Monday, May 1, 2017

Lost and Found…too late

Lost and Found…too late

A few years ago, I left my credit card at a restaurant.  The next day I realized what I had done, called the restaurant (Bonefish) and fortunately they were holding my card and waiting for my call.

Since then I have been paranoid about my credit cards.  If you lose one not only are you vulnerable for losing a lot of money, but all those things that are automatically charged to your card (EZ-pass and Kindle for example) will have to be reestablished when you cancel the lost card.
I keep my card in a pocket billfold, and never put the billfold away until my card is given back and I place it in the billfold.
The other day I went to Lowes to buy some plants and some mulch.  I had been to Lowes several days before, but needed more to complete a landscaping project.  When I went to pay, my credit card was not in my billfold.
P A N I C ! !
I paid cash, and came home in a tizzy.
“What’s wrong?”
“I lost my credit card!”
“Ok, ok, relax, it will turn up.”
“How did I lose it?  I always keep my billfold out and never put it away without my credit card!”
“It will turn up.”
“It’s gone!” (If you read this with panic in your mind, you are reading correctly.)
“Where did you use it last?”
“Boston Markets, and then Lowes.  Boston Market for dinner Friday night, then I used it Saturday at Lowes, so I didn’t lose it at Boston Market, it had to be at Lowes…except at Lowes I used it and then went right back when I realized I needed mulch.  I paid cash for the mulch to the same cashier that I went to when I bought the plants.  Surely he would have alerted me to the lost card if I left it there.”
“It will turn up.”
“I’m not taking a chance, I’m going to cancel it and get a new card.”
“It will turn up.”
“It’s gone!”
I called the bank, canceled the card and they are sending a new card.  Several hours after I canceled the card, I sneezed, grabbed a box of tissues that was next to the bed, and underneath the box was my card.
“What’s the matter?”
“Saturday afternoon, I took my card out to call about that special thing that seemed like a bargain but turned out to be bull-spit.  I left my card on the end table, and it slipped under the tissue box.”
“So you found it?”
“I told you it would turn up…JERK!
Sometimes she is right.


  1. Oh, goodie, and now it's cancelled. What fun you'll have, especially if you miss something ... Sorry, been there with DH.

  2. Best to err on the side of caution. Because WHAT IF your card did not turn up?

    OH NO! I was just going to smugly tell you that I always leave MY credit card on the speaker by my computer--and now I see that it's GONE!

    Oh, well. I'm sure a blog post will turn up about it...

    1. Seems to me like a very odd place to keep a credit card.

  3. Oh well at least you get a new card and a new number, plus you get to contact everyone you have ever used your card with (except, I don't suppose you could call the bank and just say never mind I found it.

  4. In a way, it's funny but it isn't at all. I've
    been there and it's franticsville all the way.

  5. I couple of months ago my whole wallet disappeared (& has never been seen again); talk about PANIC!!

  6. I still think you were wise to cancel it; you just never know these days, but again what a hassle to reinstate things, etc. I am thankful when we go out, hubby always pays and I rarely go anywhere that requires me to pay for something myself (yes I need a life).


  7. I'm glad it turned up in your own home, but for a while there I was imagining someone speeding to the nearest hotel and using your card to buy expensive Scotch, which is what happened to my son when he was recently mugged.

  8. Been there, done that.... quite recently. I had a new one within a matter of hours but still don't know what happened to the old one. I guess you had that awful panicky feeling as well.

  9. My husband did the same thing with credit card at restaurant, they told him they put it in their safe. However, credit card company told us to destroy card and order new one, because who knows how many people looked at card.

    I know your panic feeling. i once accidentally threw away my drivers license.

  10. Always good to learn I am not the only one -- one who misplaces things, not a jerk.

  11. It happens, and i'm glad you found it. This kind of panic is common in our house, Sweetie loses everything, poor guy.

  12. Well at least no one else had the card and were charging things. You did some work, but all is well that ends well. I'm glad you found your worthless card. Sorry, I couldn't help myself.

    Have a fabulous day, Joe. ☺

  13. I've misplaced my credit card a few times but so far I've always found it without issue.

  14. For future reference you might check with your bank to see if they have a "suspend" feature on your credit and debt cards. Mine does. If I "misplace" my card I can go online and tell my bank to instantly freeze any new card purchases, without actually, formally cancelling the card. Then if you find it an hour or day later, you can simply reactivate the card. The banks like this feature because it saves them a lot of money cancelling and then issuing new cards, and for the customer the advantages are obvious. Glad you found yours so soon. :)

    1. Next time I will ask...and I'm sure there will be a next time.

  15. Exhale joeh. I know that moment of panic when the credit card isn't where it is supposed to be. Interesting thought from Lowandslow. Wasn't aware of the suspended feature. Good to know.

  16. Um, don't kick me in the teeth for this but- You can suspend a credit card while you frantically search for it ...... will save a lot of hassle. NEXT time ...

  17. Never mind, 'better safe than sorry' could just as easily have gone the other way.

  18. In my experience, the most effective method for finding lost items is to procure their replacement. . .

  19. I had to laugh...I've done that with my debit card. I cancel it, and then I find it. I have to wait 5-8 days without a debit card. When will I ever learn???
