Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Who, who, who do the doo?

Who, who, who do the doo?

The last several weeks, whenever we go to our car, it has been pelted with giant bird droppings.  Above the car is a tree, but we never see any bird or nest in the tree, yet below the tree the car and the driveway seems to be carpet bombed in a narrow two-yard strip of bird crap.

These are not song bird poops.  They are large and nasty.  White with brown in the middle.  WTF!

At night I often hear the call of a barn owl.  I know it is a barn owl because I Googled owl sounds and this one is easy to place.  “Who, who, whoop whoop ti doo.”  I think it is a mating call followed several seconds later from another call I assume from a horney owl, as opposed to a Horned owl.

Anyway, I think this must be the culprit.  We see no bird in the daytime, and anything under the tree is carpet bombed by bird goop in the morning so it must be happening at night when owls are active.

One thing for sure, this bird(s) is very well fed.  I just wish he would stay out of our tree.

Pretty sure last night I heard the call "Who, who? I pooped on you."


  1. So.. I remember when my boys (now 37) were young, and I said to my mother "I can't wait til the boys outgrow the poop humor".. She answered "/well, they might... but your father never did"..Your Aunt Louise was a wise and observant lady.. and Hagy men are all the same!

  2. We have a few owls that I was really excited to get some pics of. Looking at your poopmobile I'm glad they stay far from house and vehicle! Yuck!

  3. Dang! That night owl is full of poop!

  4. He holds it in until he is settled above your car ...

  5. Move your car until mating season is over, or buy it a giant umbrella.

  6. At least it was on your car & not on YOU!!

  7. Never a good sight to see bird poop on vehicles. We're dealing with the same thing here, along with it being on our pool deck, etc.


  8. oh i am the victim too as my neem tree stands above my little garden and leaves of many plants are spoiled by there over feeding .
    i hope you find some solution to protect your car

  9. Wondering if owls have a dislike of anything blue. I say this because a neighbour had similar trouble, but not from owls.It all ceased when he swapped his car.

  10. Ha Ha. I would love a bird in my tree and also I would park my car elsewhere. I saw that image at the beginning and thought it was some abstract painting. When you do not know what it is, it is lovely.

  11. My friend as just complaint yesterday about the sudden onslaught of poop on her deck.

    We've always said the barred owl is saying, "who cooks for you?" Had one hang out for about a week at our old house.

  12. My great-grandmother Bessie used to tell Grandma a story about the time she tried to run away and in the woods at night the owl kept saying "Who?" and she would tell it her name. Scared her into running back home. Anyway, that's what i think of when i think of owls.

    Sorry the owl thinks your tree is the latrine.

  13. Many moons ago the hubs, our daughter and myself were rumbling along in downtown Guelph, windows down, sun was good. I became aware of a shadow on the road...a Big shadow. Looking up I saw a heron flying above, dropping lower and lower in the sky. Some primordial instinct caused me to scream "windows up". No sooner were those windows safely up than the beast above let fly. Our little car was coated with green goo...seriously, I had no idea a bird could hold so much crap. We took a detour to the car wash before we went anywhere else.
    Hang a couple of tin pie pans in the tree where they can swing and bang together. It may discourage your late night 'roosters'.

  14. They are flying poop houses. That's what I call them. They can zero in on your vehicle or you and with precision make a mess of things.

    Have a doo doo free day. ☺

  15. That's a pretty big splat. Any pterodactyls in your neighborhood?

  16. Hahaha
    I notice the same thing on my car but at least it a little
    easier to wash off than being egged on Halloween. Boy, that
    egg is really hard to remove. (Brats)

  17. That is massive and sad. So sorry joeh. At least your neighborhood should be free of rodents--their main dish.

  18. Wow that bird got serious, you may have to find a different spot until he moves on.

  19. I can promise you this, the more pissed off you get, the more poop you'll find on your windshield. I'm not sure how they know but trust me on this.

  20. I know ospreys manage pretty large, nasty loads, but I don't think that's the kind of bird that would sit around in your tree. Move the car. There's no arguing with a bird brain.
