Friday, May 26, 2017



This cranky re-run is from May 2013

There are many different voices of authority.

There is “The Boss” who loves to spout instructions that are ridiculous but sound very important and “Boss-like.”  My favorite is, “I don’t care how you do it, just get it done!”  How inspirational, so instructive, so helpful…

“Thanks Boss!”

There is the preacher who tries to sound like he believes God would sound.  He speaks loud and slow and with prefect diction.  “And so GoDDD spake to the Israelites and he said, ‘Do not do what you know you should not for if you do then it will be displeasing to me that you would do that which I asked you not to do regardless of how you believe this is what needs to be done.’ Thus I beseech you to listen to GoDDD and don’t do that!”

“Wha wha wha what?”

There is the politician who tells you what you want and tells you how you think.

“The American people are tired of high taxes; they want better roads and lower oil prices.  The American people are tired of politics as usual and seek change and forward thinking to progress in a positive direction.  The American people know that anything bad that happened these last four years would have been worse if I was not your leader and everything that was good came about because of my policies.  The American people….”

“Blah blah blah.”

My favorite voice of authority is the airline pilot.  I would vote for any President who could make a State of the Union Address like an airline pilot.

“Attention citizen passengers, this is your President speaking.  On the domestic front the economy may be a bit bumpy, so you will have to tighten your belt a smidge.  We will be traveling at about 8% inflation with little sign of improvement for most of the trip.  We may need to hike taxes just a bit; this is for your own protection and safety, please bear with us. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

On the international flights we also expect much turbulence especially from the Mid-east and parts of Asia.  Please just remain calm and we will try to weather any storms in these areas.

We would like to thank you for your vote, we know you have several choices and we hope to have you come back to our Party again soon.  We should reach our destination of peace in the world and prosperity at home in about four more years so just sit back, let us handle the controls and enjoy your journey."

I would love my airline pilot-President; how about the Miracle-on-the- Hudson pilot Captain Sully Sullenberger.
President Sully


  1. “Thanks Boss!”

    “Wha wha wha what?”

    “Blah blah blah.”

    Spot on.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend. ☺

  2. I love modern American society. Here is my philosophy: I am for good and against evil. I should fit right in.

    Here is my version of the modern airline pilot-philosopher: Attention passengers. At 250 MPH, we are about to hit the ground. You have 12 seconds to figure out who to blame. I am going to my cry room to blow bubbles. Thank you for flying Academic Airlines.

  3. Sure, Sully for President. He has more credibility than any of those other mugs up there now. :)

  4. Any guy who can get several dozen passengers to stand on the wings of a plane that is floating in deep water and have them all remain calm sounds like the guy for the job.

  5. Sully would get my vote!!

  6. I think Sully has enough common sense to never consider politics as a career.

  7. They seem to have quit announcing the President with that little musical riff, but I say, "Hail to the Sully!"

  8. Good one, Joeh. I always heard that name from those 'preachers' as 'Gouaaaddd'.

  9. The new page layout looks great.

    The President should be more of a calming influence, like an airline pilot, speaking as though there's a chance that everyone might die.

    That would be a nice change.

  10. You should write speeches for the Pilot-President!

  11. Since I hate to fly, when I force myself on a plane, I look to see how the flight attendants are doing. If they seem relaxed, I'm relaxed. I also welcome when the captain comes on and gives his little speech about how high we are flying etc. I figure all must be going reasonably well if he is talking to us in a soothing calm voice. But definitely Sully would get my vote!


  12. "I don't care how you do it, just get it done." I remember saying that several times to my kids when asking them to make beds and tidy their rooms. I didn't care if things weren't to my standard as long as they learned to do it. Prior to this, I had shown them how of course, but it was their own choice how they got things done. All I asked was that no toys were left lying around for people to trip over.

  13. I'd vote for the honest "pilot" approach. We CAN handle the truth.

  14. The airline president would be refreshing.

  15. I'd vote for President Sully. I'd even vote for President Sully played by Tom Hanks. Of course that would make Meg Ryan Vice President/Co-pilot..hmmmm.

  16. Absolutely - Sully for President!
