Monday, June 12, 2017



One final post on our recent trip.  I hate travel…not dislike, hate.  Some people love to travel.  They love to see new things and places.  They enjoy the excitement and the challenge of new things and new places.  I do not.

I am comfortable at home.  I know the TV schedule.  I know where to go to get things I need.  I like my routines, and you old people will get this, I like my toilet…nuff said.

I do like getting places and once settled into the new environment and a new routine I can and do enjoy nice places away from home. 

Still...If it was up to me, I would never leave New Jersey.

It is not up to me. Mrs. C takes charge and when we go on vacation, she does all the work.  She makes the plans, she does the packing, she arranges the travel.  My job is to shut the hell up and follow.  Do not ask questions, just grab the luggage and follow her instructions.

Mrs. C is very good at making the plans, doing the packing and arranging the travel.  She does all the worrying and stressing, I just follow.  Actually that is not 100% true, I follow, but I do ask a lot of questions and I do add to her stress.  About 20 times a day she will tell me to just follow, it is all worked out.

So once again we have taken a trip which I hated the travel but enjoyed the destination.  It is only because Mrs. C is so good at travel that I can survive it at all. 

I have had other travel companions who did all the work, but also complained about it constantly, often screwed up and then blamed me, occasionally got us strip searched because of her agitated response to TSA personnel, and in general had me walking on egg shells for every step of a trip. 

Now, when traveling, Mrs. C often has to tell me to relax, “It is under control, I am not that other woman!”

Thank you, Mrs. C, for all the work and stress you took on to give us a great trip once again.

You’re the best! 


  1. Kudos to Mrs. Cranky for her travel savvy and for you both enjoying your vacation together!


  2. I don't mind the travelling part, but when I reach the destination, I want to have enough time there to settle and enjoy the newness. I would hate those whirlwind tours that promise ten countries in ten days. If I had my way, I'd spend a month everywhere I went. More likely a week, but at least long enough to know where I was.

  3. I wish I had a Mrs Cranky to organise things for me. How lucky you are, Joe.

  4. I enjoy the research as much as the traveling. I'm glad you have Mrs. C to get you out of the house.

  5. That is so sweet. Also fresh pang of missing my husband who was the travel organizer in our relationship.

  6. You are very fortunate to have Mrs C looking after things. I hate travel too and IF we travel it is all up to me so needless to say, it doesn't happen very often.

  7. Awww......That's a good hubby! Glad you had a great time and truthfully, I hate airports but love my kids enough to fly!

  8. Congratulations to you two for finding each other and having great travel adventures together this way.

  9. I agree with you about hating travel but appreciating the destination.

  10. I do all the planning for what few trips we take. I'm not a traveler either. I don't need to see the world to make me complete. I'm happy right here and I can find many ways to spend my money on other things.

    Have a fabulous day, Joe. ☺

  11. All hail Mrs.C!!

  12. Considering your likes and dislikes, you are one blessed man to have married Mrs. C. Good to know you realize it also and that was a sweet shout out to her.

  13. Remind me not to go on a Med cruise with you.......we might get kicked off in Montenegro.....wait, that'd be ok....

  14. I'm a homebody myself. Sounds like Mrs. C is the Julie McCoy of your Love Boat.

  15. We call that "get in, sit down, shut up, hold on". It's really a very pleasant way to travel. Good for Mrs C!

  16. We love Mrs. C. You really should relax because it sounds like she does have it all under control. :)

  17. Isn't it great to have a planner around?

  18. WE all need a Mrs Cranky to make our vacation plans and handle all the stress.

    I totally agree about the traveling. I hate to leave my animals, and my bathroom!
