell off my golf bag, under a bush.  It had been rained on, snowed on, and endured periods of heat and extreme cold.  It still worked.

Now I have two GPS gadgets, which is fine as sometimes the battery runs down when I need it, so a backup is nice, or I can loan it to another golf buddy.

I used the new GPS gadget last week, it worked fine.  Yesterday it was not working.  It searched for a GPS signal, but would never find it.  Everything else on the gadget worked, but without a GPS signal it was worthless.  I mean it gives me the time and date, but I get that on multiple other sources.

I took the gadget back to Dick’s to see if they would replace it as it was less than a year old and clearly defective.  I’m pretty sure they could send it back to the manufacturer and get their money back.  It is defective, and there is no way for the manufacturer to know when it was sold.  I doubt the manufacturer would argue with Dick’s, one of their biggest retailors.

Dick’s told me that they could not help me unless I had only bought the GPS gadget within six months.  What crap.  I bought it in August, but the only months to play golf in this area (except for some fanatics) would be August, September, October (maybe) April and then May.  I have not had six months use of the gadget. 

It is not that Dick’s could not help me, it is Dick’s won’t help me.  They suggested I contact the manufacturer.  Somehow I think I might have less clout then Dick’s Sporting Store.

Anyway, I still have one toy, I don’t really need a backup.  I’m going to run the battery down on the defective one, maybe it will reset and work again.

I’m not happy, but I’m sure I will get over it and go back to Dick’s again.


  1. I used to live Dick's but now I hate Dick's. I told this to a guy pushing Dick coupons at a lacrosse game. I told him I had a bad experience with Dick's. My 14 year old son almost died from embarrassment. They are the worst. But sometimes you can't avoid needing Dick's so there you go. I've been there.

  2. I'm not a golfer but I've had problems with the GPS of the travel kind. I'm sure if I ever tried to golf and used a GPS it would tell me to get off at the next exit.

  3. What does the original Manufacturer's warranty say? It sounds like Dick's was just casually throwing 6 months out there. Look it up online, and if it's more than 6 months, you can tell Dick to go screw himself. ;)

  4. This is why Grandpa tapes the receipt and warranty to everything he owns, or keeps it in a file if he can't tape it to the actual device. It's gotten him many an item replaced.

    Lots of places are getting much stricter in their return policies.

  5. Sounds like the bad service I'm getting from Direct TV, but that's a story for another time.

  6. When I saw the title of this post I thought, wow, Cranky's doing a post on the story of my life. :D I didn't know about those golf GPS things but I have a bro in law who would be super interested. I wonder if he's got one.

  7. I almost spewed the sip of wine out of my mouth when I read the title of your blog tonight. Advanced warning might help for the next time :) All is good; nothing to clean up here. We have Dick's here; I've been in them a few times but haven't really found what I was looking for (exercise equipment).


  8. 6 months sounds kind of bogus. Don't think I ever had anything with a warranty for that amount of time.

  9. I thought anything that went wrong inside a year meant the company who sold it owed you either a repair or replacement. Sounds like the company needs teaching a lesson.

  10. Well golly gee gosh, how did people ever manage to play golf before GPS gadgets?
    I'm glad you found your original one and it still works, just goes to show the original is always (mostly) better than the new and improved.

  11. Don't you love it when a retailer won't stand behind their products? I've always hated Dicks, just because their prices are outrageous.

  12. You are more forgiving than I am. Write a bad review on Yelp or one of those sights. I have found that companies respond rather quickly to those.

  13. That tends to happen with some retailers, they care less about your problem and more about profits.

  14. I'm sorry that Dicks is being a Dick. Just saying. Customer service is non existent in many places these days.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend. ☺

  15. You, of all people, should know how to deal with dicks, I mean Dicks!!

  16. Now I am glad there are no Dicks in my area and only a few dicks for that matter.

  17. I am sorry you are having a problem with Dick's. I never had any trouble with Skeeter's. That's the regional sporting goods store I did business with, back when I was a coach at several different schools. Skeeter Kell. No Dick's around these parts.

  18. I sometimes buy the extended insurance on things like that. I think it's hit and miss.

  19. I hate it when dicks act like douche bags. Send an email to their headquarters! Maybe that will help.
