Sunday, February 26, 2017



This cranky re-run is from October 2011
My best friend in High School and College, Charlie, and I had a code for uncomfortable comments which might be taken out of context.  “Say Sandwich.”  It came from the punch line to a bad joke….OK, I’ll just summarize it.
Two teens were parked at the local “make-out stop” with girls they picked up at the mall.  In the back seat there were the remains of an old egg salad sandwich.  The couple in the front seat was passionately going at it, the couple in the back…not so much.  Bored, the teen in the back reached for the old sandwich.  His “date” exclaimed, “you’re not going to eat that smelly old thing are you?” The young dude responded loudly and with much urgency (here comes the punch line) “SAY SANDWICH!”

I told you it was not a great joke, but the punch line stood the test of time.  If, for instance,  after a round of golf, Charlie made a comment at the local watering hole, “Next week I’d like to try out your balls.”  The quick response would be “SAY SANDWICH!”  We would laugh like hell and no one else had a clue why.

Several years ago I took my seven-year-old son to his favorite store, “Dick’s Sporting Goods.”  As we left the store in the presence of several people my son exclaimed loudly, “You know Dad, I love Dick’s.”  I still do not know how to explain to him my immediate knee jerk response.  


  1. OMG! That is hilarious! Kids bring out the best and the worst in us.

  2. Heeheehee! It's good to laugh first thing Monday morning!

  3. Hhaha!! Having read egg salad, I thought maybe it was that whenever someone smelled something foul after a silent, escaped seepage of gas, you might scream SAY SANDWICH! :)

  4. Families often have their own private language, and your family has a private joke.

  5. ahhh.....inside jokes. I love em.

  6. I love Dick's too. But of course I do. Too funny.

    Have a fabulous day, Joe. ☺

  7. I can see why that has stood the test of time. It can be used in many situations:)

  8. Too bad my (then 11-year-old) son didn't know about that the evening I embarrassed him in the middle of Little Caesars, after he took too long playing an arcade game where he had been winning superballs. "Do you know how hard it is, standing here holding your balls?"

  9. Speaking from the hometown area, I don't like Dick's anymore ..... go figure.
