Wednesday, May 17, 2017


Once again, when I find myself running out of stuff to post on, another blogger gives me an idea.  For this post give credit (or blame) to Sarah @People Don’t Eat Enough Fudge
I love old stuff.  Stuff that came before me and stuff that will remain after I am gone.  There is a certain sense of an attachment to the past that I find peaceful.  When my mom went to assisted living, my brothers and I divided up most of her possessions.  

Except for some tantrums by my ex-wife who had no business even opening her big trap, it was a smooth process.  There were some items I cherished, and when I visit my brother or my SIL I also enjoy visiting those cherished items.
One cherished item that I claimed was an old curio cabinet.  Inside the cabinet are hundreds of different items.  Many very old, some fairly recent, all with special memories to someone.  I don’t know the special memories to many pieces, but I know they were saved for a reason and that makes them special.
Top shelf
Many items were my mothers.  Many came from my Grandfather whom I never knew.  He brought back pieces from his time as an Army Captain in the war in the Philippians…1902.  There are Ivory carved pieces, an old decorative shoe buckle, silver eyeglass case, the ball my mom hit for a hole in one, several old trophies, a gold pen, and bits and pieces too numerous to name.
Middle shelf
I have since added and old stop watch which we used when racing sailboats.  A “Let’s Go Mets” button from their World Series win, a Mickey Mantle button, an old large US penny of undiscernible date and a commemorative button for the first moon landing.
Every once and a while I sort through the different items.  I always find something I had not seen before. 
The cabinet is my own time capsule.


  1. Lovely memorabilia. The little curio cabinet is quite nice too. For whatever reasons, I guess everyone should keep a few things from the past. Good reminder of the continuity of family and life.

  2. Wow! So much to see! Is it wrong of me, when I look at the bottom shelf, to wish for one of those claw thingies, like in a grabber machine?

  3. So many stories behind each one of those pieces there. If they could all talk, they probably would tell more themselves.


  4. I used to love looking into people's curio cabinets when I was little, not too many people have them now. The local antique stores are full of cabinets full of curios that no one seems to want anymore. I'd have one if I had space for it. The few bits I have live in the top shelf of the entertainment unit.

  5. Wow Joe, such a lot to look at! Mine will be filled with things I've collected as sadly I have very little from other people. I love that you cherish other peoples memories even if you don't know the significance of each thing. To someone they once meant a great deal.

  6. I would be in ecstasy browsing through that cabinet. I envy you that treasure.

  7. I think that is a lovely idea. I too have a little cabinet that is, in itself, a memory box. The only problem is, I find I spend a little toomuch time in the past......

  8. We have a couple of curio cabinets, I love the stuff my wife puts in them. Many memories there. Love yours, it's really special.

  9. Very nice Joe, I love looking at collections like this, as you mentioned each and every piece holds a special memory for someone, and with at least three generations of memories this curio cabinet is priceless.

  10. You're redone your blog look. I like.

    My mother had one of these cabinets and I think my sister has it now. She's the family historian. They do indeed have lots of items from long ago.

    Have a fabulous day, Joe. ☺

  11. I like your cabinet a lot. You should do a series of posts telling the story behind each item in there.

    I may steal this post idea...

  12. There's more stuff in that cabinet than you'd find in an antique store's!

  13. Pleased for the peek into the soft side of joeh. You have really collected some wonderful memories and I hope your kids know all the histories.

  14. We have a curio cabinet, and i cherish what's in it. It's beautiful that you have these things, i'm glad you enjoy them.

  15. You need to go on Antiques Roadshow with some of those!

  16. Great stuff, Joe. I love curio cabinets, knick-knack shelves, and any other places where pieces of the past reside. The more esoteric, the better.

  17. My late mother had an old box and she had all her favorite stuff in it including her children first wears ,so many things belong to her parent [father specially] books and toys,she kept that box for her whole life and when we both sisters got married some of her items like toys and decoration items she gave us as gift ,i never saw such neat and well cared things like her's .
    i am not fond of collecting anything like her but i have her gifts which mean Lot to me .liked you definition as time capsule

  18. Fortunately my mother down-sized a few years before we had our falling out. Unfortunately we later found out that the stories she told us about family history and heirloom history are, at best, made up. Fortunately we've been able to compare notes with cousins to figure out what is real and what is fable .....

  19. Great post, great idea, Joe. Even those of us downsizing like myself could find room for something like this. :)

  20. What a neat cabinet! I like the idea that so many memories are contained in a small space. So many people have way too much, all over the house, and then it becomes clutter that makes you feel claustrophobic. I agree, you should do a post about some of those items in the cabinet.

  21. I have a cabinet that was my Mother-in-laws and my son would like it when he has a place to put it. When my little Granddaughter heard us talking about it she immediately asked if all the "stuff" inside came with it! Guess I'd better figure out what stays with me and what goes!

  22. That's a great curio cabinet. More of a treasure chest.. I love all of the pieces inside and I bet every one of them has a story, a travel route and destination.. Lots of memories there. Love this post, Joe.

  23. There should be a blue paper swan, maybe faded. I made that in elementary school and gave it to Gammie, she obviously appreciated it enough to put in cabinet. I think I also wrote her a little card that says something about flowers smelling good and so does she.

  24. Every time I look at our knick knacks I get and idea for a blog. They are magic.
